Quotes about Children Page 6
Find more quotes about children page 6. Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation. C. Everett Koop
Inspirational Words of Wisdom
Find more quotes about children page 6. Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation. C. Everett Koop
Read these quotes about children, page 5, and be inspired. Raising children is one of the most important jobs you will ever have. Catherine Pulsifer
Find quotes about children, page 4 to inspire. Time is the most important thing with kids. But it has to be good time. Howard Dean
Do we trust God or do we trust things of this world. An interesting question, while we may answer one way, what do our actions demonstrate.
What determines success – a question often asked. Is the answer determination, perseverance, or is it just luck.
Failure is not the end especially when you know how to accept failure for what it really is. Too often, many people associate failure with giving up . . .
If everyone would only take just a little action, imagine what a difference it would make in your life or in the world around you.
Have you ever thought of your life as two pots – read this thought. May it bring a smile, but also may it bring wisdom for your to consider.
When life seems overwhelming, are you able to engage in thinking positive that allows you to look ahead and see light at the end of the tunnel
What are your own personal development goals? Every person no matter where or whom has something in and around their life that causes them concern