25 Believe In God Quotes
Let these believe in God quotes give you thoughts to consider if you have any doubts that God does indeed exist. May they inspire you to have a relationship with Him.
- “You may not think about gravity but it is real. God is like this. You may not think about him, but he is very real.” James Strand, First Steps to Faith
Words of Encouragement - Believe today that in Christ, you have what it takes to not be afraid and to be a person that God can use to change people’s lives. Joyce Meyers
Believe - When you know the POWER behind you – the exceeding greatness of God’s power to us toward who believe, (the same power that raised Jesus from the dead) then you’d dare great things and discover the integrity and faithfulness of God. Akin Emmanuel, After the Passion
God - There is a clear message in the Scriptures exhorting believers to keep growing in the Lord. Rev. Juan Perez, Did God Make Mistakes?
Growth - God is present tense. He is the Great I AM (Exodus 3:14). Not the Great I Was, or the Great I Will Be.Robert Hotchkin, Winning the Battle for Your Mind, Will and Emotions
Inspirational Quotes - Yet the entire Christian faith hinges on the belief that God is so personal that He came down from glory to be in relationship with us in a very personal way.Dexter Sanders, Soulmate
Relationship - We aren’t perfect people, but with the grace God supplies, we’re doing our best to raise our children in an atmosphere that is heavily seasoned with grace, mercy, compassion, structure, wisdom and love that we believe find their source in Christ. John Stange, What did Jesus say about Marriage?
Not Perfect - He who does not believe God’s promises will never love Him. Thomas Watson, The Pure in Heart
Love - I don’t understand fully the beauty and mystery of what it means to be made in God’s image, but I believe that it is by discovering who we are as children of God that we grow into who we are meant to become. Jeremy Harrison, Rethinking Depression
Children - Believe in God, He is the giver of life and the abundant life you seek. Darlene Burgess David, Stir Your Soul
Trust God Quotes - Our first step in finding true peace is getting to know God.Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Peace
Inner Peace - Unbiased studies show that people who believe in God are healthier, live longer, and have less stress. Their world view is one of love, hope, and redemption. Dennis Lominac, My Family is My Life
Hope - God entrusted this child to you and He knows you can train him well and you must believe it. David Bishopson, How to Discipline a Child
Trust - We must understand that with our busy lives, God is so ready to reveal His perfect will and plan for our lives if we stop and listen.Hakeem Collins, Heaven Declares
Inspirational Saying - Though there is no way for anybody on earth to scientifically, beyond a shadow of a doubt, prove (or disprove) that Jesus rose from the dead; the historic fact of the matter is that something significant happened on Passover weekend, A.D. 33. Chase Thompson, .Easter: Fact or Fiction
Amazing - Finding God’s help through difficult circumstances has probably been one of the most rewarding aspects of my journey with God. Christopher Roberts, God Never Fails
Journey - “In spite of what may be happening in our lives, we must learn to see God in every test. We must see his power to deliver, and to help those in need.” Michael Crenshaw, Thirty Days of Joy
Learning - “God has endless resources; therefore, I chose to tap into His resources rather than just my own.”John Keyes, A Letter To My Son
Choices - “Most people never become who they were meant to be purely because they are scared of falling. They always forget about God’s hands waiting to catch them.” Olivia Benjamin, Billy Graham: Graham, 70 Greatest Life Lessons
Fear - “It does not take much study to realize the most powerful evidence for the existence of God we detect by our five senses. In other words, we can know God exists by the evidence found in the intelligence and intricacies of creation.” Dr. A.G. Walp, Resurrection (Fact or Fiction)
Quote of The Day - If God can take someone like me, someone without arms and legs, and use me as His hands and feet, He can use anybody. It’s not about ability. The only thing God needs from you is a willing heart. Nick Vujicic, Limitless
Christian Quotes about Life - Don’t be a fool. Recognize your dependence on God. As the days become dark and the nights become dreary, realize that there is a God who rules above. Martin Luther King Jr., Why Jesus Called A Man A Fool
Famous - Even when we doubt, God believes in us and never gives up on us. Catherine Pulsifer
Doubt - No magic pill or five-step plan to know God exists; it is only through hours, days, weeks, months, and years of digging into His Word, studying His creation, talking with Him, and listening to His still, small voice that one can stand against the tides. Dr. A.G. Walp, Resurrection (Fact or Fiction)
Spiritual - God knows how to turn things around. He can turn your sorrow into joy – just let him in.Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Joy
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