Task Oriented
Author: Byron Pulsifer, ©2017
Are you task oriented? Does task oriented mean that you disregard time factors to get the job done? Maybe, most of us are both task oriented when it is called for by the type and nature of the job or we devote our limited time to accomplish a portion of the task.
Task Oriented Definition
If you are task oriented, you will work at a job, task, or assignment until it is finished. This means that to be pure task oriented is to focus on one thing only until it is finished. If we apply this definition to our work, it could be disastrous if we also are responsible for many tasks throughout the day.
On the other hand, if your work is such that by its’ nature you must complete it before moving on to the next sequential task then you will devote all your time and effort to its completion. The latter could be the nature of a construction oriented task where it is required to finish one task before another can be started. For example, you must finish pouring the cement for the basement before any framework can be started.
Task And Time Oriented
When you combine both task oriented with time oriented, you are most likely speaking about situations that require a segmented portion of time devoted to one particular task. This kind of combination could be easily observed in many organizations where it is not critical that one task be completed before another begins. In fact, it could be the case that many tasks are worked on by different individuals all leading up to a specified completion date where every task contributes to the whole.
However, if you are assigned multiple tasks, it would also be necessary to either have a team supervisor or senior manager denote which tasks are priorities and which ones are secondary. If this is the case, the major role of your job would be to proportion suitable time to work on critical priorities without excluding a smaller portion of your time on other secondary priorities. In this fashion, the work dedicated to the major priority is moving forward at a quicker pace than are the secondary tasks that also must be moved forward but not by the same degree.
Task Decided Orientation
The decision that most people face on a daily basis whether at work or at home is whether the task to be accomplished is task driven or time driven. For example, if you want to clean your entire house, is it task oriented or time oriented? Well, the answer lies not by adopting a certain definition but depends on several personal factors.
The first factor depends on your personality. This is to say that some people are more naturally inclined to approach each task with a commitment that the task must be accomplished. In other words, to start a task is to work until it is finished.
The second factor is that which says a task will be completed if there is sufficient and available time. Or, it means that time becomes the dominate criteria where completion is not necessary because the available time does not allow for its completion.
The third factor is one that speaks more to the desire to complete or begin the task. This means that some tasks that need to be tackled are the very ones that one does not like to do.
Task Oriented Jobs Not Liked
There are a lot of different tasks we need to perform throughout many aspects of work. I know this for a fact seeing that I have trudged through many tasks as anxious as could be to get this chore done as soon as possible. I thought that a lot of these less than favorite tasks would diminish or be gone forever when I owned my own business. But, I was wrong – really wrong.
Bad Task Oriented Habits
It is really easy to adopt a bad habit when it comes to do things you don’t like.
“The good thing about habits is that you can change them if you want to.”
Byron Pulsifer
A bad habit that makes you rush so that the finished task is not done as well as could be done – you already know that when you start but that doesn’t seem to matter because it could be a detestable chore; a habit that sees you more than willing to give this task to somebody else if you had a chance. A habit that you have formed all by yourself based on an attitude that lead to a belief that formed a habit.
Such was the case not that long ago when I knew I had to go out to the craft studio and count all raw materials and all finished product. I detest counting stock and taking inventory. I also knew that this less than fun chore was necessary though in order to complete part of the necessary work before filing a business tax return. So, what should I do?
I’m positive that I am not unique when it comes to detesting some aspects of a job. But, I didn’t want to continue on with this habit of wishing if only someday someone would do it for me. I knew I needed an attitude adjustment and I needed it fast before I went out to count inventory.
Altered My Thinking
So, this is what I did to alter my thinking.
I decided that instead of looking at the negative aspects of this formerly labeled negative task, I would rephrase it; re-channel it to become a positive instead of a negative. So, what were the positive aspects that I could focus on?
Simply put, the good thing about counting inventory was, firstly, at least I had inventory to count. This meant that I had a business instead of working for someone else.
Secondly, I had inventory to count, which was better than not having any at all, and having to purchase raw materials to make product.
Thirdly, I could count inventory on my schedule and not have to do it when I needed to conduct other important business matters. This is not the same as procrastination where one keeps putting it off – it simply means that I have the option to schedule this task when I want to without interfering with other tasks that require my time. For example, I can count inventory in the late afternoon or in the evening when everything else settles down.
“We have the ability to decide what thoughts we are going to dwell on.”
David DeNotaris
The Point To Task Orientation
There is way to turn negative thinking to positive thinking. It means seeing the positives and not focusing on the negatives; it sees the task at hand as being fortunate enough to be able to do it for good reasons.
So, whether you are task or time oriented means that in the end, you will have accomplished what is needed to be done. Do you have a preferred way of working? Are you task oriented, or are you time oriented, or are you a healthy combination of both?
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“At the end of the workday or on your way home, think of three things that went well at work! Tina Nies
“Develop the habit of focusing on the possibilities, not the problems.” David DeNotaris
“To be truly successful, you require the strength of body, positive mentality, and most importantly work hard to fulfil your potential. You also require the right attitude and discipline to a point where you place your goal before some of your needs.” Michael Welton
“But when you look at your life, the majority of your time is spent doing things you have to do or the majority of your time is spent doing what you want to do?” Catherine Pulsifer
“When we have too much time to complete a task, we may either expand the work with unnecessary complexity or feel lack of motivation and procrastinate until the last minute. On the other hand, if we have too little time, we tend to feel overwhelmed and stressed out.” Jennifer April, What Everyone Should Know About Super-efficient Learning
“Why get up early? I’d say the main reason is that you’ll have a lot more time to do things that are more interesting than sleeping.” Steve Pavlina, How to Fall Asleep in Less Than 30 Seconds
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