Quote of the Day Nov 27 to Dec 3
Sunday, December 3, 2017
“God’s grace is sufficient for those that believe and trust in Him until the end. “
E’yen A Gardner, Chosen One – God’s Grace Quotes
Appreciation Quote of The Day
You be you. Don’t be your parents or grandparents. You can admire them, appreciate them, and learn from them. But you cannot be them. You aren’t them.Max Lucado
Words of Encouragement for The Day
We all need encouragement as we travel this journey, fulfilling our God-given destinies.Bolanie Saliu, Encouragement Today
Quotes About Change for The Day
Always remember you can’t have significant changes in your life without significant change….Once you start making some changes, it becomes a habit. Once you’ve made something of a habit, you will find it much easier to start adding new habits.Michael Hilton, How to Stop Worrying Now: Beat Worry, Anxiety, Negative Thinking, and Create Happiness Today
Retirement Quotes for The Day
After all those years of seriously doing what you had to do to make a living and raise a family, now you can be a clown, work at Disneyland helping Mickey Mouse, build new homes for Habitat for Humanity, or just be lazy in scenic surroundings.Jaimie Hall Bruzenak, Retire to an RV: The Roadtrip to Affordable Retirement
Saturday, December 2, 2017
“Success is loving life and daring to live it.”
Maya Angelou – Success
Appreciation Quote of The Day
Everybody likes a compliment.Abraham Lincoln
Words of Encouragement for The Day
Gratitude encourages joy. Gratitude is closely related to worship; it voices our joy and it also creates joy.Gaylyn Williams, Gratitude Encourages Joy: How to Unlock God’s Gift of Lasting Happiness
Quotes About Change for The Day
Any change in how we think about our future, even if it could radically improve our prospects, takes courage.Bruce Wilkinson, A Life God Rewards: Why Everything You Do Today Matters Forever
Retirement Quotes for The Day
Choose living your life over accumulating money for accumulation’s accumulation’s sake. Inspired, I added retire early to my Life Bucket List.Anita Dhake, Operation Enough!: How to Retire Remarkably Early
Friday, December 1, 2017
“No time? Switch off the TV. Television is our biggest enemy.”
Josie Cluney, Finding Purpose – Time
Appreciation Quote of The Day
“Every moment of the day and the simple acknowledgment Of the miracle of my physical being fills me with a new appreciation inspiring me to a live a life worthy of the miracle.” Elizabeth D. Gray
Words of Encouragement for The Day
“Mentoring is a way to make a dent in these numbers by providing guidance and fostering support and encouragement for these vulnerable young people.”Thomas Dortch, The Miracles of Mentoring: How to Encourage and Lead Future Generations
Quotes About Change for The Day
It should be no surprise that our successes and our failures have only one constant: us. If we want our situation to change, then we have to change our behavior. Matthew Oleniuk
Retirement Quotes for The Day
Stop: Before you decide what to do in retirement, reassess what you value most. In doing so, remember that your values today may not be the ones you had in the past or will have in the future.David C. Borchard, Ed.D., NCC
Thursday, November 30, 2017
“A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.”
Patricia Neal – Positive Attitude
Appreciation Quote of The Day
“Once you begin the habit of appreciation, it becomes quite easy. It is a preferable way to look at the world, rather than ignoring the beauty in life to focus on the bad and the worries swirling your head.”Robyn McComb, The &1 Rule of Happiness: Appreciate the Little Things
Words of Encouragement for The Day
“Praise and encourage your children constantly, whenever and however you can. Don’t tell them they’re good. They are better than good. They are great.”Dr. Ray Guarendi, Back to the Family: How to Encourage Traditional Values in Complicated Times
Quotes About Change for The Day
“Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it. If change is of the essence of existence one would have thought it only sensible to make it the premise of our philosophy.”W. Somerset Maugham
Retirement Quotes for The Day
“When you ‘retire,’ you’re on your own. No longer is most of your life ahead. You don’t have forever to fulfill promises. But there’s also good news: Now, going forward, can be the most important part of your life, when it all comes together – your experience, wisdom, and successes.”Michael Jeans
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
“Success is loving life and daring to live it.”
Maya Angelou – Success
Appreciation Quote of The Day
“It’s an amazing feeling to be appreciated for what you do and to feel like you have brought happiness to others.” Marie Osmond, The Key Is Love: My Mother’s Wisdom, A Daughter’s Gratitude
Words of Encouragement for The Day
“I learned to encourage myself by asking, ‘Why not me?'”Ralene Berry, As I Encourage You, I Encourage Myself
Quotes About Change for The Day
“To fight for change tomorrow we need to build resilience today.”Sheryl Sandberg, Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy
Retirement Quotes for The Day
“For many, retirement is a time for personal growth, which becomes the path to greater personal freedom.”Robert Delamontagne
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson – New Beginnings
Appreciation Quote of The Day
“I have spent much of my life in the fog and realise that as uncomfortable as it often seems, appreciating the lesson in the moment makes life so much easier than fighting and resisting my experiences.”Stephen Harrison, Appreciate the Fog: Embrace Change with Power and Purpose
Words of Encouragement for The Day
“People will open up if they perceive that they are in a supportive environment.” Sven Imholz, How to encourage people: Learn how to get people happy to do the things that you want them to do
Quotes About Change for The Day
“Whatever your habit, compulsion, or challenge, you can change it if you want to.”Laya Saul, You Don’t Have to Learn Everything the Hard Way–What I Wish Someone Had Told Me
Retirement Quotes for The Day
“Retirement or not working is fine, but only if you have a plan for doing what you enjoy, how you would spend your days, and what your ideal life would cost. Then you can start to set goals.”Clark Howard
Monday, November 27, 2017
“Everything is in your mind. Your ability to succeed, to fail, to win, to loose is just a matter of attitude.”
Scott Oteri, Become A Winner – Attitude
Appreciation Quote of The Day
“Life is worth living if you love to love, if you do what you like, if you work with pleasure, if you live so that you can leave something behind, if you learn to share and appreciate every moment you are healthy, free and alive.”Andy Hertz, Life, The Best Birthday Gift
Words of Encouragement for The Day
“You will need to believe in yourself and your ability to overcome and succeed.” Paul and Tracey McManus, The 7 Great Prayers
Quotes About Change for The Day
“Our world and everything in it continuously grows and evolves. The changing seasons ground us in our understanding of the cycles of renewal. Even the harshest of winters is not permanent. As individuals, each of us changes over time.” Barbara Bernard, Birthdays of the Soul: Seeing Yourself Change in Times of Sea Change
Retirement Quotes for The Day
“Retirement is one of life’s most defining moments. It can be a bittersweet time for some because we all need to come to terms with our aging selves and recognize that life as we know it will dramatically change, hopefully for the better, and that we are on a slippery slope to ‘old age,’ whatever that means to us.”Rick Steiner Ph.D., Retirement: Different by Design: Six Building Blocks Fundamentally Changing How Life After Work is Viewed, Planned For, and Lived
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