Christmas Greetings Page 2-Inspirational Words of Wisdom

Christmas Greetings Page 2 

  1. Each day that passes by,
    I no longer have to sigh.
    It is with joy that you make me,
    A welcome part of your glee.
    Please know this at Christmas time,
    That your
    encouragement is so divine.
    Warm wishes for every blessing.
  2. When I think of you during this holiday time,
    My heart feels so warm, especially at mealtime.
    Your true delight is the reason
    for making those scrumptious dishes this season.
    May the warmth of family always draw near,
    So we can all celebrate with good cheer.
  3. Hope, love, and peace to all,
    May it be my wish so tall.
    It is no doubt the time you see,
    To count your blessings and forget the tree.
    To we who know the Lord on high,
    May God use us to His delight.
    May God’s eternal hope be your light.
  4. May the sparkle of the lights remind you how special you are to us.
  5. And our Christmas wish for you and yours is that you may have a sparkling, shining, glowing, glistening Christmas day with family and friends and dreams come true, joy that is old yet ever new. Happy ChristmasS. Omar Barker
  6. Finding the real joy of Christmas comes not in the hurrying and the scurrying to in the purchasing of gifts. We find real joy when we make the Savior the focus of the season. Thomas S. Monson
  7. Grateful you are a special part of our life not just at Xmas but the whole year through!
  8. May you have the gift of God's love and be blessed with hope and peace

  9. May you have the gift of God’s love and be blessed with hope and peace this Christmas season and may it stay with you in the New Year.
  10. funny christmas greeting

  11. May Santa’s naughty and nice list see you on the nice side, as we do!
  12. Time passes and light flashes,
    As we go about our daily dashes.
    But my friend how true it is,
    That life must always have some fizz.
    With this in mind upon this day,
    I’ll be soon stopping in your doorway.
    Merry Christmas
  13. It is so divine to wish you well,
    You give so much, you are swell.
    Be it known from afar we are
    But you are always like our rock star.
    The gifts you give amount to much,
    Because you have a common touch.
    To you this year our hearts go out,
    Great joy and cheer this year throughout.
  14. May your home be filled with laughter and joy, with friends and family and all the toys.

  15. May your home be filled with laughter and joy, with friends and family and all the toys.
  16. It is with glee
    That I’ll tell thee
    You, my dear, are my delight
    I wish, oh wish that your day be bright.
    From above it is this I know
    You’ll always give a special glow.
    To me, you know you mean the most,
    So always know that I’ll be your host.
    Merry Christmas!
  17. Tis the season for celebration.

  18. Tis the season for celebration. May yours’ be filled with happiness, good friends and bountiful cheer. Wishing everyone a fantastic holiday.
  19. This time of year, I am reminded again and again how muchyou have contributed to our family. You’ve given us hope when hope seemed lost.You gave us nourishment for our soul when none was there. Our special wishfor you this Christmas is that blessings will follow you.
  20. When I count my blessings, I count you twice. Distance and time may be a voidbut that makes our expected time together even more valuable. Best of the Season until we meet again.
  21. May you have the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His love at Christmas and always.

  22. May you have the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His love at Christmas and always.
  23. Our prayers include a special Christmas blessing for you. May God watch over you and your family in the coming year. Wishes and good cheer from all of my family to you and yours this Christmas.
  24. During this Christmas season of faith and family, may the real meaning of Christmas shine so bright.
    There is nothing more I wish for you, that God may bless all that you do.
  25. I wish you a joyous noel

  26. The weather is getting chilly, the children are counting down the days, the trimmings decorate our house and thoughts of special people come to mind. You are one of those special people and I wish you a Joyous Noel!
  27. Wishing you a season of joy,
    A season of blessings forevermore
    A season to be thankful
    For all the glad tidings and good cheer!
  28. Rejoice, A Savoir is born. As we celebrate Christmas let us be reminded of the greatest gift we have ever received, the birth of Christ.
  29. Our wish for you this season and for the New Year is one that is blessed with joy and peace to you and your family.
  30. Blessings to you this Christmas. May God bless you in the New Year. May your year be filled with love, happiness, and peace.
  31. This Christmas greeting comes with a wish that God, who hears our every prayer, bless you this season and throughout the coming year.
  32. May this card remind you that you are in our prayers
    And may you never forget how much God cares.
    The gift buying, the decorating and all our ways
    We wish for you the best of the holidays.
  33. May you have a joyful, happy, merry, cheerful, holly, jolly Christmas. And, may you have a prosperous, peaceful, pleasing, pleasurable New Year.
  34. Family, friends, and fond memories make this season bright.
    The birth of Jesus gives this world new light.
    A wonderful Christmas is our wish for you
    And may the New Year bring all that is true.
  35. Happy Holidays from us to you
    Wishing you and your family a safe and happy holiday season.
  36. Jesus loves you. May you experience His faithfulness and love during this Christmas season and the coming year.
  37. inspiring christmas greeting

  38. A field, an angel, a star so bright
    It shone so brilliantly it gave all light.
    A miracle did happen so long ago
    It still fills the world with a special glow.
  39. Born this day many years ago, a Savior
    The birth of Jesus in a manager so low.
    He came to save us one and all
    Rejoice, rejoice at that call.
  40. Christmas is a time of reflection, a time of memories, a time of Thanksgiving for the blessing and love of God who sent his Son to save us all.
  41. Christmas can be a time of stress
    A time to only wear our best
    A time for Santa to arrive
    A time for the world to come alive
    A time for peace, a time for joy
    A time for happiness for all the girls and boys
    A time of prayer to God on high
    A time to remember His Son who died.
    A time to thank Him for what He had done for us
    That we might always believe and trust.
  42. We thank God for all He has done, sending his Son into the world for us. He is like a Father, loving and caringfor his children so much. This Christmas remember over 2,000 years ago that Jesus came and taught us much. His words hold true still today, and life can be filled with peace and contentment when we learn of his ways.May your Christmas and New Year be filled with the Word.
  43. The Christmas tree decorated and bright
    for all to see when we turn on the lights.
    May this holiday be one that is filled with cheer
    For you and for those that you hold so dear.
  44. Don’t ever think that God cannot use you or that you are not important to God. Look at Mary and Joseph, two ordinary people who raised God’s Son. Ordinary people God loves us so much, stop this season and feel His touch.
  45. A merry, merry Christmas is the wish that we are sending. A wish of happiness and bliss that stays with you in the coming year.
  46. May the magic in the air spread into your homes and life. May Jesus be with you and bless you this Christmas day and all the days of the coming year.
  47. May your faith be renewed and your trust become stronger as you feel God’s presence at this wonderful time of the year.
  48. Greetings sent to you from the heart
    Hoping that Christmas is a start
    May this day in December
    Be always a day that you will remember.
  49. I remember as a child the gift of the Bible that was given to me. Why, oh why, such a gift for me. But as I grew older and open the pages, truth and contentment is what I found there. My life is so different since I started reading those words, my wish for the world this Christmas is more. More people to open the book that offers so much, let the words of our dear God their heart may they touch.
  50. C  ards and greetings from friends afar
    H  olidays filled with cookies from a jar
    R  iendeer and magic fill the air
    I  cicles and snowflakes everywhere
    S  anta and his elves busy as can be
    T  rees with lights that bring such glee
    M  emories and laughter hold the key
    A  ngels in heaven
    S  inging and praising God for eternity.
  51. inspirational christmas greeting

  52. In this season of peace and joy may happiness and love  surround you.
  53. Silent night, Holy night, May this season cause God’s light to shine upon you and your family.
  54. Sending you a gift of love and hope at this blessed time on the year.
  55. May your Christmas be blessed and your faith be stronger
    And in the coming year may God be your anchor.
  56. May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;
    The spirit of Christmas which is peace;
    The heart of Christmas which is love.
  57. This greeting is sent with love and prayers for a blessed Christmas to you and yours.
  58. Down through the ages comes the glorious Christmas story. In this timeless, ageless season we greet our friends and neighbors.
  59. There is but one wish,
    We send to you this Christmas day.
    May all your dreams be surely conveyed.
    Although we may be far away,
    Our love and best wishes for you
    Are always on display.
  60. Gaily lighted trees are a symbol of the joyous holiday season. We hope that each light on your Christmas tree will bring you a little piece of happiness.
  61. Best wishes for a Christmas filled with happiness and dreams come true.
  62. May Jesus give you confidence, trust, and hope of His faithfulness this season. Christmas blessings are our wish for you at this special time of year.
  63. Wishing you the discovery of love and life this Christmas. May His light shine upon you.
  64. Each year your house is full of guests
    Our wish for you is nothing but the best
    May peace and joy be with you this year
    May your home be filled with God’s presence near.
  65. an encouraging christmas greeting

  66. Have a simple but meaningful Christmas, enjoy the season while thinking about the reason – Jesus.
  67. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas filled with love, laughter and blessings as you celebrate the true meaning of CHRIST-mas.
    Amber Schamel, The Swaddling Clothes
  68. May you be filled with loving kindness. May you be well. May you be peaceful and at ease. May you be happy.
    Author Unknown

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