Make A Wish Come True
Author: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2012
For literally millions of people around the world how to make a wish come true keeps nagging at their daily thoughts. The idea of making a wish come true is not always easy but it is doable. Let’s take a little time and explore how this is possible.
Make A Wish
It isn’t hard at all to make a wish. The difficultly lies in how to make what you wish for a reality. Throughout the ages, the beginning of something new, unusual or sought after has all started with a wish that stems from the natural quest of humankind to do more or have something more than that which is already possessed or known.
However, wishing is something that all of us can do but, for a lot of people, there is little chance of getting what one wishes for. It is like wishing to win the lottery but if all you do is wish without taking any action than all you get is all you already have. If you don’t buy a lottery ticket, you can’t win. It doesn’t matter how much you wish you could win or it doesn’t matter how many people you tell, you’ll never win through wishing.
Hoping Is Still Not Getting Your Wish
On the other hand, hoping is quite different. You can hope that you win the lottery and, obviously, if you purchased a lottery ticket, you have a reason to hope. However, the chance of winning a lottery is astronomically against you.
Wishing Pertaining To Life’s Hopes
Life, in general, is the same as either or not buying a lottery ticket. Thousands wish they could have a better job, or a new car, or a better home, or a different lifestyle but they do not take any action at all to turn their wishes into a possibility.
Then there are those who hope for a better job, or a new house or whatever and decide to take some sort of action that provides them hope that what they have been working towards pays off. So, herein lies the real substance of the hope and wishes that all people should realize. And, that hope stems from the first ingredient of how to make a wish come true; that is, putting an action plan into motion that will ultimately lead to the end goal or the possession of the realized wish.
Implementing An Action Plan
I’m positive you’ll understand what it meant by putting a plan into action. In essence, you probably have already used this same kind og planning and resultant action many times throughout your life without even realizing that you are doing it.
Take, for example, your wish that you could go on a cruise ship vacation to the Caribbean during the winter months. You know that wishing to take a cruise ship vacation will never happen because you wish it would happen. So, what you’ve probably done is to decide on when and where you want to go by scouring the travel brochures or Internet for possible locations and times that will fit into your schedule. After you have chosen the destination and time, you find out how much it will cost you. Then, you probably have ensured that you have an up to date passport, if that is required, how you are going to get to the departure location, and whether you will have to stay over one night prior and one night after your trip.
Then, if you need to stay in a hotel the day before and the day after, you’ve probably determined at what local hotel or motel you’ll stay. This decision leads you to make a reservation at the chosen hotel or motel. Then, because you know the cost of the trip, you’ve either started to budget each month how much you will have to save, or you have decided that you’ll pay for your trip by initially charging the vacation trip to a credit card. And, finally, you’ve decided, if you paid for your trip by credit card, how long it will take to repay your credit card charges.
So, do you see what I mean? You already have some of the skills that allows you to turn a wish into reality.
Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan
Those who take more and more action (working a plan) are better able to hope for what it is they are working towards. The harder you apply yourself to any task, project or plan, the nearer and closer you get with every step. And, those who understand, also, that setbacks can and probably will occur know that failure is only a temporary condition and soon they regroup and learn from their failures to start again in even more earnest.
A Recent Conversation
I recently had a conversation with a young lady who was able to finish her pre-school qualifications and was able to go out on her own and rent her own apartment. It was a suitable apartment for her purpose but she really wanted a more spacious apartment and one with a lot more room instead of the small space she had now.
So, instead of wishing for a better place to live, she started saving her money so she could have enough cash for the first and last month’s rent. And, it wasn’t that she could save very much, but she hoped to save more by taking another job part-time to save even more. She not only hoped to have another apartment soon, but she also took action to get it sooner than later. In this sense, she had every reason to hope she would be able to move soon.
And, within four months, she had saved enough for her down payment and found what she was looking for within the week. She moved; wishing with action equals achievement.
The Secret For Making A Wish Come True
I hope by now that you realize that there is no real secret to making your wish come true. But, for thousands upon thousands of people, it would seem that the so-called secret you know is one that they also wish they would know.
The process of establishing a goal, then organizing your plan into a written step by step action plan, then dedicating the time and perseverance that it takes to follow through is the way that successful people all over the world have used again and again to achieve what they want and desire.
So, ask yourself this one question. if you can implement that one wish, would your dreams come true?
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“Hope can be seen out in the garden in a plant that grows from a tiny seed. At first it struggles through the soil, but it persists and continues to go on until it becomes an imposing tree, and then it starts bearing fruit.” Robert Smith
“There is a mere difference of motivation between an achiever and a loser. Achievers usually follow through a task, even when they are not feeling up to.” Samantha Strauss
“Most people who accomplished anything, whether in relationships, business, sports, knowledge, or anything else, did so because they first believed that they could do it and saw the opportunity.” Rita Chester
A Single Wish
Poet: Julie Hebert, ©2012
If a single wish was all that one needed,
Than we all would get what we want.
There would be no need for such things,
As working, hoping or even wants.
If a single wish was all that one needed,
Life would always be full.
There would be no need for inhabitations,
And no fun in riding a bull.
If a single wish was all that one needed,
I would think we’d be very bored.
Our lives are meant to be fought for,
It’s time to pick up that sword.
A single wish is not all one needs,
Hard work and believing is what one needs.
Take control and fill your own wishes,
And then you’ll be planting your own seeds.
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