Everything Going Against You
We have all had days when we have felt like everything is going against us. Be encouraged by this inspirational thought.
Inspirational Words of Wisdom
We have all had days when we have felt like everything is going against us. Be encouraged by this inspirational thought.
More preparation quotes page 2. If you do not prepare for the harvest you will not reap the crops. Catherine Pulsifer
It’s a funny thing when someone calls you a rock. The first time I was called a rock, I wasn’t sure what the other person meant. When I asked ….
Why would anyone write a book about work? For many years I worked for a large corporation.
Share theses top ten work quotes when your workplace needs a bit of motivation.
A story about choice and consequences. This is a true story that has left an impact years later.
More team quotes page 2. The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual. Vincent Lombardi
More teamwork quotes page 2. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. Michael Jordan
More quotes about taking risks page 4. To achieve your goals you may have to take a risk. However, it is better to risk than to do nothing. Catherine Pulsifer