Empower Your Soul
Book Review
Empower Your Soul
Create Balance in Your Life by Trusting Your Intuition
By Melissa Perry Moraja
Reviewed by Catherine Pulsifer
Share in the journey of one woman’s discovery of her passion and the challenges she faced along the way. Discover how she overcame the roadblocks she faced. The book discusses seven simple principles including life balance, goals, beliefs, passions and much more. Melissa has written the book in such a fashion that you can use it as a workbook. Rather than just a book of theory, she offers exercises, questions, and techniques to assist you to create balance in your life.
She discusses the principle of intuition; what it is, and how we can use it. There are times in all of our lives that our intuition told us something, but did we actually use it? Allow Melissa to guide you in discovering how you can use your intuition to live the life you want.
The book is intriguing. It not only provides insight into how to empower yourself, the principles that we have all heard about before, this book ties in different aspects that you may not have considered previously, things such as the meaning of colors, the meaning behind dreams. It is a book that certainly opened my minds, helped me understand some of our beliefs, and made me reflect on things that I previously never considered.
Some of our favorite quotes from the book are:
“Throughout your life, you will encounter situations where you will question why you are here and what your purpose is.”
“In all aspects of our lives, our past influences who we are, how we are perceived, and the opportunities that come our way.”
“If you believe you can, then the universe will open up a world of possibilities and opportunities for you.”
“Enjoy what you love doing, and appreciate the gifts that you have been blessed with.”
“There are times in everyone’s life when we need that extra boost of confidence or that little push to get you moving in the right direction.”
“To change your belief system, you first need to understand what makes up your present belief system.”
“Life is about learning to feel, sense, and be.”
“When you give, you also need to be open to receive.”
“A balanced life is hard to achieve in a world where success, power, and physical appearance are thought of as so important.”
“The process of manifesting something into your life starts with a thought, an idea, or a desire in mind.”
“What you think, believe, and do is what you will attract back into your life in the form of messages and reality.”
“Why do we stay in situations that are unhealthy for us? Or ones where we are limiting our growth?”
“Dreams provide insight into your every day problems and life. It is a place that you can find solutions, get ideas, and learn lessons.”
“Giving your power away is allowing someone else to create and define your goals.”
“Believe that you can create your life’s passion. Own your choices and decisions. And, in the process, don’t forget to love yourself unconditionally.”
The book is available at Amazon.com
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