Are You Ready for School
Author: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2008
The first week of September, a week many children start back to school after their summer break.
A Time Of Preparation
Time is spent in obtaining school supplies and other necessary items to ensure the kids are ready for the upcoming year.
What Are You Learning?
While most of us think of our children and preparing them, what about our own learning?
It is a good time for us to think of our own learning and what we need to do to be prepared for opportunities that we would like to have in our own life.As Whitney Young Jr. said, “It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.”
Life Long Learning
Continuous learning prepares you to take advantage of opportunities. Setting a goal of continuous learning is the first step in being prepared to see an opportunity. The process of learning both stimulates and challenges your mind, and increases your capacity to see things in a new and different light.You cannot expect to attain success if you are not prepared.
Life has a habit of giving back rewards in proportion to the effort we expend. If you put in little effort and expect big returns, you will be deeply disappointed. You don’t get apples by planting lemon seeds.
What Does Continuous Learning Mean?
Some may think that they are already involved because they go to work everyday and it is there that they learn new things. Well, for some that may be the case but for most others, it is not the case.
What continuous learning really means is that you are developing further skills on a regular basis in your chosen area of expertise, or that you are engaged in additional courses or school on a part-time basis so that you can develop a new skill that will put you ahead of others if you want to be prepared for an opportunity either where you work now or someplace else.
Continuous learning also means that you are reading additional material in your area on a regular basis in order to keep up with the latest innovations or processes, or that you are attending lectures or symposiums on your own dime in order to keep developing your mind and keeping it sharp and fresh.Once an opportunity is identified, action must be taken.
Don’t Miss The Opportunity!
As part of your preparation to take full advantage of opportunities, make continuous learning a way of life, not just for your children but, for yourself as well.
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening whatever. Never let the brain idle.” George Carlin, from How To Stay Young
“It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one, than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.” Whitney Young, Jr.
“Everyone has to learn to think differently, bigger, to open to possibilities.” Oprah Winfrey
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