46 Acts of Kindness Quotes, Inspirational Words of Wisdom
Be inspired by these acts of kindness quotes. Use them to motivate yourself and others into doing acts that would help those in need, help those who just need a smile, and help…
Inspirational Words of Wisdom
Be inspired by these acts of kindness quotes. Use them to motivate yourself and others into doing acts that would help those in need, help those who just need a smile, and help…
This thought for your day contains wisdom about showing affection. Affection is not just meant for special days or special people it can be shown in many different ways and places.
We all face adversity in our lives. In this message find thoughts about how God helps us deal with adversity.
Find more adversity quotes to inspire and encourage you and others. Be a fighter – believe in yourself and fight through the adversity. Andrew Wright
It is hard to imagine that adversity could be an advantage. Read this thought and find words of wisdom regarding challenging times.
Life gives us many scares, especially for parents of young children. Read this story and find a message about valuing life.
How easy it is to put off things until tomorrow. Let this thought encourage you to do what you need to do!
A great quote about action, confidence and courage by Dale Carnegie
More take action quotes 31 to 50. Forget about wishing and hoping, instead take actions to move your dream forward. Kate Summers
Find more achievement quotes and sayings. . . . efficient and effective use of your time will allow you to achieve more than you can imagine. Catherine Pulsifer