Components Of Christianity
Author: Byron Pulsifer, © 2012
There are a lot of components to that which is called Christianity and some are more obvious than others but which are all important when seen as a complete life. One of the most obvious that will be stated anyway and that is a complete faith in God where God is worshipped and served.
The other components that comprise a Christian are:- There is kindness shown in the home with your family and your extended family.
– That there is shown to all people ways of reverence and the extension of love and caring.
– There is help and assistance given to the weak and those who are less fortunate.
– There is a strength shown by showing trust and goodwill not looking for either recognition or praise.
– That there is a continuous quest to stay away from sin and to ask for forgiveness if one submits to the temptation.
– For all those times when you are at work, you will work with diligence and thoroughness and demonstrate that the work you engage in is of value to you and therefore the company you work for.
– When you play no matter with whom or what, you will always be fair.
– You will always demonstrate that your heart is full of forgiveness especially for those who repent or to those who have done you wrong or treated you badly for no reason.
Complete Faith
It takes a complete faith and a life full of all components before you can really call yourself a Christian. To pretend is to only actually live as a Christian when someone is watching, or to pretend to be repentant only while in church.
An Example
Years ago, I always remember a local farmer who was a ruthless businessperson and treated his wife badly. He was a pretend Christian. He would be the last into the church making a grand entrance and then singing loudly as if to show how much he lived his life as a Christian. This was not a true person of God but one who tried to justify himself in front of others but reverted to the same kind of man as soon as he left the church parking lot.
There are many examples of people pretending to be Christian that I am sure every one of you can relate more than once. But, there are also those who truly reflect Christian ways not only while at church but throughout their every day lives. This demonstration of Christian ways is not just reserved for speaking with people outside of work either. These ways are also part of work and work ethics. For example, if you are part of a business, or own a business, Christian values are resident in everything you do. That is to say that you do not lie, you do not mislead people so that you take advantage of them in any way, and that you treat everyone including employees with dignity and fairness.
Chirstian Ways
Christian ways are for full consumption by those who you meet where it is obvious that you walk the talk and simply act as you speak.
Some people would argue that you could not be a Christian in today’s business world where the competition will eat you up if you do not participate in somewhat devious practices to beat your competitors. But, this argument is full of holes in that businesses of yesterday all had similar competition as today, and it has been demonstrated over and over again that dedicated customer service that embodies giving value and fairness to each customer far exceeds those practices where customers are only treated as a number or as an annoyance.
Be true unto yourself, be true to the morals and principles of Christian faith and carry forth as if everyone is watching at all times.
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“Christianity is either relevant all the time or useless any time. It is not just a phase of life – it is life itself.” Richard C. Halverson
“Twas God who made you from the dust, you’re precious in His sight,
All creation He called good, in you He takes delight.”
Greta Zwaan, Christian Poems
“Inviting God to be with us in everything will connect us constantly to things that give life and keep us from what will steal it away.” Brian Hardin, Reframe
“And by staying focused on God you experience peace, comfort and joy beyond what the world or people in it can offer you.”Elizabeth Edwards, My God In Whom I Trust!
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