Excerpts from Wings of Wisdom
Wings of Wisdom
Author: Catherine Pulsifer
ISBN 0-9683013-0-4, 266 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, hardcover, ribbon marker, reference, index by subject, index by author, $16.95 US
For each day of the year, you’ll find a quotation.
The meaning of every third quote is explained by either a story or an example. The two following quotations are used to reinforce the main point or message, and give you an opportunity for self-reflection.
You won’t be wading through complicated passages, or a lot of unfamiliar terms either. The book is written in a clear and friendly style making it easy to read and understand.
It’s more than 150 subjects and 174 authors are also completely indexed for easy use. Here’s what you’ll learn:
– the two things that can dramatically change your life
-why some people are more successful than others
-how to defeat procrastination
-how to profit from failure
-the easiest way to change the world
-how to benefit from change
“Our ability to achieve happiness and success depends on the strength of our wings. The greater our knowledge and experience, the higher we can fly.
May the writings in this book challenge, and reinforce your wings!”
This book is your constant companion to everyday real life issues. You’ll find yourself reading and re-reading it to help spread your wings to happiness and success. Read
Authors Introduction (partial) to Wings of Wisdom
Author: Catherine Pulsifer
MAY 10
“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea,
never regains its original dimensions.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
There are numerous examples of the above theme; here is a small sampling:
the automobile, once, was just an idea.
the microwave, once, was just an idea.
the computer, once, was just an idea.
the TV, once, was just an idea.
the telephone, once, was just an idea.
the Internet, once, was just an idea.
Today, most of us have some of the above conveniences, and would find it hard to imagine life without them. An idea can “stretch” your mind with the potential of influencing the lives of thousands of people.
Let every invention around you be your motivation,
as they were once all just ideas!
MAY 11
“Ideas won’t keep;
something must be done about them.”
Alfred North Whitehead
MAY 12
“The man with a new idea is a
crank until the idea succeeds.”
Mark Twain
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