22 Denial Quotes, Inspirational Words of Wisdom

22 Denial Quotes

Here is our collection of thought-provoking Denial quotes that may resonate with you and inspire you to rid yourself of any denial you may be clutching to.

We all identify with denial in different measures. Whether we are denying something small that may be wrong in our lives, or something big that could have an impounding effect on others.

The truth is denial will only keep on winning. The more you keep on denying the truth about something, the harder it will get to face the facts. We use denial as our comfort and resistance to change. Sometimes it is easier to live in denial than it is to admit our true feelings.

We need to have courage and be brave. There is no better day than today to stop denying the truth. Life is too short to live a lie!

    Denial too, is a remote location. One so well masked that many people deny having even heard of it, let alone having been trapped in it. Liberty Hunter, Denial Is a River in Egypt: Dare to Dream, Dare to Be Free

  1. Denial too, is a remote location. One so well masked that many people deny having even heard of it, let alone having been trapped in it.
    Liberty Hunter, Denial Is a River in Egypt: Dare to Dream, Dare to Be Free
    Alone Quotes
  2. You cannot deny guilt, and thereby you allow the Curse to be your due.
    Henry Law,The Gospel in Deuteronomy
  3. But to deny the truth doesn’t make the truth go away. Sooner or later the hard realities of the truth will bite.The Ten Loves of God
    Win Green
  4. Denial is also self-reinforcing – once you make the first denial, you tend to commit to it: you will deny, deny the denial, deny that, and so on.
    Robert Trivers, Deceit and Self-Deception
    Be Yourself
  5. Denial too, is a remote location. One so well masked that many people deny having even heard of it, let alone having been trapped in it.
Liberty Hunter, Denial Is a River in Egypt: Dare to Dream, Dare to Be Free

  6. Denial is like a cloud that obscures the sky. It blocks the truth. It reduces clarity.
    Gloria Excelsior, The Light of Reasoncloud
  7. To live in denial is allowing the fear to dictate our lack of living life to the fullest. There is a purpose for you, and this fear keeps you from realizing and living out that purpose.
    Justin Thompson, I Called Shotgun!!fear
    Fear Quotes
  8. Living in denial is the main hindrance for anyone wanting to break free, but you never will because you don’t see a problem.
  9. Accept that you want what you want, and stop living in denial of your true desires.
    Steve Pavlina Personal Development for Smart Peopledesire
    Desire Quotes
  10. Until we face the truth and stop living in denial, we will never be free inside. If we are not free inside we will not be free on the outside.
    Pastor Tony Mavrakos A, God’s Prescriptions for Healing the Hurts That Hinder Your
    Freedom Quotes
  11. It is of no use to pretend that something is not what it clearly is; to live in denial is to live with a suspended sentence hovering over one's head.  Quintus Curtius, Digest

  12. It is of no use to pretend that something is not what it clearly is; to live in denial is to live with a suspended sentence hovering over one’s head.
    Quintus Curtius, Digest
  13. All the time you live in denial, nothing will change for you.
    Lily Foyster, From Me to You the Tapestry of Life and Its Secrets
  14. The longer you deny something, and the more people you deny it to, the harder it is to admit your guilt.
    Matt Soper 20, Raising Up a Testimony
  15. Patience accommodates delay, and delay is the deadliest form of denial.
    David Springer, ‎Albert Roberts, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
  16. Denial is the best friend a person could ever want. It is always there to comfort them when the days get to tough.
Liz Carth, Whispers from Heaven

  17. Denial is the best friend a person could ever want. It is always there to comfort them when the days get to tough.
    Liz Carth, Whispers from Heaven
    Best Friend
  18. Looking back now, my form of denial was to be tough; about everything, all of the time.
    Marie Duke, Autism and Assholes
    Being Strong Quotes
  19. Denial is a state of willful ignorance used to justify inaction at the precise time when our senses are clearly warning us to make a decisive move in our own best interest.
    Bill Kortenbach, Counterpredators
    Ignorance Quotes
  20. Without acceptance we are still in denial and fighting against ourselves, with acceptance we see things as they are not making anything bigger or smaller than they really are.
    Jeff Emerson, Unfolding the Lotus
  21. Like a nagging fly that keeps swirling around your face, you can't deny your gut feelings no matter how hard you try. Just get the fly swatter and call it quits. Lauren Cook, The Sunny Side Up!

  22. Like a nagging fly that keeps swirling around your face, you can’t deny your gut feelings no matter how hard you try. Just get the fly swatter and call it quits.
    Lauren Cook, The Sunny Side Up!
    Gut Feeling
  23. Nothing can make you feel crazy quicker than being lied to.
    Janae B. Weinhold, ‎Barry K. Weinhold, Breaking Free of the Co-Dependency Trap
    Crazy Quotes
  24. If you were a person who simply could not believe that people could be devious, conniving or manipulative, then denial is a tactic the enemy used to keep you in darkness with a passive-aggressive person.
    Dee Brown, Breaking Passive-Aggressive Cycles
  25. Life’s too short for self-denial.
    Anne Stuart, Nightfall
    Life is too Short
  26. Denial is the door she slams in her own face, trapping her in this lonely comfort zone. It keeps her from facing what hurts.
Judith Sills, The Comfort Trap, Or, What If You're Riding a Dead Horse?

  27. Denial is the door she slams in her own face, trapping her in this lonely comfort zone. It keeps her from facing what hurts.
    Judith Sills, The Comfort Trap, Or, What If You’re Riding a Dead Horse?
    Comfort Zone Quotes

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