Quote of the Day December 2020
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 31, 2020
Like many beginnings, a new year brings hope and excitement.
Melissa Buyer Witman, A Machzor for Youth and Families
New Year Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
In this new year, be grateful that God has given you victory over many things over the past year.
Steven M. Hitchcock, GIV365 Daily Devotional.
The freshness of the new year, its new enthusiasm; Its wishes, colours and desires are all new; Promises and determination are new, with a definition of their own, The new year brings a new determination to keep one’s resolutions.
Amitabh Bachchan, Soul Curry for You and me.
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 30, 2020
New beginnings bring new possibilities. A chance to this time get it right.
Lynn M. McHale, There’s Got to be a Better Way.
New Beginnings Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Time is the beginning of all philosophical exploration.
Asher D. Biemann, Inventing New Beginnings.
New beginnings are starting daily through every new morning opening new wonders and mercies of healings and blessings of opportunity to nurture the soul.
Rosalee Ervin, New Beginnings.
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, December 29, 2020
And when we truly believe God and act in faith, we will see victory in our lives.
Sandra Thompson Davis, The Simplicity of God’s Plan.
Gods Plan Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
You’ll never find your place in God’s plan until you have the correct perspective of yourself
Bruce Bickel, Stan Jantz, 1 and 2 Corinthians.
Champions take pride In things little or a lot. They’re faithful and true With what they got.
Larry Christenson, The Renewed Mind.
Quote of the Day: Monday, December 28, 2020
Whether we are sitting or standing still or even lying down, when we stop, we train our bodies and minds to acknowledge the moment.
Rachel Neumann, Not Quite Nirvana.
Acknowledgement Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Acknowledge the truth alone and hold your peace. Only then can your life be a compelling testimony to the reality and miracle of Christ’s Love and Grace.
James A. Eldred, A Depth of Insight.
Fierce leaders express appreciation and gratitude up close and personal, in the moment.
Susan Scott, Fierce Leadership.
Quote of the Day: Sunday, December 27, 2020
We do not need power to be compassionate, but we need compassion to be powerful.
Adolfo Quezada.
Compassion Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
It is in knowing suffering, in all its darkest places and with all its most harrowing faces, that we are brought to a place of fierce compassion for others and, perhaps one day, for ourselves.
Joanne Cacciatore, Grieving is Loving.
A leader must be humble and serve with humility, compassion and love.
Leadership Wisdom Institute.
Quote of the Day: Saturday, December 26, 2020
Your ambitions will rise above your faults and you will get where you wish to go.
Isabel Stevens Webster, This is Me.
Ambition Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Finding your purpose and realizing your ambitions often starts small, and what better place to start your new motivated life than to begin making changes to yourself.
Victoria Michael, How to Get and Stay Motivated.
Your ambitions and desires should always be within your control and to benefit you.
Victoria Michael, How to Get and Stay Motivated.
Quote of the Day: Friday, December 25, 2020
I wish you a happy Christmas. May the voice of joy and health be heard in your dwelling , and may the blessing of almighty god rest upon you and yours!
Christmas Greetings.
Christmas Greetings
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Greetings of the season with the best wishes for your happiness in the new year
Library of Congress, Copyright Office.
Merry Christmas to everybody. Happy New Year to the world.
Doris Baizley, A Christmas Carol.
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 24, 2020
It’s Christmas Eve. We must be kind to everyone. The spirit of Christmas is love, you know.
Tim Hollis, Christmas Wishes.
Christmas Messages
Positive Quotes for the Day:
It’s Christmas Eve, so fill up a noggin and be of good cheer!
Unknown Author, Saveur.
Christmas has nothing to do with presents and big meals-and everything to do with love and being together.
Lynn Gilliland, Chicken Soup for the Soul.
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 23, 2020
You have to learn about yourself and create your own philosophy, your own way of life.
Bruce Thomas, Bruce Lee.
Be Youself Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Be Yourself, Find Yourself, and then you have You.
Unknown Author, Georgia’s Health.
It is the power to be yourself, to sing your own song, dance your own dance, speak your own poetry.
Thomas J. Sergiovanni, Robert J. Starratt, Supervision.
Quote of the Day:Tuesday, December 22, 2020
There are ways to keep going with pride and dignity even when hope cannot rationally be measured.
Fiona Robertson, The Art of Finding Yourself.
Pride Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Acknowledge your pride and admit your role in the problem. Humility always forces me to the positive side.
Doug Fields, Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry.
Champions take pride In things little or a lot. They’re faithful and true With what they got.
Ron Hostetler, Becoming Champions for Life.
Quote of the Day: Monday, December 21, 2020
Find your own truth and get in your own lane. You can’t drive for others. Change starts within you. Love and find peace within yourself before you try to spread love to the rest of the world.
Ussama faiz, creator of love.
Inner Peace Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
By releasing all desire and attachment we achieve inner peace or nirvana.
Louis M, Houston, Metaphorms and Information Physics.
Men and women cannot live with the rest of the world in peace and happiness until we lead them to a philosophy of inner peace and harmony-peace within themselves.
Unknown author, The Christian Leader.
Quote of the Day: Sunday, December 20, 2020
To Survive and Recover from Any Abuse Is a Healing That We Can All Achieve.
Wendy Edwards, Healing Answers from a Survivor.
Healing Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
We desire healing; God desires us to be healed
Carl Townsend, In Pursuit of Healing
I acknowledge that healing my pain is a choice.
Stephen Arterburn, Healing is a Choice Workbook.
Quote of the Day: Saturday, December 19, 2020
If we have the willpower and desire to create something, we have to wait patiently to see the results as they grow, day by day.
Ratna Joshi, Inner Journey.
Willpower Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
So when we have willpower and perseverance , being tired is not to be feared .
Xingyun, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Keys to Living Well.
Therefore, it’s up to you to use self-control and willpower to guide your consciousness to think the thoughts you want.
Alex Altman, Creating Emotional Attraction.
Quote of the Day: Friday, December 18, 2020
First find yourself, then look for the world.
Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda, Just Love.
Daily Motivation Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
You have to constantly nurture your motivation, reevaluate what you are doing and why you are doing it. If you keep your motivation going strong, you will be successful.
Dr Savita Mishra, Motivation A Key to Success.
Desire is the motivating force behind everything we hope to achieve.
Salvatore Megna, Let’s Get Real.
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 17, 2020
Give yourself the greatest gift ever; the love for yourself, and always remember to love without fear as if there is no tomorrow.
Uganda The Goddess, Spark.
Love Yourself Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
When you put yourself on the path to knowing yourself, embracing yourself and honoring exactly who you are, without excuses or defenses, you will experience the illumination of self-enlightenment.
Iyanla Vanzant, Until Today!
Be yourself, love yourself and live the life you are meant to live.
Darice Cairns, Journey Within.
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Transformation occurs not because we make it so, but because we’re willing to look and feel.
Fiona Robertson, The Art of Finding Yourself.
Transformation Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Our own desire for transformation will come as we grow in our understanding of God’s unfailing love for us.
Christine Wood, Experiencing Hope.
Welcoming a child into the world is a process that transforms us on all levels: heart, mind, body, soul, relationships, beliefs, and consciousness.
Anna Cariad-Barrett, Shamanic Wisdom for Pregnancy and Parenthood.
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, December 15, 2020
If our heart and soul are always optimistic, our thoughts and feelings will only lead us to positive actions .
Darmadi Darmawangsa, Fight Like Tiger.
Optimistic Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
If hope is that pillar upon which our very human existence rests, optimism is the vehicle that drives us towards excelling in all that we do.
Jamal Lanre Shashore, Self-Motivation Diary of a Born Optimist.
Survivors are optimistic, and during tough times their optimism prevails.
H. Norman Wright, Your Tomorrows Can be Different from Your Yesterdays.
Quote of the Day: Monday, December 14, 2020
Only I have the power to make my dreams be transformed into reality.
Larry G. Patten, Living As a Champion
Dream Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
To live our lives on purpose, we must live fiercely. This is where we put action behind our dream.
Dr. Sherrie Campbell, Success Equations.
My dreams and desires come true. I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being, and happiness. My choices and opportunities are expanding every day.
Ian McTavish, A Prisoner’s Wisdom.
Quote of the Day: Sunday, December 13, 2020
Helping others, serving others—this is the real meaning of life.
Dalai Lama XIV Bstan-‘dzin-rgya-mtsho, From Here to Enlightenment.
Helping Others Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
The humble man doesn’t ask, how can I get ahead? because getting ahead means putting others behind. He steps back to help others reach their goals since their goals are more important to him than his own.
Steven James, Becoming Real.
No amount of knowledge, technique, or quick wittedness can substitute for honesty and the genuine desire to help others.
John C. Maxwell, Jim Dornan, How to Influence People.
Quote of the Day: Saturday, December 12, 2020
Our daily existence is a tapestry of the choices we make or do not make.
Leana Platt, Embrace Life with Both Hands.
Choices Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
when we embrace choice, we gain clarity of purpose
Chatham Sullivan, The Clarity Principle.
You can fall from your mountaintop to a rock bottom, and still choose to live.
Nick LeDonne, From Hanging to Hang ON.
Quote of the Day: Friday, December 11, 2020
The light of your enlightenment is already within you. It is this same light that will help you to realize the power of your being.
Iyanla Vanzant, Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of mind.
Light Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
The purpose of desire is to create. Desire is constant because the eternal Light is constant.
Billy Dugger, How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within.
Just as the light of spring brings new growth, the light of consciousness brings new life to our body minds.
Kathleen Wiley, NEW LIFE.
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 10, 2020
Live life with no regrets; go for everything; you never know what you can reach without trying.
Live Life Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
“To live life with humility and simplicity is the way we, as humans, come closest to the divine.”
Dr. AA. Syed, Passion for Love and Happiness.
It may be that this is the perfect time to simplify your life and choose the ways in which you desire to live.
Sandra Masters, The Happiness Book.
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 9, 2020
One should also remember that the path to success is through the staircase and not through the elevator.
Rakesh K Mittal, The Power Of Positive Words.
Success Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Pride is the result of success – especially when you worked hard for it.
Markus Jotzo, The Formula for Infinite Pride.
Self confidence, desire and drive are all key ingredients for success.
Monroe Mann; Lou Bortone, Battle Cries for the Hollywood Underdog.
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Every end becomes a means of carrying activity further as soon as it is achieved.
John Dewey, Democracy and Education.
Achievement Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Many leaders start out humble and end up proud, full of themselves and of their achievements.
Dag Heward-Mills, The Art and Science of Applied Leadership.
Without quiet, it is almost impossible to achieve a fully qualified state of calm abiding.
The Dalai Lama, Kindness, Clarity, and Insight.
Quote of the Day: Monday, December 7, 2020
By using and cultivating your strengths or assets, you will feel happy, peaceful and content, gaining a great sense of accomplishment, fulfilment and satisfaction.
Mary Jane Warr, Making Sense of Self-Esteem.
Accomplishment Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Give yourself a party, go on a trip, kiss your spouse, hug your children, feel proud of your accomplishment.
Thomas J. Long, Long, John J. Convey, Completing Dissertations in the Behavioral Sciences.
This is not about personal success, control, or victory but god’s accomplishment, sovereignty, and conquest. We join god.
Brady Bryce, Echoing the Story.
Quote of the Day: Sunday, December 6, 2020
Wise men are the better for one another.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Sir Roger L’Estrange, Seneca’s Morals.
Wise Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Using pride wisely requires a solid grasp of when and why it can go wrong.
David DeSteno, Emotional Success.
Introverts are wise and stable. Extroverts will hop from train to train without caring for the consequences.
Ail Rigor Wroth, Rainbow child & Bumblebees.
Quote of the Day: Saturday, December 5, 2020
When you look in the mirror, you have to see yourself as you are-and as you want to be as well.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding.
Self-Motivation Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Boredom motivates the pursuit of a new goal when the current goal ceases to be satisfactory, attractive, or meaningful [to you].
Andreas Elpidorou.
For a person to turn something from inaction into real action, self-motivation requires realism.
Leon Kabasele, Philosophy of Motivation.
Quote of the Day: Friday, December 04, 2020
The satisfaction and confidence that come from stepping over your supposed limit is enormous, but it never comes to those who fear to test their limits.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding.
Fear Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
So firmly do many of us cling to our manufactured selves that we unconsciously fear relinquishing them more than we fear the consequences of climate change.
Clive Hamilton, Requiem for a Species.
But it is freedom and equality that inspire us to oppose political fear, and it is freedom and equality that underwrite our struggle against it.
Corey Robin, Fear.
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 3, 2020
Even sometimes there is happiness in the midst of sorrow; and indeed sorrow is everywhere.
Spark: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground.
Happiness Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
It is the happiness that the bee drinks from the flower, on which the bird feeds in its fruit. It is the happiness that the summer brings.
Lucretia Peabody Hale, Seven Stormy Sundays.
If we endorse the humble approach, we should radiate love and happiness as faithfully as the sun radiates light and warmth.
John Templeton, The Humble Approach Rev Ed.
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 2, 2020
When you know a thing, maintain that you know it; and when you do not, acknowledge your ignorance.
Confucius,The Wisdom of Confucius with Critical and Biographical Sketches
Ignorance Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Turn introvert. Remove your ignorance. Unfold your Self. You gain real and enduring bliss.
Nancy Reeves, Spirituality for Extroverts.
He is, instead, attempting to find a complete solitude, a sort of ignorant bliss.
Jeff Sellars, Light Shining in a Dark Place.
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Failure doesn’t have to discourage you. It can be a great training tool.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding.
Failure Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
What we’ve done or failed to do doesn’t forever determine who we are or will be.
Michael Matthews, The Little Black Book Of Workout Motivation.
Champions always fight! They may not win all the time, but they don’t give up.
Ebonie Caldwell, Failure is the Best Way to Success.
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