Lean on Me
This book, Lean on Me, Cancer Through a Carer’s Eyes was written by Lorraine Kember.
One Thing We All Have In Common
We will all face the death of a loved one whether that is a husband, wife, life partner, child, parent, relative, or close friend. But, one thing we may not share is facing the actuality that we will be the primary care giver, the nurse, to one we love. Will we be able to endure, have the inner strength to prevail while we wait helplessly for the final moment when our loved dies?
A Testament of Love
And, while there have been many diseases claiming our loved ones throughout time, one word that sends shudders through my spine is the prognosis defined as cancer. This book, “Lean on Me: Cancer Through a Carer’s Eyes” by Lorraine Kember, not only aptly describes the medical challenges of her husband dying of cancer, but also deeply reflects on her most inner needs as the strength of every edge of her spirit is tested daily. This book stands as a true testament to a wife’s most loving, caring, and desperate hope for a dying life companion.
Ways To Help
For a lot of us, we may think that asking about the health of the person dying serves to demonstrate caring. Maybe this expression of verbal concern, though, only serves to seal ourselves from experiencing pain we would rather not know, or hoping by asking that the person dying is getting better. But, is this kind of attention what the care giver really needs from you to help them cope? Find out better ways to really help by learning first-hand from Lorraine’s book.
A Must Read
As a one time health and social counselor, I have read and studied many books but Lorraine’s is definitely one would highly recommend for all health practitioner’s, and hospice staff. In fact, I would strongly recommend “Lean on Me” as a must read for all nurses’ training and for doctors and nurses who specialize in palliative care.
You can purchase the book on Amazon: Lean On Me. A book to help families cope with Cancer diagnosis
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