20 Life is Too Short Quotes
Be inspired by our collection of thought-provoking Life is too short Quotes.
We all have busy lives and sometimes we get caught up in the rat race and forget to enjoy life. Before we know it life will pass us by, so we must remember that our time is limited and life is truly is short!
Spend less time worrying about mistakes from the past and focus on making tomorrow great!Life is too short to be dull and miserable so get out and explore, love, laugh and enjoy the moment!
- Life’s too short to live in the shadows!
Teresa Whitehurst, The Practical Therapist
Live Life - Always remember life’s too short to take it too fast, so slow down a little bit and enjoy yourself.
Keith Decker, Cry from the Mountains
Enjoy Life Quotes - Life’s too short to have regrets So always remember, just try your best.
Perceptions of Infinity
Regret Quotes - We’re all miserable at times, But if you ever lose your spark get back up as the whole damn fire, Life’s too short so set your happiness standards a little bit higher.
Palak Shah, Peach, Plum
Happiness - Life’s too short not to surrender to Pringles and pudding, more booze than the government recommended units and a boogie to naff tuuuuunes with friends you love. Sometimes, anyway.
Grace Saunders, Life’s Too Short
Friend Quotes - Take time to share, Life is too short to be selfish. Take time to laugh, Laughter is the Music of the Soul.
M.G. Chitkara, Vol. Viii-Global Values
Laughter - Life’s too short. Wanderlust?If that’s what you want to call it, so be it. We all got a little wanderlust.
Fred Afflerbach, Roll On
Wanderlust - Life is too short to be jealous or envious of others. It is too short to be angry or resentful. It is too short to carry a grudge. It is too short to worry about material goods and be caught up in the pursuit of status or possessions.
James P. Gills, God’s RX for Depression and Anxiety
Jelousy - Life is too short to be unhappy. Take the good with the bad Smile when you are sad. Love what you got. Be grateful for what you have had. Always forgive but never forget. Learn from your mistakes and never regret.
Stephen T. Scott, Wings To Fly
Smile - Always remember one thing though there is so much to learn in life, There is so much to say, There is so much to do, But life is too short So as long as live try not to waste even a single day. Make use of every single second.
Mousumi Bhattacharjee, Every Life Is A Mission Every Life Is A Duty
Learning Quotes - Life can be too precious not to live every minute to the fullest. Because life is too short, we should never take no as an answer when yes is more practical.
David W. Dorris, Life Is Too Short
You Only Live Once - Life is too short for you to spend it waiting on the generosity of others. If you want something in life, make a plan for it, work at it, and faith it into reality.
Anselm Nwaorgu, Beating the Odds
Hard Work - Life is like the dew on the grass in the morning, it is extremely short.
Anam Thubten, The Magic of Awareness
Good Morning Quotes - Life really is too short. All that matters is being happy and healthy and looking after yourself. You are then in a better position to help others.
Jo Bostock, The Meaning of Success
Helping Others - Life’s short, and its essential to explore and use every opportunity you have to do your best to live life to the fullest.
CFO Stan, Paul CL Chan, Ocean in the Pond
Explore - LIFE is too short. Sometimes it is not winning that matters. It is how we accept defeat. Accepting is humility, it matters most.
L.S. Manuel, Life is too short
Humble Quotes - But try to enjoy your life too, because life happens once, and it is short as we cannot get back it. Life is a journey, so enjoy each and every second.
Saranya Kannan, Death will Never End the Story
Enjoy the Journey - Life is short and not promised, so enjoy every moment with family, friends, and coworkers and especially with your kids.
Caycee M. Johnson, Keith L. Johnson, Journey On!
Enjoy The Moment Quotes - Life is too short, so extend it with quality. Everyone must discover by himself what the goodness of life is.
Tadeusz Nowicki, Art of Living
Discovery - Life is short; so love the people who love you. Whether two-legged or four-legged—enjoy their company.
Sherri Sue Fisher, Timerdiet
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