Communication Quotes Page 2

Communication Quotes Page 2

  1. “Constantly develop your communication skills as they are one of the key skills in success in life.”
  2. “It makes little difference how many university courses or degrees a person may own. If he cannot use words to move an idea from one point to another, his education is incomplete.” Norman Cousins
  3. Knowing when to speak up with a suggestion and when to keep quiet is an art and a skill. Tom O'Brien

  4. “Knowing when to speak up with a suggestion and when to keep quiet is an art and a skill.” Tom O’Brien
    Inspirational Quotes
  5. “For effective communication think about how is your speech is perceived than in what you are actually saying.” Byron Rivers
    Words of Encouragement
  6. “In this world that we live in, language is key. Everything that we do is based off of our ability to communicate with people, and to communicate with them well.” Emma Jones; Zach Raymond, Influence and Persuasion
  7. “Just because the means of communication are readily available doesn’t mean that people have learned to communicate well.” Dale Carnegie, The Leader in You
    Inspirational Sayings
  8. “It is generally better to deal by speech than by letter; and by the mediation of a third than by a man’s self.” Francis Bacon, Essays
  9. “To be an effective communicator, you must focus on all aspects of your communication, not just the words you say, which might be only 10% of your entire message. Poor body language can sink even the most cleverly worded statement.” Trevor Poulin, Always Say the Right Thing
  10. “It is not the language of painters, but the language of nature which one should listen to…The feeling for things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for the picture.” Vincent Van Gogh
  11. True communication goes beyond talking and listening; it is about understanding. Gerald Campbell

  12. “True communication goes beyond talking and listening; it is about understanding.” Gerald Campbell, Communication: The 8 Laws of Communication
    Top Ten Quotes
  13. “Behavior therapists, for example, believe that our problems with getting along result from a lack of communication and problem-solving skills. So when someone criticizes us, we may get defensive when we should be listening.” David D. Burns, Feeling Good Together
  14. “Your attitude, open mindedness, ability to convey ideas, listening skills, patience, compatibility and language skills are some of the factors that define good communication skills.” Zayne Parker, Confidence
  15. “To present your positive self requires you to pay attention to how and what verbal and nonverbal communication you use.” Peter W. Murphy, Always Know What To Say
  16. “Communication is a very powerful tool and all married couples should learn how to use it.” Vivian Sandau, Mutual Respect in Marriage
  17. “To succeed in the marriage relationship, both partner of the couple has to remain in constant and effective communication.” Karen Clancy, Resisting Temptation
  18. “Attentive listening is the foundation of good therapy, leadership, parenting, friendship, and even meaningful politics. The need to be heard, understood, and truly know is universal.” Stephen Post, PhD and Jill Neimark, Why Good Things Happen to Good People
  19. Nothing is so simple that it cannot be misunderstood.  Freeman Teague, Jr.

  20. “Nothing is so simple that it cannot be misunderstood.” Freeman Teague, Jr.
  21. Learn to communicate with an even tone, using words that encourage and uplift instead of blame. Bethany Bridges, How to Be a Good Dad
  22. In today’s world most of the communication is done through electronic systems so shorter the email the more productive you can be, as you can handle a greater number of tasks in a shorter time. Edward Kelly, Getting Things Done the David Allen Way
  23. Home-schooled children have also been evaluated to communicate better. They are also deeper thinkers and more self-assured in studies. Aidin Safavi, Homeschooling: for Beginners
  24. Nonverbal communication speaks louder than the words we say with our mouths. Oftentimes a person’s nonverbal signals don’t match up with the verbal words they are saying. David S. Walton, Influence: The Influence Blueprint
    Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes
  25. While overall online communication is moving more toward video, there is still a large need for written content. Amy Harrop, Leave The Job Behind
  26. Putting real computer power in the hands of the individual is already improving the way people work, think, learn, communicate, and spend their leisure hours. Joseph Benevides, Apple – From Garage to Greatness
  27. Everything we say or not say, do or not do in our interactions is communication. Michael Nir

  28. Everything we say or not say, do or not do in our interactions is communication. Michael Nir, Influence: Body Language Silent Influencing
    Quote of The Day

    The difference between a high- and low-trust relationship is palpable! Take communication. In a high-trust relationship, you can say the wrong thing, and people will still get your meaning. In a low-trust relationship, relationship, you can be very measured, even precise, and they’ll still misinterpret you. Stephen M.R. Covey, The SPEED of Trust

  29. We cannot control the majority of our body language because, to us, they are merely subtle and not very noticeable changes. However, to people around us, it’s often really obvious. Karen Johnson, Marriage
  30. Your body language is just as effective as your words are in communicating your feelings. Steve Gold, Elon Musk: The Business and Life Lessons Of A Modern Day Renaissance Man
  31. Circumstances, in terms of organizational climate and norms of communication amongst colleagues, can crucially affect whether a decision-maker either remains loyal to his or her moral beliefs, or convinces him- or herself that it is acceptable after all to choose that option. Oyvind Kvalnes, Moral Reasoning at Work
  32. Never let that spark fade after you get married. Be friends with each other; communicate as communication clears many doubts that we have about each other. Jacques Harland, Making Your Marriage Work
  33. Generally speaking, someone who is a passive communicator will often give in easily to their partner. Bastiaan Blikman; Chantalle Blikman, Reclaim Yourself
    Thought of The Day
  34. Confident people inspire other people with the sheer power of reliable communication. Kellie Sullivan

  35. Confident people inspire other people with the sheer power of reliable communication. Kellie Sullivan, Confidence : 5O Cool Ways To Express Yourself Daringly
  36. My hands felt every object and observed every motion, and in this way I learnt to know many things. Soon I felt the need of some communication with others and began to make crude signs. Helen Keller , The Story of My Life
  37. If I believe in communication and that listening is an inseparable part of it, and I want my child to listen to what I tell him until the end without interrupting me in the middle, then I make sure I don’t cuthim off in the middle of what he’s saying. Nurit Levi, Change Your Child`s Negative Behavior
  38. When you are in conversation with other people, choose your words wisely. Your words have great power and you should be aware of this. Daniel Smith, Banned Subconscious Mind Secrets
  39. . . . if you are engaged in a conversation with someone and negative thoughts starts to enter your mind, switch your focus immediately to something good, you can do this by giving them a compliment or simply by giving them a nice genuine smile. Ronald Valentino, Habits
  40. Seeds are sown into our hearts in many ways including through words, thoughts, images, prayer, reading, reflecting, music, conversations, media and so on. G B Woodcock, One with Christ
    Inspirational Thoughts
  41. Communication is such an important part of a healthy marriage. Sarah McMillan

  42. Communication is such an important part of a healthy marriage. Sarah McMillan, Rekindle your Marriage
  43. Clearly the art of listening is a skill that we all can benefit from improving. There are many reasons why we don’t listen as well as we should. A block in communication, the habit and desire of wanting to talk about ourselves, having little interest in the topic or being disinterested in the person who is speaking, and the ever-increasing pace of life with a predominance of technological devices replacing face-to-face communication are the four main reasons. Emilia Hardman, Active Listening 101
  44. “There is value in sequencing information – not dumping a stack of information on someone at once but dropping a clue, then another clue, then another clue, then another. This method of communication resembles flirting more than lecturing.” Chip Heath; Dan Heath, Made to Stick
  45. “Selling yourself means communicating so effectively that people will accept that you are what you want them to believe you are.” Gene Bedell, Three Steps to Yes
    Being Yourself
  46. “When you communicate openly, candidly, and transparently, then everyone is on the same sheet of paper and everyone can be part of the potential solution when tough times surface.” Vlad Zachary, The Excellence Habit
  47. “The reason why so few people are agreeable in conversations is that each is thinking more about what he intends to say than about what others are saying, and we never listen when we are eager to speak.” Francois La Rochefoucauld
  48. We know that we need to talk to our employees as regularly as possible, help fulfill their personal development, challenge them in a positive manner, and have faith that they can succeed, while expecting the most of them. Nathan Neil, Inspire Greatness
    Inspirational Quotes  
  49. Silence is one great art of conversation. William Hazlitt

  50. Silence is one great art of conversation. William Hazlitt
  51. Helen Keller’s story is in large part the story of how she acquired language. She lost her sight and hearing just as she was beginning to speak, and for the next five years, though she developed some signs for objects and people around her, she had no words. She was a being without language living in, yet apart from, a social world that derived its structures, meanings, and personal relationships through language. And then, through seemingly miraculous means, she acquired language and entered this world. James Berger, The Story of My Life
  52. “Strike up a conversation with random people whenever you can. It will give you confidence over time that you can talk to anyone.” Jeff Johnson, Connecting
    Believe In Yourself
  53. So often we think presentation and communication are about the words we say. In fact, it’s often far more about how we say them, and what our body is doing while we are saying them. Frances Cole Jones, How to Wow
  54. Starting a conversation is one of the most difficult things to start but when you are successful it is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. Sarah Palmer, Happiness
  55. Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people. Jim Rohn
  56. Prayer is talking with your heavenly Father, and the conversation should just flow out of your heart. Harold Sala

  57. Prayer is talking with your heavenly Father, and the conversation should just flow out of your heart. Harold Sala, Touching God
  58. Verbal communication is a primary way that husbands should express love for their wives. Yet the lack of genuine communication by men in marriage is deeply troubling to millions millions of wives. Stephen Wood, The ABCs of Choosing a Good Husband
  59. “Coaching is a conversation, a dialogue, whereby the coach and the individual interact in a dynamic exchange to achieve goals, enhance performance and move the individual forward to greater success.” Zeus and Skiffington
  60. One of the ways to improve your communication skills is to give yourself the appropriate time to speak with another person. This means that you must not be in a rush to go someplace else, or thinking about something else as you talk to the other person. Byron Pulsifer

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