Compassion Quotes Page 2
- “Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless.” Eric Hoffer
Inspirational Quotes - “The value of compassion cannot be over-emphasized. Anyone can criticize. It takes a true believer to be compassionate. No greater burden can be borne by an individual than to know no one cares or understands.” Arthur H. Stainback
Believe - But God is rich in love and grace, forgiving where we ere,
Compassion for His wayward child, to whom He shows great care.
Greta Zwaan, But God
Words of Faith - Discipline from a heart of compassion corrects the child. Derek Townsend, For The Love Of Truth
Motivational - . . . Michelle and I learned that sin was both personal and systemic, and everyone, no matter race and color, mattered equally to God. It was out of that commitment we began to reach out with compassion to the people in our new city. Tim Orr, We Named Her Faith
Commitment - Though his ministry is one of compassion, Jesus is an agitator. His presence is polarizing, forcing people to take sides; there is no fence-sitting. Daniel Hochhalter, Losers Like Us
Choices - “Grace is filled with love and compassion, but it also filled with power and the will of God.” Gary Schulz, The Power of God’s Grace
Gods Grace Quotes - “A relationship has several foundational core elements that, if absent, are a recipe for divorce, or extreme sadness and conflict in your relationship. Foundational elements include trust, honesty, mutual respect, empathy, and compassion.” Laura Raskin, Marriage
Trust - “To pity distress is but human; to relieve it is Godlike.” Horace Mann
God - “You know the power of compassion. You have encountered moments when your walls of defense and resistance crumbled and profound compassion emerged, and your heart has been comforted and altered by the compassion, tenderness, and forgiveness you have received from others.” Christina Feldman, Compassion
Experience - “The individual is capable of both great compassion and great indifference. He has it within his means to nourish the former and outgrow the latter.” Norman Cousins
Quote of The Day - “Compassion automatically invites you to relate with people because you no longer regard people as a drain on your energy.” Chogyam Trungpa
Positive Energy Quotes - “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” Henry James
Kindness - “When we come into contact with the other person, our thoughts and actions should express our mind of compassion, even if that person says and does things that are not easy to accept. We practice in this way until we see clearly that our love is not contingent upon the other person being lovable.” Thich Nhat Hanh
Action - “No child is born with a really cold heart, and it is only in proportion as we lose that youthful heart that we lose the inner warmth in ourselves.” Lin Yutang
Children - “Until he extends his circle of compassion to all living things,man will not himself find peace.” Albert Schweitzer
Peace - “Building on all of the deep resources of empathy and compassion that seemed so richly and naturally a part of his life, (Martin Luther King Jr) King appeared determined not only to pay attention but to insist that his organization and his nation focus themselves and their resources on dozens of poor, exploited black communities – and especially their desperate young men, whose broken lives were crying out for new, humane possibilities in the midst of the wealthiest nation in the world.” Vincent Harding, Where Do We Go from Here
Martin Luther King Jr Quotes - “I believe in human dignity as the source of national purpose, human liberty as the source of national action,the human heart as the source of national compassion, and in the human mind as the source of our invention and our ideas.” John F. Kennedy
Purpose - “Jesus was driven by tenderness and compassion to deal forthrightly and convincingly with any issue that might have separated His loved ones from Him.” Keith Intrater, Covenant Relationships: A More Excellent Way
Love - “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” Gregory Brown, Philippians: Pursuing Spiritual Maturity
Words of Encouragement - “Sometimes in bereavement a friend will come and just sit with you, not necessarily saying anything at all. The simple act of being there conveys love and compassion and a willingness to help.” Margaret Weston, How Do I Know God?
Grief - “When we feel charity and compassion for others, then we know the Savior.” Lindsey K. Rietzsch, You Were Meant to Prosper
Helping Others - “A person with much compassion is likely to be more favorable to another than a human being with little or no sympathy.” Jimi Akanbi, The Power of Grace, Favor and Honor
Sympathy - “Compassion, on the other hand, can be the lifeline someone needs to find his or her way through the darkness.” Eleze “Lisa”Thomas-McMillan, Living Fulfilled…
Life - “If we could only see the other person with the eyes of God, if we could only look at them with the full love and compassion of Jesus Christ flowing through our hearts it would become impossible for us to withhold forgiveness from them, no matter what wrong they had committed against us.” Paula Casill, My Brother’s Keeper
Forgiveness - “Jesus is compassion and while compassion is not a part of our worldly nature, it is a skill passed on to us through the Holy Spirit.” Mark S. Taylor, After These Things
Jesus - “People like real and authentic Christians. They want to know that you have been broken and have compassion.” June Dawn Knight, Testimony of a Broken Bride
Christian Quotes about Life - “We have to love our neighbours, and to do good to all. Our actions are to be geared towards people, not structures; relieving needs, not removing causes; showing compassion, not pushing for reform.” Brian Johnston, Exploring Issues of Life
Good - “Compassion is a two way street.” Frank Capra
Accountability - As Abraham became a teenager, he began to distance himself from his father. His sense of alienation may have originated at the time of his mother’s death, when he needed more support and compassion than his stolid father was able to give.” David Herbert Donald, Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Quotes - It is in knowing suffering, in all its darkest places and with all its most harrowing faces, that we are brought to a place of fierce compassion for others and, perhaps one day, for ourselves. Joanne Cacciatore, Grieving is Loving
Fierce - We do not need power to be compassionate, but we need compassion to be powerful. Adolfo Quezada, Compassionate Awareness
Power - A leader must be humble and serve with humility, compassion and love. Leadership Wisdom Institute, Leadership Liability a Clarion Call to Courageous
Humble - “There is no greater news that anyone could share. The fact that the God of the universe looked at us with compassion and lovingly chose to intervene into the mess we had created is utterly amazing.” John Stange, Overcoming Negative Self-Talk
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