Andrew Carnegie Quotes Page 2 – Inspirational Words of Wisdom
Be inspired and encouraged by these quotes by Andrew Carnegie. Reading them reveals his secret to his many successes.
Inspirational Words of Wisdom
Be inspired and encouraged by these quotes by Andrew Carnegie. Reading them reveals his secret to his many successes.
How many people do you know that have anger problems? Maybe, anger problems may also apply to you even though you may not wish to acknowledge . . .
Is it only just a smile, or does it mean more than that? To just smile may seem contrived or unmeaning but this is not always the case. Do you know why?
Does a day go by that your patience is tested? Are you the type of person whose patience crumbles at the least provocation? Well, the test of patience . . .
Do you have a personal definition of what is procrastination? Maybe, you do not think of yourself as one who procrastinates simply preferring to . . .
Are you task oriented? Does task oriented mean that you disregard time factors to get the job done? Maybe, most of us are both task oriented when it is called . . .
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