30 Selfless Quotes To Guide Your Soul: Inspirational Words of Wisdom

Selfless Quotes

Be inspired by our collection of selfless quotes. Being selfless is an art form not quickly learned; some people are naturally selfless, but for others, it takes training and conditioning, and there is absolutely no shame in that! Giving to others before yourself is unnatural; the mind always wants to look after number one first. So don’t worry if you have realized that you need to be more giving; the most important thing is that you recognize that and want to adjust your lifestyle. Start with close family like your wife/husband and slowly work your way up to the wider world.

Why is selflessness important?

One principal act of selflessness comes to mind when searching my mind for examples; Jesus Christ gave his life so that we could be free of sin, and in my mind, that was the ultimate true act of selflessness. Imagine the world we know had no selfless people. It would be a dire dark place with no love, and I would go as far as to say that being focused on others is exactly how our civilization has come to flourish.

Selflessness will keep your mind and soul healthy

Have you ever wondered why you get that warm, happy feeling whenever you do something good for someone else? Knowing you have helped another soul is good for your own, and the reward for doing that is truly priceless.

Selflessness is inner peace

The peace of mind brought to you by being selfless is better than any worldly gain that you would get from being selfish. The feelings of joy and satisfaction are gifts like no other. The inner peace that can be achieved for helping others is worth more than any riches. Your life is based on how you feel. The better you feel, the better life is going to be!

Page Contents:

Selfless Quotes

Published by: Ben Gillison

    Selfless Quotes

    Selflessness is its own reward. Ilana Estelle, Spirituality, Healing and Me

  1. Selflessness is its own reward.
    Ilana Estelle, Spirituality, Healing and Me
    Inspirational Quotes
  2. A selfless person is one who, no matter what the consequences to themselves, continually put others first.
    Scott Hamilton, Healing A Nation
    Be Kind
  3. A selfless person is a very happy one, and this happiness could not be explained, but could be experienced through practice.
    Bshara Salem, Marriage
  4. When you are selfless, you esteem yourself highly.
    The Church of Almighty God, God Has Come, He Is King
    Self Esteem
  5. Since it is difficult to love others unless one first finds value in one’s own self, such a selfless person is also likely to be indifferent to others.
    Sean Creaven, Against the Spiritual Turn
  6. Serving others is empathy and excellence put into acts and action.
    Bob Wilson, The Ripple Effect
  7. Less enjoyment, more contribution—show your selfless spirit of dedication.
    Christ of the Last Days, Daily Words of God
  8. A selfless person is generous and sacrificial, devoid of egotism.
    Wintley Phipps, Your Best Destiny: Becoming the Person You Were Created to Be
  9. A 'selfless person' is a truly free soul. Sally Mazzella, Living the Life - Part 2

  10. A ‘selfless person’ is a truly free soul.
    Sally Mazzella, Living the Life – Part 2
  11. And there is no better or cleaner passport to status in society than honesty and selfless service of fellow-beings.
    N. C. Beohar, Wisdom of Mahatma Gandhibooks
  12. Without love and compassion, every other practice, no matter how deep it may appear, is not a path to awakening.
    Joel Morwood, The Way of Selflessness
  13. Selflessness is the liberating truth, realisation of which sets one free.
    O. N. Krishnan, In Search of Reality
  14. Selflessness is the path. Selflessness is the real devotion. Selflessness is the authentic surrender.
    Osho, I Am The Gate
  15. Being selfless is a precondition for moral action – without selflessness man can neither love nor be just.
    Udo Schaefer, Bahá’í Ethics in Light of Scripture
  16. It is absolutely impossible to feel the depth of true love without selflessness.
    Dr. Sunny Uwadiae, Christian Marriage Companion
    True Love Quotes
  17. Whenever we engage in selfless, humble service of our neighbor, we follow the model that Jesus gave.
    Lesia Anslinger, ‎Mary A. Ehle, ‎Biagio Mazza, The Living Word™
  18. Like two sides of a coin, service to others and wise leadership are inextricably connected.
    Paul D. Houston and Stephen L. Sokolow, The Wise Leader
  19. Friendships are supposed to be selfless. True friends give time, resources, and energy to preserve the relationship.
    Jim Williamson, Give Abundantly!
    True Friendship
  20. Selflessness is the key to the universe. It is the key to explore undiscovered human potential.
    Dr. Pak-Kei Kan, Selflessness
  21. Building a legacy that will last beyond your life is purposeful, selfless, and self-full. G. J. Reynolds, The Playful and Powerful Warrior Within You!

  22. Building a legacy that will last beyond your life is purposeful, selfless, and self-full.
    G. J. Reynolds, The Playful and Powerful Warrior Within You!
    Purpose Quotes
  23. When a selfless person can help someone else, they see it as an “opportunity” not a “loss”.
    Eric Watterson, Selfish or Selfless
  24. The key to self-realization is selfless giving. No one has ever achieved enlightenment without selfless giving.
    Liz Lewinson, American Buddhist Rebel
  25. Those who act selflessly give us cause to rely on them.
    David Horsager, The Trust Edge
  26. Karma and selflessness are bosom buddies, working hand in hand.
    Samesh Ramjattan, Be Your Higher Self
  27. Selfless giving becomes easy when you give with freedom, joy, love and dedication.
    Sudarshan Pukale, Great Success Formula for Life: (Mahan Yash-Sutra)
  28. Greed is a barrier to compassion, kindness, giving and selfless service.
    Namboodiri, Dr. M.N., ‎Prof. K.V. Dev, ‎Amma, The Thousand Names Of The Divine Mother
  29. We must force ourselves to do good deeds. We need to seek out people who need help.
    Daniel Stevens, Sin the Absence of Love
  30. Reward is promised to those who act selflessly and not for the sake of reward.
    Hans Heinz, Justification and Merit
  31. Selfless doesn’t actually mean being without the self, it means expanding the self to contain the whole world, where the troubles of the world become our own troubles.
    Abhijit Naskar, Dervish Advaitam
  32. Strengthen your heart by doing one selfless act every day.   Liz Lark, 001 Pearls of Yoga Wisdom, take Your Practice Beyond the Mat

  33. Strengthen your heart by doing one selfless act every day.
    Liz Lark, 001 Pearls of Yoga Wisdom, take Your Practice Beyond the Mat
    Strength and Courage

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