24 Direction Quotes
Be inspired by our collection of Direction Quotes.
Who knows what the right direction is to take? Unfortunately, life doesn’t always have signposts telling you which direction to take, but personally, I think that’s one of the great things about life! Life is a game of chance and risk, sometimes you may accidentally take the wrong route but it’s never too late to turn around and head back to calmer waters. The adventure of life is a wonderful thing, making sure you make the most of it is absolutely crucial and we are always going to take a wrong turn or two!
We have collected some of the most relevant and best direction quotes to help you along lifes journey. Feel free to share with family or friends!
- Finding the right people is more important than finding the right direction.
Miguel Hebrero, The Fashion Strategy
Friendship Quotes - Fortunately, when it comes to finding the right direction for our lives, God has not abandoned us to relying upon fluorescent arrows on our shoes.
Ken Abraham, Fairways
God Quotes - The direction of life is determined simply by the way the environment impinges on the individual.
George S. Lair, Counseling the Terminally Ill
Life Quotes - Although we may feel out of control with respect to our addictions, we can choose to set our heart in the direction of life.
Stephen Arterburn, David Stoop, Life Recovery Bible NLT, Large Print
Control Quotes - Values influence the direction of life’s meaningful purpose.
Brian Luke Seaward, Managing Stress
Value Quotes - The direction of life is toward the independence and equality of nations
Unknown Author
Equality Quotes - This continuous attainment of a unified direction of life is never finished.
Blanche Carrier, Church Education for Family Life
Life Lessons - Are we moving in the right direction? If we are, we keep going, and if there’s a gap, we can double or triple our efforts.
Adam Cash, Psychology For Dummies
Effort - The Universe knows your contract and will do everything in its power to steer you in the right direction without taking your free will away.
Shirley Scott, Religion Vs Spirituality – One Psychics Point of Vie
Universe - Whenever there’s a genuine commitment, no matter what direction you choose, all of life’s elements will align to gain you an advantage, stack the deck, and prepare one and all for some serious ledgend making.
Mike Dooley, A Beginner’s Guide to the Universe
Commitment - The direction we take in life may not lead us to the place we planned, but it will always lead us to the place we need. All we must do is show the willingness to make the journey and regardless of the destination, we must all have faith that where we are, is where we should be.
J. A. Causer, Travelling the Stars With a Honkytonk Woman
Journey - Everyone’s dream is different, and we will achieve our dreams in different ways. Yet there are steps we all must take in the same direction.
Troy Borden, Leave a Mark
Dream Quotes - We must figure out the direction to take and the options we have to get there.
Resource Management Journal – Page 2
One Line Quotes on Life - We all have a need to be safe and secure; to know that the direction we’re heading is not only the right one, but that it will also turn out okay.
Chris Suitt, More Than a Sunday Faith
Comfort Zone - The answer is not to give up hope of ever finding your direction, nor is it waiting around for this time to pass.
John Daniels, Spiritual Direction
Hope - Finding your direction is only the beginning, of course.
Sean Patrick, Awakening Your Inner Genius
Finding Yourself - Finding love is beautiful, but finding your direction and reclaiming yourself, your soul and your essence is life-changing.
Shenae A. Pruitt, Check Yourself!
Soul - Your actions and your dreams are the signs that are sent to you by God to help you in finding your direction.
Destiny, Purpose and Your Future
Action - Finding your direction Knowing where you are going, what you are trying to do, that’s the vital thing.
Celia Brayfield, Duncan Sprott, Writing Historical Fiction
Wise - Finding your direction and purpose will require you to face situations and respond, and only you can choose your response.
Johannah Clark Leach, Victoria West Henady, Created with Purpose
Choices - On conception, life has to rely on environment, and the correct direction.
Bill Huth, The Direction of Life
Moving Forward - Let’s say that you’re planning a road trip. … ultimate destination is, you can’t plan your trip. You don’t know which direction is the right one to take.
Michael Weston, Success Made Simple
Road Trip - Spend any length of time without direction and what happens? You become lost. Without direction life becomes meaningless or out of control.
Joel Rodriguez Creator of The EMBS Systematic Process, The Optimistic Seekers Keys to Greatness
Time - Believe it or not, the direction — up or down — is in our hands.
George R. Rodman, Ronald Brian Adler, The New Public Speaker

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