Forgiveness Quotes Page 2
Forgiving others is a practice we should all do more of, it can change your life to one of frustration to one of peace. Catherine Pulsifer
When we finally repent of our sin and forgive those who have hurt us – as God calls us to do over and over again in his Word – then the light of God shines like a bright, healing beam in our hearts and clears the vision of God before us. Matt Brown, Awakening
Inspirational Quotes
The only true way to create a more loving, productive, and fulfilling life is by forgiving the past.Iyanla Vanzant, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything
Quote of the Day
The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, and forgiveness. Dalai Lama
We are supposed to forgive everyone; everyone includes ourselves.Denis Waitley
Humility, compassion, and wisdom are necessary in the giving and receiving of forgiveness. The truth that each and every person has sinned and fallen short reminds us that everyone has a substantial debt they cannot pay. Dr. David Jeremiah
Friendship is a two-way traffic. We need to give and take, forgive and forget. If you want to have friends, be one to start with.Vincent Thnay, Friends Indeed
Forgiveness and coming to terms with my past has been easier than I thought. Forgiving has set me free. Wendy Fry, Mothers And Daughters
Inspirational Sayings
Forgiveness can only occur when the offended person volunteers to assume the debt and not to get even or seek revenge.Rick Warren
Quotes about Overcoming
Harboring unforgiveness in any relationship can hold you emotionally hostage and cripple your ability to reach full potential. Nate Dallas, Hacking Fatherhood
I have a very old and very faithful attachment for dogs. I like them because they always forgive.Albert Camus, The Fall
Famous Quotes
If you make a mistake, which you undoubtedly will, acknowledge it and forgive yourself. Say comforting things to yourself and tell yourself that a mistake or two do not define you in any way. Earl Brandone, Motivation
Motivational Quotes
There is nothing more debilitating than harboring ill feelings – they do not assist with anything positive and can lead to internalizing ill feelings causing you health problems especially those ill feelings held over a long time.Catherine Pulsifer
The grace that God gives is amazing. Through Jesus, He forgives our sins when we don’t deserve it and have no way to earn it. Adam Cumpston, 30 Days to Overcoming Depression and Anxiety
God’s Grace Quotes
There’s forgiveness in Jesus for every person willing to receive it. Lilliet Garrison, Will God Forgive Me?
You don’t have to accept the invitation to get angry. Instead, practice forgiveness, empathy and encouragement. Dan Fallon
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.Matthew 6:14
God Quotes
Forgiveness is the spirit of forgiving others and let their mistakes go. Ilene Prat, The Secrets of Forgiveness
You should be quick to forgive people because you are the one who suffers the most if you do not forgive. aspinder Grover, Forgiveness
We find that when forgiveness is sincere and complete, the Lord heals us quickly of our emotional wounds. Tonia Woolever, The Woman God Designed
Components Of Christianity
Forgiveness is a true act of trust and love that you can give yourself. James Fullerton, Choose Happiness
Trust Quotes
In Christ, we receive forgiveness. He extends His pardon to all who trust in Him and receive His free gift of salvation. John Stange, Overcoming Negative Self-Talk
Trust God Quotes
Remember; forgiveness is not a feeling – it is a conscious choice. Paul Kendall, The Marriage Miracle
Although forgiveness can be extremely difficult, it can be one of the most important things you do for your overall mental wellbeing. Ace McCloud, Confident Communication Skills
I have to forgive myself and learn from it. Michael Unks, Awesome In Hours
We are asked to forgive others – not for their benefit – but for our own. On many occasions it makes no difference to the one we are forgiving whether we forgive them or not. Margaret Weston, How Do I Know God Answers Prayer?
Make A Difference
When you truly realize what God has done for you, His love, grace and forgiveness begin to transform every area of your life. Jennifer Carter, Women of Courage
The most important things you can do in your lifetime are give your life over to God, confess that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and receive the Holy Spirit, then live the rest of your life as a new creature in God’s grace. Kim Trujillo, A Closer Talk with God
Life Quotes
When God forgives, He forgets. Russell M. Stendal, The Seventh Trumpet and the Seven Thunders
Poems about God
We are forgiven as we forgive. We receive peace within ourselves when we forgive. Jason A. Ponzio, Devotional Thoughts for Everyday
We have to be a willing vessel and the confession is to be to God not man (man cannot forgive nor cleanse us at all). Donna Schmier, God’s Last Name Is Not Damn
Christian Poems
Forgiveness is about cultivating greater understanding, compassion, and love. We accomplish this by releasing that which we are holding to ourselves too closely. John Felitto, The 90-Day Game
When you hear God’s Voice within you and receive the guidance, love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance that God’s Voice has for you, you will know what is true.DavidPaul Doyle; Doyle, Candace, The Voice for Love
Words of Faith
Even in the midst of our sin and failure, Jesus stands ready to forgive and cleanse His children. Bob Beasley, Proverbs 3: 5 and 6
God’s word has a lot to say about forgiveness. Erol Woods, Spirital Wisdom
Encouraging Bible Verses
When you sin, you have all the more reason to pray and ask God to forgive you. Greg Laurie, What the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know
Forgiving those who wronged you does not justify their actions, or say their behavior was ok. Forgiveness gets you out of prison. When a person is bound by unforgiveness, they are carrying a grudge. Nathan D. Pietsch, Pleasant Fruits
God wants to forgive us so we shouldn’t be afraid to come forward with a repenting heart. Steven Johnson, Prayer
They were stepping stones on the path to where and who you are today, which is obviously someone who is motivated with a desire for success. So don’t dwell on your past mistakes. Notice them, learn the lesson, and let them go. Forgive yourself.Ingo Michehl, Mindset: Entrepreneurial Success
It is a wrong understanding of grace to think that the free forgiveness of God does not elicit the development of character and integrity in our lives. Keith Intrater, Covenant Relationships
Love covers a multitude of sins; love is forgiving.Gregory Brown, Philippians: Pursuing Spiritual Maturity
Prayer Poems
God loves us unconditionally, forgives us completely, and provides for our every need. Tony Watson, It’s All About Relationships
Offering yourself forgiveness and compassion for what has happened will help you to let go of the past so that you can move more fully into the future. Alison Cardy, Career Grease
It’s also most important to remember, when struggling to forgive someone, that Jesus paid the price for our forgiveness long before we confessed our sin and wrongdoing. Our release had been paid for; we just need to receive it, through repentance and faith. Rob White, Teach us to Pray
Serve, forgive, understand and appreciate your spouse. Accept each others imperfections. Correct mistakes. Uplift one another’s soul. Remember that your childrens’ eyes are on you. You are their role models. Lindsey Schlessinger, Successful Family Relationships
Appreciation Quotes
The will of God is to be loving, forgiving, kind, thankful, and pure in heart and life. Susan G. Owen, God’s Original Design For Your Life
Only those who forgive others are qualified to receive God’s forgiveness. Gavin Cox, How To Read The Bible and Not Get Confused
Words of Encouragement
Truth is, at some point in life, all of us will wind up having to figureout what to do about forgiveness. On any given day, in any given situation, involving any given relationship,we may find ourselves forced to face the complexities of forgiveness from a number of vantage points. Matthew West, Forgiveness: Overcoming the Impossible
Relationship Quotes
“The qualities of goodness in a man, I believe, include a broad sympathy for the human condition, that is, an awareness of human weaknesses and shortcomings and a willingness to be forgiving of them, a sense of responsibility toward others, a genuine modesty combined with a justified self-confidence, a sense of humor, and most of all a love of life and of people.” Stephen E. Ambrose, Eisenhower: Soldier and President
If we truly act out of concern for others’ well-being we will recognize the potential impact of our actions on others and order our conduct accordingly. When we become angry, we stop being compassionate, loving, generous, forgiving, tolerant, and patient altogether. We deprive ourselves of the very things that happiness consists of. Eileen Borris-Dunchunstang, Finding Forgiveness
Happiness Quotes
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