Be inspired by these love quotes. Love is – as the Beatles said – ‘all you need’, but sometimes, we don’t have the right words to say something in exactly the right way… or we’re not gifted with the wordsmithery (see how hard this is!?) to get our feelings of love across to the other person.
Luckily, all the hard work has been done for us by other lovers and writers who were far more gifted than us (thank goodness!) at putting pen to paper…
So be inspired by these 75 Love Quotes that will melt the heart and warm the soul! Our collection includes quotes about What Love Is, Being in Love and Forever Love. There are even Beautiful Quotes that describe and reflect that special feeling of Love itself.
Share these love quotations with the one you love, express your affection and appreciation. Tell them how you feel and let these wise words about Love say it all for you.
Loving others (or as I like to say sometimes, if my spouse is being hard to love) loving ‘on’ others, does us good and helps make the world a better place, so go on; Share the Love!
Love Is Quotes
Love is such a simple, beautiful word. If only being in love were that easy! Instead, it is a complicated, ever-changing jumble of feelings and emotions.
Jennifer Fox,
Pocket Posh 100 Classic Love Poems
Every person who is deeply devoted to some other person or group can be described as living her purpose through love.
Michal Stawicki, Simplify Your Pursuit of Success
To love means loving the unlovable.
G. K. Chesterton
Love is a special gift that you can give over and over again and is completely within your power. How you treat people, how you react when you are upset, how you listen, how you share, these are all ways we can demonstrate love for others.
Catherine Pulsifer
Love is a mighty power, a great and complete good. Love alone lightens every burden, and makes rough places smooth. It bears every hardship as though it were nothing, and renders all bitterness sweet and acceptable.
Thomas A Kempis
You are loved beyond measure
Love is, in my view, the major source of joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Michael Caputo, The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
A message of love is a blessing received. Be wise: Walk in the path of love.
Matheno Bryant Bey, Reap and Harvest
Each act of love is like a crumb of bread for the birds of winter. The offering is cheap to give and invaluable to receive.
Greg Henry Quinn
Love is blind, the phrase runs. Nay, I would rather say, love sees as God see, and with infinite wisdom has infinite pardon.
Wandering down these pathways, the wind on your face, the scent of delicate flowers in your nostrils, sharing it with somebody you love; puts all else in life into perspective.
Dr Harry Barry, Flagging The Therapy
There is not as much accomplished without love as there is with it. The presence of love is the greatest method, manner, mode, agent, and tool of change that there is in the universe.
Shannon Scott
Love, after all, is part work, part play and all about sustaining your commitment to each other over the many years ahead of you.
Sarah Riedel
Someday we’ll be together again. Just you and me. And I will always love you.
Belinda Austin, I Will Always Love You
My connection to the presence of love has been my guide, my protector, and my partner in the co-creation of my life.
Gabrielle Bernstein, Super Attractor.
True love is without pride.
Patrick T Gorman, The Unbroken Home
And though you cannot touch me, I am the gentle hand of the kind. I am the fingertips that caress your cheek at night. I am the hug of a child. I am love.
Rev Richard Coleman
Best Love Quotes
We grow in love by choosing to serve, share, listen, forgive, etc. Love grows as we choose to act in love towards others.
Gregory Brown, Philippians: Pursuing Spiritual Maturity
Love is the purest of all acts. Love is the noblest of all deeds. Love is the language of God. God is love. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
V.Valarmathy, The Law of Love
There is no greater gift you can give yourself than to love freely and with your whole heart.
Carolyn Robinson, Love Poems Along the Way
Love is not forced, it is a choice.
Dr. Dwayne L. Buckingham
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished. Og Mandino
Og Mandino
Actions speak louder than thoughts – it’s what you do when presented with the opportunity that showcase your love, or lack of. Marriage
Anna Shine
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Around the corner or on the other side of the world, we share a common goal, a common love.
Dr Wilson Jay Tyree, Lost and Found
By loving our neighbors, we in turn grow to love God.
C. P. Fagan, iDoubt: When Faith Falters
To live a little, you’ve got to love a whole lot. Love turns the ordinary into the extraordinary
Rev Richard Coleman
The ‘look of love’ not only communicates our feeling of love for someone but also reflects our instinct to do whatever it takes to make that person happy.
Willard F. Harley, Jr.
Unity without love is possible, but love without unity is not. Love is the central ingredient for true unity, laying the foundation for internal and external unity.
John Paul Heil, Ephesians
You can show your love for anyone you wish that is close to you as often as you want. These gifts of love can be a little hug, a few soft words spoken, the holding of hands as you walk along the sidewalk, or an endearing and love given, quiet dinner.
Catherine Pulsifer, Possible To Give Gifts
Send a drop of love, And feel a loving embrace.
Julie Hebert, Send A Drop Of Kindness
It feels so good to feel like, you are in the right place.
Deep Love Quotes
Each of us can learn the art of nourishing happiness and love. Everything needs food to live, even love. If we don’t know how to nourish our love, it withers. When we feed and support our own happiness, we are nourishing our ability to love. That’s why to love means to learn the art of nourishing our happiness.
Thich Nhat Hanh, How to Love
This is why love is the greatest gift, because it is personal. It is not abstract. Even babies understand and practice it. You have that gift. Use it!
Peter B. Doghramji, In Other Words
No prison can be handsome, and no love can be ugly.
Andre Hope, Annie Jane Harvey, Cosas Espanolas (in English – Everyday life in Spain)
Live with love and equality between people. Live in serenity, simplicity and community.
Wencke Johanne Braathen, Rituals in Sacred Stone
When we find ourselves, we are love. We need not make it a practice; we need not practice virtues.
Chobo, Melody and Silence
Love, I would say, is that capacity which enables him to grasp the other human being in his very uniqueness.
Victor E. Frankl, The Will To Meaning
After thirty years of contorting myself to fit inside someone else’s idea of love, I finally had a love that fit – custom made for me, by me.
Glennon Doyle, Untamed
Even in the midst of total chaos, pain and dysfunction, love is calling us to a higher experience and expression.
Iyanla Vanzant, Forgiveness
Allow yourself love and when you do you will find love in return. Allow yourself to be happy and when you do you will influence others around you.
Catherine Pulsifer, Allow Yourself
Make it clear, you expect loving that takes your breath away.
The love you give will be returned to you – to your heart’s content.
Frantz-Earl Robinson, Love to the Heart’s Content
I once read that having a great relationship isn’t about finding the perfect partner; it is about being the perfect partner.
Hal Elrod And Others, The Miricle Morning For Couples
Every child has a natural need for love, to be loved and also to express love. This need is wired into their very nature, and they express this desire for love from the very first day they are born.
John Adjej, Parenting Your Best
Hope, as it pertains to love, is a good thing because by hoping for certain things, such as an extended future with the one you love, is made possible.
John Franks, Manifesting Love
An enlightened person will experience feelings of love and oneness on a continuous basis, which is a supremely blissful experience. What’s more, people who are enlightened always know what is right and appropriate in any given situation in order to bring happiness and healing to all beings.
Tara Springett, The seven golden keys for love, success and happiness
If you truly love someone, you will desire to make the effort to spend quality time with them to get to know them deeper.
Robert Woeger
All humans respond to kindness and warmth the same way, regardless of age. Respect begets respect. Love begets love.
Iovana Yao, Parenting: Forgive Me For Yelling At You!
The love and relationship are all about understanding each other and overlooking the different matters, as well as mistakes.
Ilene Prat, The Secrets of Forgiveness
The power of love is the energy that supplies all of your needs.
A.D Largie – World Wide Love Poems
Being In Love Quotes
Love means patience, kindness and being happy when you witness the happiness of others.
Jaspinder Grover, Forgiveness
They say that love comes when you’re not looking for it. But, I will tell you this. When it DOES come, Be Ready!
John Joseph, How To Treat A Woman
When you graduate from “Being In Love” to “Loving Someone” you understand – Love is not about owning, Love is about wanting the best for them, It’s about seeing or helping them achieve great heights, with or without you.
Falling in love, finding that special soulmate, can make you feel on top of the world with your favorite music playing.
Catherine Pulsifer
Every part of life we live is beautiful. Being in love is the new experience and after that marriage and after that children and the list goes on. All of this comes with responsibility and even gives us purpose to live our life.
Ena Gautam
There is a love that many do not perceive and some people just, cannot really believe. This love I talk of can be very impolite yes it’s that very special, love at first sight.
Robert Worrall, Love Poems from Deep Within the Soul
Never forget why you fell in love in the first place and never stop giving your love.
Khary Tolliver, This beautiful love
Life is something that really cannot be explained. It got to be experienced! …. most of all ‘being in love’ is crucial to live life to its fullest potential.
Vishwas Chavan
Forever Love Quotes
Loving someone is like caring for a garden, love it too much or too little and it dies, but love it just right and it will live forever.
Rev Richard Coleman
The expression of love to another is not reserved for a single day or for a special event or occasion like an anniversary for a birthday. The celebration of love is more about how you live each day with the one you love and care for.
Byron Pulsifer
Build your world around me, and promise to never let me go, and if ever their comes a time it may seem crowded, may we expand so love may grow.”
Robert Hensel
Our love feels like a warm, gentle and kind summer breeze. Within our love there is safety and peace.
Marie Cornelio, Sacred Elegant Wedding
Focus on the things that lead to lasting love, like communication and kindness, and stop putting all your attention on qualities that don’t matter.
John Noel, Finding Mr. Right
Show your love for your partner by making them feel appreciated and show that you love them fully and don’t find them any less attractive than when you first met.
Lesley Harriot, How To Have Successful Relationships
The essence of love is a total commitment to the good of the other but it also embodies graciousness and humility.
Michael Hill, The How and Why of Love
No scale to balance, what’s in my heart.
Robert M. Hensel
No numbers to measure, nor even to chart.
This love can’t be seen, in ounces or in pounds.
For only through time, can it’s value be found.”
he most important resource isn’t time, or oil, money or gold; it’s love. Without this, we may have everything, but life is nothing.
Kute Blackson
To define something, Love for example, is a huge subject and is like describing the awesome beauty of a diamond, how can you? Yet if you break it down to describing each facet, you will have a greater feel for what you are describing.
Mitchell Freeway, Romantic Poems for Valentine’s Day
I have learned that love takes time to grow… Like a seed that needs nurturing to blossom into a beautiful flower so must love learn to blossom.
M. Lee
Tell a family member that you love them and see what happens to the relationship. You’d be surprised how many people take these words for granted and rarely tell those closest to them how they really feel.
David Khalil, Principle 7: The Power of Giving
When we embrace love in all dimensions we truly create the magic that is the gift of Christmas; the rebirth of love, forgiveness, peace and unity.
Bernadette Dimitrov, The HoHOHo Factor
Spontaneous and honest love admits errors, hesitations, and human failings; it can be tested and repaired.
Nancy Friday, My Mother/My Self
Mercy, in particular, is an act of love that, in a sense, is not deserved by another. It’s a free gift that is given purely from the motivation of love.
John Paul Thomas, Lent and Easter Reflections
Honour a date, celebrate a milestone and wait not a moment longer to make someone, even just one, feel loved and appreciated.
Les Norman; Pilar Norman, Never Have A Minute To Call Your Own
Love just happens to be one of those experiences that comes the closest to making us feel content and complete.
Lateef Terrell Warnick, Know Thyself
Love. What a small word for such an enormous, expansive, exalted experience!
Marci Shimoff; Carol Kline Love For No Reason
I Love You Quotes
We hope you have enjoyed our collection of Love quotes. I really do hope that they have given you words and thoughts to describe true love. In many ways – in English – the word love is too small, it covers so many different forms of love, and to have just one word, is part of the mystery of life.
I hope that these are words that you will share with others. Words that you can act out in your own life!
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