Teamwork Quotes Page 2
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” Michael Jordan
Inspirational Quotes |
“Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates.” Magic Johnson
Words of Encouragement |
“If your team members are confident, they will invest their effort, energy and time willingly towards your end goal.” Daniel Brush, Team Building: How to Build Confidence, Trust, and Friendship in Your Team
Confidence |
“Having strong, healthy relationships is important in all aspects of life, but especially when it comes to teamwork. The stronger the relationships are among you and your team, as well as between other team members can be the difference between success and failure.” Ace McCloud, Sales: Communication Skills
Failure |
That”s another key point – being a great teammate is work, hard work. It requires intention and discipline, just like becoming a better hitter or a better salesperson. But it is a skill set that I believe others, like me, can learn.David Ross, Teammate: My Journey in Baseball and a World Series for the Ages
Motivational |
The change that has attracted so much attention … is a significant increase in teamwork and collaborative efforts: people with different views and perspectives coming together, putting aside their narrow self-interests, and discussing issues openly and supportively in an attempt to solve a larger problem or achieve a broader goal. Frank M. J. LaFasto; Carl Larson, When Teams Work Best: 6,000 Team Members and Leaders Tell What it Takes to Succeed
Effort |
“No problem is insurmountable. With a little courage, teamwork and determination a person can overcome anything.” B. Dodge
Courage |
“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” Babe Ruth
Funny Quotes about Life |
“You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. They don’t seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together.” Henry Ford
Teams |
“In these times of self-directed teams, empowered employees, and “boundaryless”organizations, your worth as an individual employee will also get measured by your work group’s collective results.” Price Pritchett
Wise |
“Developing the team means team members must understand their role.” Steven Rosenthal, SimplySmart Management I: Teaching You the K.I.S.S. Principle
Focus |
“Teamplayer: One who unites others toward a shared destiny through sharing information and ideas, empowering others and developing trust.” Dennis Kinlaw
Destiny |
Five developmental characteristics … reflect the initial stage of teamwork. Building a shared purpose. Acting on common objectives. Starting to work as a team. Identifying member strengths. Commitment to team growth.A. E. Ted Wall, Teamwork Tips: An Acronym-based Handbook
Commitment |
“A team mentality must form and all have to pull together with a sense of urgency to bring the vision into reality.” Stephen Hawley Martin, The CEO’s Guide from Good to Great
Vision |
“Working together, ordinary people can perform extraordinary feats. They can lift things a little higher, a little farther, towards excellence.” Author Unknown
Leadership vs Management |
“If team work is to be done, it is essential to put across your thoughts in a polite way so that you don’t come across as rude or arrogant. It is also important to listen to what the others have to say.” Prachi Prabhu, Manage Your Image Like A Pro
Inspirational Thoughts |
“In the company structure of the future, leaders must give space for others. In such organizations you rely on teamwork among colleagues from all parts of the company but also involvement with partners, customers, suppliers, the local community and other stakeholders.” Ole Bloch, The manager who lost his Self-confidence…. and got it back
Future |
“Social skills influence the effectiveness in leading change, persuading others and expertise in building teams.” Khalid Imran, Leadership: Mastering Leadership Skills
Influence |
“Teamwork is the lynchpin in our long term success.” Ned Lautenbach
Success Poems |
“By allowing your team members to suggest ways on how they can contribute to the team’s success proactively, you are encouraging a culture of independence among your members.” Gavin McGinnis, Coaching: 10 Coaching Skills to Help Your Team Focus, Take Action, Stay Motivated and Accomplish Goals!
Encouraging Poems |
“The best team-building activity can become the worst team-building experience when there is no clear objective.” Brian Cole Miller, More Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers
Experience |
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
Famous Quotes |
Synergy is the power of teamwork to combine individual strength, to compensate for individual shortcomings, to magnify individual efforts, so that more and greater feats can be accomplished.Thomas Nelson, The Magic of Teamwork
Meaningful |
“Compromising when it is best for the welfare of others shows the capacity for teamwork.” Steve Brunkhorst
Quote of the Day |
“The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals.” Rensis Likert
Goals |
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.” H.E. Luccock
Funny Quotes |
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” Andrew Carnegie
Accomplishment |
“Ensure the team is interdependent, not just a group of people assigned to the same task or function. If you are more like a group, then make sure you collaborate but don’t demand unnecessary interdependent teamwork.” Dr. Jacqueline Peters; Dr. Catherine Carr, 50 Tips for Terrific Teams: Proven Strategies for Building High Performance Teams
Work |
Individualism wins trophies, but teamwork wins championships.Tom Lasorda, Former Manager, Los Angeles Dodgers
Sports |
We believe that the movement toward teamwork and collaboration is shaped by two societal forces. It is driven by the need to find new and more effective ways of dealing with complex problems. It is made possible by the increasing social capacities of individuals and collectives to use collaborative strategies when dealing with common problems.Frank M. J. LaFasto; Carl Larson, When Teams Work Best
Believe |
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Henry Ford
Moving Forward |
“The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” Margaret Carty
Appreciation |
“Teamwork means that you are willing to compromise when it is best for the team to advance to reach their goals.” Byron Pulsifer, Major Human Capacities
Progress |
“Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success.” Author Unknown
Success |
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