Motivational Books

Motivational Books

Catherine’s Kindle Books
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Change Your Life - Successful People Who Did
Change Your Life – Successful People Who Did

Real people, real stories. Let them inspire you to be all that you can be!
Why Not You Blog
Wings of Wisdom
WINGS of WISDOM Your Daily Guide to Benefit from Change, Profit from Failure, and Design Your Own Destiny!

The book that started this website. Wings of Wisdom provides you with 365 days of inspiration.
Wings for Goals
Wings for Goals How to Use Three Easy Steps to Change Your Life Forever

Why do some people accomplish more in a year than others do in a lifetime. Discover the reason in this book.

Wings for WorkWings for Work – How To Develop and Use The Three Key Qualities Successful People Have Mastered In Work and In Life

Tips and suggestions that may surprise you about your work.

We offer three motivational books; one hard cover book, “Wings of Wisdom”, and two soft covered books, “Wings for Goals”, and “Wings for Work”, by Catherine Pulsifer.For more detailed information, including the authors introduction and excerpts from the books,click on the book below.

The books are available to Canada and US. They make a great gift for you, or, for someone else!

Books For Your Reader We are now writing ebooks. They are available on – kindle edition.

Don’t have a Kindle reader, want to read a book on your PC download the free app Kindle App for PC

Another great Kindle Book:
Happiness Is Possible
Happiness Is Possible: 6 Key Steps To Live By

Do YOU do what these people do?Find answers in this book.

Note From Author, :
From my love of quotes, Wings of Wisdom was written. For many years I collected quotes, I would write my thoughts or a story that related to a specific quote.When I sat down to writeWings of Wisdom I had many small books of quotes, thoughts and stories that I had saved over the years.These quotes influence my thinking, helping me to look at the positive side of life. There were quotes that I wanted to pass to my children. The book is dedicated to my children in hopes that as they faced the challenges that life presents to us all, they will find inspiration in the words.

Wings for Goals was written after many years of actually setting goals and attaining them. Goals really do work!

And, last but not least, Wings for Work was written out of my frustration of seeing people not succeed at work. I love working with people, and, I love seeing people get ahead and be successful. My belief is that a successful company is one which has successful people.

I hope you enjoy the books as much as I enjoyed writing them!May all your dreams turn into goals,

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