22 Gypsy Quotes
Here is our collection of gypsy quotes and gypsy proverbs from a variety of wise authors.
Living like a gypsy means you are wild and free. Not conforming to the ‘norm’ means you can be your true self – a free spirit some may say! Gypsies love to be on the road and are the nomads of the world, indulging in new places constantly.
We hope you enjoy reading and relating to these Gypsy quotes!
- Gypsies dream of a world with no borders — today they would like to be in one part of the earth, and tomorrow in another, all in the search for their own identity.
Muharem Serbezovski, Cigani i ljudska prava
Finding Yourself - I am a Gypsy. I was born a Gypsy. I decide where I want to go and what I want to do. I’m proud of that. You got to be how you are.
Brian A. Belton, Questioning Gypsy Identity
Pride Quotes - I am like a gypsy with no home. I always need to move on.
Evita Mantzavinou, The end of Harlequins
Home - I feel I am like a gypsy… I am ready to leave at any time to anywhere, without property to keep me from leaving and with dance as my only luggage, the most important companion.
Natasha Hassiotis, Great Choreographers-Interviews
Companionship Quotes - I am free as a breeze, free like a bird in the woodland wild, free like a gypsy, free like a child.
Elyse Sommer, Similes Dictionary
Freedom - Love like a gypsy, dance like a gypsy, Smile like a gypsy, God loves a gypsy!
Norma Jean Campanaro, Reflections
Smile Quotes - Gypsies live for the present and are incapable of the kind of application and effort shown by normal citizens.
Dimitra Gefou-Madianou, Alcohol, Gender and Culture
Present - I believe we all have a gypsy spirit, filled with desire, passion, life, vibrancy, energy, confidence, and flow. Your gypsy spirit is the embodiment of your essence and what makes you, YOU!
Andrea B. Riggs, Gypsy Living
Passion Quotes - Gypsies always know more than they let on, my brothers.
Fred Wiehe, Night Songs
Knowledge - The real gypsies are happy, doubtless, as the nomads of the world’s childhood.
Cesar Grana, On Bohemia
Children Quotes - Despite the disappointing outcomes, I persist in trying to click with something or someone, wandering like a gypsy in search of her true tribe.
Jane Christmas, What the Psychic Told the Pilgrim
Explore - Anybody who has really had the experience of Divine Love, whether they live in a house or not, whether they travel or not, is living like a gypsy, from state to state, hour to hour.
Andrew Harvey, The Way of Passion
Experience Quotes - The combination of wanderlust with the happy, free, dancing spirit within made the gypsy in me all the more obvious.
Kimberly Thompson, Gypsy Phoenix
Wanderlust - Of all the feelings which the Gypsy reveals in his music, pain is the most vivid; pride, the most prominent!
Arthur Friedheim, Life and Liszt
Music Quotes - Gypsies are the human types of this vanishing, direct love of nature, of this mute sense of rural romance.
Gordon Brotherston, and of al fresco life
Nature - I’ve always wanted to run away from the rat race and live like a gypsy.
J Dori Callahan, Push Back Time
Live Life - Dog that travels finds bones.
Prosper Mérimée, Carmen
Proverbs - Gypsy gold does not chink or glitter; it gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark.
Charley Marsh, Gypsy Gold
Travel Quotes - Where should a gypsy go if not to her kin?
Barbara Casey, The Cadence of Gypsies
Family - Bury me standing up, I’ve been on my knees all my life.
R.A. Wise, Wise Quotes of Wisdom
Short Quotes - Love your horse more than your wife; she may leave you without warning, but a good horse never will.
A French Gypsy proverbMichael Dregni, Django
Animal - You should beware of your neighbors but strangers will not harm you.
Stephen P. Matava, Legacy of the Priest
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