95 New Year Wishes

95 New Year Wishes

Let these New Year wishes be ones that you share with others. January 1 – what a great time to encourage others. A new year, a new beginning, a new start for us all. Ring in the New Year with these wishes and new year greetings for family and friends. Share these wishes with the special people in your life.

    New Year Wishes I sent to you

  1. New year wishes I send to you
    to encourage you in all you do
    The quote is simple and goes like this:
    A happy new year is my wish
    Sent to you with love and a kiss!  
    New Year Quotes
  2. Hope the New Year starts off bright, and continues to shine throughout the year. Wishes for you of peace and contentment that do not cease. Happy New Year To You!
  3. May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions!
    Joey Adams
    New Year Resolution
  4. The Christmas tree sparkles with lights of green,
    The year is almost ending and our efforts we have seen.
    The coming year will bring love, joy, and cheer
    God bless you and send you a Happy New Year.
     New Year Poem
  5. new year wishes

  6. A new beginning, a new year
    This wish is sent to someone very dear.
    We appreciate all the things you do
    Never forget that we love you!
     New Beginning
  7. We send you our kindly greeting as the New Years dawns.
    New Year Greetings
  8. This new year greeting is sent to you
    Let your dreams this year come true.
    In all your decisions let wisdom be
    For your success, you hold the key.
  9. A new year that brings many wishes
    Let it be as wonderful as Christmas.
    A year filled with joy
    One that you will enjoy.
     Christmas Quotes
  10. May the best memories of the past year be the supersAs this new year begins keep your attitude positive, no matter what happens as the year progresses find the good in every situation. And, if you do that the year will be good to you!
     Positive Attitude
  11. New Year Wish

  12. May the coming year
    Be one that is not feared.
    Take that risk and dare
    Remembering that we care.
     Taking Risks
  13. Happiness is my wish for you this year. Success to you in every accomplishment you achieve in this coming year. Happy New Year!
  14. As you step into this new year, be bold enough and daring enough to believe in the abundant good that has been prepared for you.
    Norman Vincent Peale
  15. We wish for this year, that you believe in yourself, and that this year will bring
    wishes come true, dreams realized, and many other things.
     Believe In Yourself
  16. Let the bells rings
    Let the new year begin
    Let it be filled with happiness
    Let it be one free of stress.
  17. We hope this year will be
    One that you look forward to with glee.
    One that will see your dreams come true
    And one that will bring enjoyment to you.
  18. New Year Wishes just for you ....

  19. New Year Wishes just for you
    Happiness and peace in all you do
    May God bless your home and family too
    May He be with you the whole year through.
  20. With each year, changes will come. Wishes of positive changes for you and that life be good, and, each day will bring a smile to your face and all nice things.
  21. Blessings to you and all that you do.
    We pray God walks each day with you,
    This year, each day,
    May you be blessed we pray.
  22. May your faith in God grow stronger this year; the peace of God surround you, and  you be blessed each day!
  23. Wishes of confidence to fill you this year letting you realize your potential.
    Set your goals and take action to complete them.
    Your enthusiasm for life continues to shine.
    And, the year be filled with the things that make you happy.
  24. A new year is like a birthday, time marches on. But we hope and pray that as time marches on that you live each day. May your days be good days!
  25. A new year to dream big dreams, to set big goals and achieve all that you are wishing for. Happy New Year!

  26. A new year to dream big dreams, to set big goals and achieve all that you are wishing for. Happy New Year!
     Dream Big
  27. If I could offer one word of encouragement to you this year, it would be: appreciate. Appreciate the beauty that surrounds you, appreciate the people who love you, and appreciate the life you have been blessed with.
     Words of Encouragement
  28. This new year’s wish comes with an appreciation for all you do, for your thoughtfulness and unselfish ways, for your smile that you give us every day.
  29. Last year has past
    AAnd it was a blast
    Look forward to  the coming year
    You are the best, my dear.
  30. January 1 is the beginning of a new year
    One that I hope for you is full of cheer.
    A year that brings everything that you hope for
    Don’t forget to open every door.
  31. May each hour, each day, each month be filled with achievements that make your life full of joy. Happy New Year!

  32. May each hour, each day, each month be filled with achievements that make your life full of joy. Happy New Year!
  33. Hope your Christmas was jolly and bright.
    Ring in the New Year with all the lights.
    Here’s hoping each day of the coming year will bring
    lots of happiness and your favorite things.
     Poems about Happiness
  34. The New Year brings opportunities, discover many this coming year.
  35. A new year, a new day, to bring you everything you wish for.
  36. How blessed we are to see another New Year in. Hope your year will be filled with possibilities and happiness.
  37. Another year, the hands of time remind us that when the clock does chime. We get to start again anew, a coming year of happiness too.
  38. Time goes by so quickly let the coming year be one that you find balance, a sense of peace, and contentment.
  39. So may the New Year be a happy one to you, happy to many more whose happiness depends on you! Charles Dickens

  40. So may the New Year be a happy one to you, happy to many more whose happiness depends on you!Charles Dickens, The Chimes
  41. A message sent to you with love in hopes that the year is good to you and yours. May you find prosperity and joy every day this year.
  42. A new year, 365 days ahead of you – My wish for you this year is that you live each day, you see the possibilities, but you also make time for relaxation and fun.
  43. The future is before us in the coming year, turn all your wishes turn into goals!
  44. Christmas is over the lights are gone and no more trees
    And even though the New Year weather may cause us to freeze
    I wish for you laughter and sunshine in the coming days.
    And we will see success carry you away!
  45. If wishes were kisses I give you a bunch to let you know that I have a hunch that the New Year will bring for you nothing but all good things.
  46. We pray that the coming year will bring you many  blessings and much happiness.

  47. I thank God for the day he brought you into our life. My prayer for you is that the coming year will bring you many blessings and much happiness.
  48. Don’t let the new year bring you stress
    Just remember that you are better than the rest.
    Your hard work and determination
    Proves that is the right conclusion.
    A new year filled with  success.
    And a year of happiness.
    Best wishes I send
    To you my dear friend.
  49. New Year’s wishes coming your way,
    in hopes that happiness fills your days. 
    Inspirational Quotes
  50. When you are sad remember your Dad
    When you are blue remember I love you
    When you down remember  the clown
    When you think of this new year remember you are my dear.
    Happy New Year, love from your Dad
    Theodore W. Higginsworth
  51. Wishes for a very happy new year ....

  52. Wishes for a very happy new year,
    Before you know it Christmas will be here.
    May your year be full of enjoyment and fun
    Know that you make a difference to everyone.
    Make A Difference
  53. As one year ends and another begins, may you find a year full of miracles for you to discover and enjoy.
  54. May this new year bring with each day
    Encouragement and energy along the way
    Don’t doubt or talk of defeat, look at all your strengths
    This coming year is a new journey’s length.
  55. The calendar reminds us the year is gone,
    Time sometimes goes on and on.
    And remember that resolutions you set
    Will be achieved them with your positive mindset!
  56. Some years are good, and some years are not.
    But we hope this is the year that won’t be forgot.
    So many opportunities will come your way
    So your life will be busy every day.
    Kate Summers
    Cute Life Quotes
  57. When I think of my blessings I think of you.
    When I am with you I am never blue.
    We have laughed and had fun
    Your smile shines like the sun.
    I value your friendship
    You always display such kindness.
    Happy New Year my friend
    You are a godsend.
  58. A message of hope, and a joyous new year is wished to you and yours.

  59. A message of hope, and a joyous new year is wished to you and yours.
  60. The new year comes in with a ring
    We will have a party and sing.
    But we will remember Jesus and his story
    And we give thanks to him and all his glory.
  61. Warm New Year’s wishes for a glorious coming year they will reward all your future aspirations with overwhelming success.Danny Demeersseman, 90 Wishes for Happy New Year Greeting Cards
  62. Last year may have had its pains, but let this coming New Year be full of gains. Let your attitude look forward and not back.Byron Pulsifer
  63. May you begin the Year with cheer,
    Surrounded by those you hold dear,
    And end it on the same high gear.
    Miriam Kinai, New Year Quotations
  64. May the coming year year be filled with more blessings than those that were on the other side.Irish Proverb
  65. May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. To a joyful present and a well-remembered remembered past. Best wishes for Happy Holidays and a magnificent New Year.Natalie SnowWhite, Best Christmas Messages and Greetings For Family, Friends and Business
  66. Of all the new year wishes I could send to you, I wish for happiness and success in all you do.

  67. Of all the new year wishes I could send to you, I wish for happiness and success in all you do. 
  68. Hope that the peace that fills your heart at Christmas remain with you throughout the coming New Year. 
    Inner Peace
  69. The coming year be full of great days that create many great memories that you will cherish.  
  70. I’ve been waiting for New Years and it’s almost here.
    The clocks will loudly ring and people will cheerfully sing.
    Fireworks will be set off so high, many will welcome the new year watching the sky.
    No matter what you are doing we wish for happiness, peace, and prosperity.
  71. Farewell to the old and hello to the new year. We hope it is filled with optimism, hope, and dreams that come true! 
  72. Each new year that rings in on this journey of life brings new challenges and dreams for us to explore. Cheers to you and wishes of  happiness and lots of love. 
  73. Each day my prayer is one of support and love for you. And as this new year begins I pray that you achieve all your goals. 
  74.  God bless this new year, remember that love overcomes; God is always with us and gives us great possibilities,we wish only the best for you for this coming year 
  75. May the ringing of the clocks striking midnight fill you with hope and joy for the coming year.

  76. May the ringing of the clocks striking midnight fill you with hope and joy for the coming year. 
    Hope Poem
  77. A New Year is time to send wishes, I hope it finds you not doing dishes
    I wanted to say we love you and we appreciate you too.
    And our New Years wish would be that the year brings nothing but glee. 
  78. The old year is gone and a new year is here to stay. Celebrate the new year and not just today. May your dreams come true and success be with you in all you do. 
  79. Welcome in the new year by counting your blessings and being thankful for all you have. Wishing you happiness and many more blessings for the year ahead. 
  80. Leave your worries and stress in the year that has just past
    How do I do that is a question you might ask?
    Let this new year be one where you focus on the Son.
    “Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Jesus said
    Follow this advice and you will end your dread. Happy New Year!  
  81. A new year wish full of days full of joy with happiness for you,
    and many blessings from above in everything you do.  
    Inspirational Sayings
  82. A new beginning this year can be,
    With 12 new months
    With 52 weeks
    With 365 days
    Do a little each day and your goals will be reached, you will see.
     Quote of The Day
  83. May the coming year find smiles and happiness and everything kind.

  84. May the coming year find smiles and happiness and everything kind. 
  85. The stars in the night are shining so bright
    On this New Years Eve see the past year leave.
    Look forward to the New Year be happy my dear. 
  86. A promise of a new start this New Year can bring. Set your goals according to your heart find success by taking action on these things.  
    Take Action
  87. A new year filled with hopes
    We will face challenges in all we do
    But remember the mountaintop not the slopes
    Take time to stop and enjoy the view. 
  88. Let love fill the new year
    And laughter be a part
    Find happiness and let go of fears
    Sharing with others with all of your heart.
  89. God bless you and keep you this coming year.
    Trust in Him who loves you so dear.
    Bless others this new year by sharing your love
    And you will find blessings that are sent from above.
     Trust God
  90. Can you believe another year is here
    A wish that it be one with no tears.
    Let laughter and happiness fill your days
    A Happy New Year wish is coming your way!
  91. Cherish each moment of the year left behind but look forward to a new year that has opportunities for you.Keep your eyes open do not be blinded by the challenges life throws at you when you just think you’ve made it. Have the attitude of determination and hope and you will find a year full of accomplishments and happiness too! 
  92. A new year for dreams to come true
    A year to put aside all that makes you blue.
    Wishing you the happiest of New Years!  
    Motivational Quotes
  93. Wishes in words for your coming year:
    positive, enthusiastic, blessed, happy, confident, determined, would be a few
    Our life is what we make it, others will see
    We pray that the New Year will be good to you.
  94. Health and happiness is wished for you, may this New Year be great and successful too.

  95. Health and happiness is wished for you,
    and a New Year that is great and successful too.
  96. Our wish is for family and friends
    To whom our love will never end.
    Health, happiness is only a few
    Of many blessings wished for you. 
  97. Encouragement and hope are two words for you
    to remind you not to let anyone tell you cannot do.
    As this new year approaches be true to you
    And have belief in yourself and success will come through.
     Never Quit
  98. God bless you, and give you health, happiness, and hope, the real comforters of this nether world.Thomas Jefferson
  99. Let the best memories of the past year be the superseded by better memories this coming year.  
  100. In the New Year, never forget to thank your past years because they enabled you to reach today! Without the stairs of the past, you cannot arrive at the future! Mehmet Murat Ildan
    Positive Life Quotes
  101. I wish you, my dear friend, as many happy new years as you deserve, and not one more. May you deserve a great number!Earl of Chesterfield, Letters To His Son
  102. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. Oprah Winfrey

  103. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.Oprah Winfrey
    Taking Chances
  104. As the new year begins make it a year to dare new things, and if you make mistakes learn from them, but keep moving forward in the New Year! Wishing you a daring New Year.  
  105. A New Year could be considered chapters in a book. May you continue to write each chapter of your book so that it becomes a best seller. Happy New Year! 
  106. As this New Year approaches, my wish for you is: May the best day of your past, be the worst day of your future. 
  107. As we bid farewell to the old year we just want to say, to you Happy New Year!
    Good Night
  108. Wishes of good luck to travel with you through the months of the New Year.  
  109. And always remember we love you no matter what you do. Hoping  all your wishes come true this year because to us you are very dear.
    Birthday Wishes

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