Helping And Reaching Out Goes Both Ways
Throughout the years, I have valued opportunities to help others who seemed to be either overwhelmed with a work issue, or who have had a personal challenge to deal with. Each of these opportunities to assist someone else also gave me inner satisfaction knowing that at the very least, I had lent a sympathetic or empathetic ear.
No Matter Who We Are We All Need Help
Some people may think that those who are called upon from time to time to assist others in a variety of ways to deal with professional or personal challenges never need to ask for or need help themselves. This thought could be no further from the truth.
Facing An Issue
Such was the case for me several weeks ago when I was facing a particularly troublesome family issue that despite my best efforts, and on numerous occasions, not only wasn’t resolved but seemed to go even further downhill. I was at a loss to know how to proceed next because I simply could not see any other options to resolve these issues.
While I seemed to be at a complete loss, I received a call from a friend of mine who, in the past, I had spent many occasions discussing her issues and challenges that she faced both personally and in her business. She simply asked a normal question about how I was and I started to blurt out how frustrated I was with my family issues, and told her openly how I was at a loss to know what to do next to work toward a resolution.
Over the next hour, we engaged in a direct, open and honest discussion about the details, concerns, issues and lack of options to move through and resolve the main issue. She was not only an active listener, she did not engage in any judgmental conversation, and freely offered her insight into similar issues she had encountered as well over the years. I hung up the phone feeling better not because I had found a solution, but because I felt comfortable, I felt my concerns where heard without prejudice, and that I could be myself sharing personal emotions with a person I could trust.
And, her concern about what I was encountering didn’t just occur on this one occasion; she started to phone every few days to see how I was dealing with my concerns and again openly discussing any and all new or related issues.
The Point Is This
As much as we are always willing to help others who are in need, or who ask specifically for our assistance, doesn’t mean we don’t need help ourselves on occasion. We all have are own plus and minuses – we are not a solid rock without imperfections because each rock has it’s own fissures and crevices. We all need a friendly ear, a sympathetic friend, or an open and honest opinion at many points in our life. And, if you hold the view that you do not want to burden someone else with your own issues, I would encourage you to reach out – reaching out does not diminish your humanness, it only reinforces it.
Inspirational Quotes To Consider:
“Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.” Jim Rohn
“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” Les Brown
“I don’t want to live in the kind of world where we don’t look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I can’t change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit.” Charles de Lint”Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others.” Saint Augustine
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