Quote of the Day May 2022
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Don’t think that good deeds go unforgotten.
Sharon Sloan Fiffer, Steve Fiffer, Family
Good Deed Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
People are not remembered for their greatness and wealth but only for their good deeds.
APC Perfect Sample Papers
Good deeds never leave home; bad deeds spread for a thousand miles.
Xingyun, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Edmond Chang, Keys to Living Well
Quote of the Day: Monday, May 30, 2022
A person that is selfless is first and foremost always true to their Self.
Ralph Jenkins, Marie Örnesved, Sensitelligent
Selfless Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
If a small act of selflessness can bring joy, imagine what a difference it would make to our lives if we put all our energies into developing the mind that truly cherishes others.
Tashi Tsering, The Awakening Mind
Being selfless is a life of fullness and love.
Birx, Ellen, Embracing the Inconceivable
Quote of the Day: Sunday, May 29, 2022
Influence is about having a vision of the best outcome and motivating people to turn that vision into a reality.
Elizabeth Kuhnke, Persuasion and Influence For Dummies
Influence Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
There would be no need to influence if there was no need for change.
Jeanne Porter King, Influence Starts with “I”
Keep your cool and don’t be influenced by people who don’t have your best interests in mind.
Weekly World News – 28 Jul 1998
Quote of the Day: Saturday, May 28, 2022
Before we seek Abundance, we must learn to give Abundance.
K.L. Smith, Getting Past the Tears
Tears Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
The cloudy weather melts at length into beauty, and the brightest smiles of the heart are born of its tears.
Hosea Ballou
Weep for love, but not for anger; a cold rain will never bring flowers.
Quote of the Day: Friday, May 27, 2022
Before we seek Abundance, we must learn to give Abundance.
Murali Murthy, The Ace Abundance
Abundance Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Abundance must breed humility in being and humility in sharing.
Hazel Sinanan, The God Within Speaks
Life is precious, life is sacred. Every human being should do his or her utmost best to preserve life, to improve life and to promote life in abundance.
Gustav Shakefoot, Who Is Your Father?
Quote of the Day: Thursday, May 26, 2022
No pain lasts forever, we just think it does.
Susan E. Ghiassi, Thank God I Only Have Two of These!
Pain Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Pain trains us to set our focus on God—the one Person who loves us unconditionally and understands our deepest grief.
Charles F. Stanley, When Your Children Hurt
Pain can strengthen and purify you like a fire that burns away the gross impurities and leaves the essence intact and illuminated.
Vijay Bhat, Nilima Bhat, My Cancer Is Me
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Actions always speak louder than words. People who are honorable and who have integrity say what they mean and mean what they say.
Corey Wayne, Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Talkers are no good doers.
Words are meaningless without action.
A.M. Star
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Humility is a beautiful centre, from which every other virtue radiates.
Lady Mountcashel
Humility Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Humility is the softening shadow before the statue of excellence.
Martin Farquhar Tupper
Where there is charity, there is humility; where there is humility, there is peace.
St. Augustine
Quote of the Day: Monday, May 23, 2022
When you embrace your Ego and know how to control it, you will begin to master your life. Choose to meet your Ego as a potential friend.
Karen Hoyos, Purpose
Ego Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
If you do not have a plan for your ego, your ego will have a plan for you.
William G. Britton, Wisdom From the Margins
Ego is dangerous; in its place let’s use wisdom. After all, pride and ego are protective shields we use when we don’t want to face the facts that we don’t know everything there is to know.
Gregg Joseph Kretschmer, Jason Christian Ravizza, The Waging War Within
Quote of the Day: Sunday, May 22, 2022
Empathy is being able to put ourselves in another’s shoes, or even to see a little bit of ourselves in other people.
H. John Lyke, What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?
Empathy Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Empathy is being able to understand and connect with another’s emotions without having to experience it with them.
Haydn Olsen, Oh No You Don’t!
Empathy allows us to be more sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.
Shawna Sparrow, Tough Crowd
Quote of the Day: Saturday, May 21, 2022
Courage comes from confidence, and confidence comes from knowledge.
R. Camper Bull, Moving from Project Management to Project Leadership
Courage Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
A good person’s courage comes from what sets them free and defending what they love.
Tomas Real
I sense that real courage comes from an exploration of who you are and what you do with your understanding of self .
Lloyd C. Williams, Creating the Congruent Workplace
Quote of the Day: Friday, May 20, 2022
And the time came, when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom.
Anais Nin
Self Care Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Sometimes we have to take risks to accomplish our goals.
Michael Pletan, Innocence Ends in the Forest
Sometimes we have to take risks, sometimes we have to let others see there is ‘some big force’ to which we are bound.
David Tacey, Remaking Men
Quote of the Day: Thursday, May 19, 2022
Life is precious! Life is extraordinary! Life is beautiful! Life is a gift; what are you doing with yours?
TR Williams, Why Do Good People Suffer Bad Things
Life is Precious Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Appreciate life for what it is and the way it is now. Accept all that is. Everything is as it should be.
Elaine McGuinness, Unleash Your Authentic Self!
All of life is a gift, and should be celebrated.
William Powell Tuck, Lord, I Keep Getting a Busy Signal
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Your word is your bond as a man. Seek warriors as friends. Seek honor in all that you do.
Paul Peterlin, Musings Of Honor
Honor Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Honor your life by loving yourself, treating yourself well, not allowing others to hurt you, being assertive, and following your dreams.
Josée Perrine, The Saber-Toothed Tiger
With true self-respect you honor your life by continuing to learn and grow your whole life!
Kate Ellis, Words that Empower Honor
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Dream big dreams; only big dreams have the power to move men’s souls.
Marcus Aurelius
Dream Big Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
All great men and women begin with a dream of something wonderful and different from what you have today.
Brian Tracy, 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionairs
Big dreams start small. Break down your big goals into mini goals. That’s how you make success look easy!
RD King, The Astonishing Power Of Positive Thinking
Quote of the Day: Monday, May 16, 2022
Poverty would not exist, if your fellowman was willing to let go of Greed.
Queene Faith, The Light Of The Butterfly (The Revelation)
Greed Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Let go of envy, let go of ego, let go of materialism, let go of greed and let go of what your neighbour, your world, and what the mind is believing. Listen closely to the feelings and the beating desires of the heart.
John Edmonds, Beyond the Horizon
Greed is nothing but the outcome of unchecked desires and ambitions. If only humans would keep their needs and desires checked at reasonable levels, most of the world’s problems will come to an end.
Bhawnabhishek, Foelly
Quote of the Day: Sunday, May 15, 2022
When you feel it is time to soar, when you are tired of being controlled by others and when your inner self longs to express the image of your true soul, it is time to become a free spirit.
Michele Marie Tate, Soul Spirit Self Realizations
Free Spirit Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Follow who you really are away from the brainwash of the world. Life for enlightened, free people is a constant release of their natural spirits. Everything else is dull or meaningless. A free spirit lives by his or her spirit.
Tony Kelbrat, A Free Spirit’s Search for Enlightenment 5
The free spirit does not refuse to engage with perspectives, nor are they held fast by any of them; rather they learn to dance between them.
Rebecca Bamford, Nietzsche’s Free Spirit Philosophy
Quote of the Day: Saturday, May 14, 2022
When you let go of grudges, you have more freedom, health, happiness, and well-being.
Carole Lewis, Better Together
Holding Grudges Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Holding a grudge is a choice. Forgiving is a choice.
Valerie Clayton, Jerome Clayton, ictory in Singleness: A Strategy for Emotional Peace
Holding a grudge is like holding that sack of rocks on your shoulders.
Laura George, Excuse Me, Your Job Is Waiting
Quote of the Day: Friday, May 13, 2022
I always say that self-care is health care – because without our health, what do we have?
Suzy Reading, The Little Book of Self-care
Self Care Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Any step toward genuinely caring for yourself is going to improve your life. Be free and open to learn from each attempt to act more lovingly toward yourself.
Phil Golding, Five Steps to Freedom
Radical self-care is the active decision to put your wellness before anyone or anything else.
Oludara Adeeyo, Self-Care for Black Women
Quote of the Day: Thursday, May 12, 2022
Like colors, when people are forced to blend and give up their unique characteristics, the result is a dull gray. Allowed to display their true colors, they shine brightly and together create an inspiring work of art.
Michàlle E. Mor-Barak,Managing Diversity
True Colors Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
During times of crisis, our true colors either shine like a beacon of light or darken the light in others.
Pam Borton, The Crooked Rim
The true colors of light will lead the way. Let your true colors shine forth like the rainbow.
Denise Eger, Mishkan Ga’avah
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
You can choose to be a winner or not. The choice is yours. Success wants to be a part of your life. You were born to be a Winner!
Tommy Franks Ph D, Tommy Franks, Born to Win
Winning Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
You can be a winner or a looser, but I choose to be a legend.
Yudi Santoso, Andreas Tri Winarto, Finding Your Soulmate
Winning is about struggle and effort and optimism, and never, ever, ever giving up.
Amby Burfoot, The Runner’s Guide to the Meaning of Life
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Winston Churchill
History Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
The only duty we owe to history is to rewrite it.
Oscar Wilde
History is the study of other people’s mistakes.
Philip Guedalla
Quote of the Day: Monday, May 9, 2022
Live while you have life to live. Love while you have love to give.
Piet Hein
Live Life Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Live life while you can. Love and enjoy the wonder that is all around you. Learn to see with the eyes of a child, and truly strive to understand your fellow man, because our life here on this earth really is a delicate and fragile thing.
Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus (Spirit), Conversations with Nostradamus: Volume 1
Time is not extrinsic to us; to “lose time” would be to lose being; to live time is to live life, and to live life is to live tempiternity.
Panikkar, Raimon, Trinitarian and Cosmotheandric Vision Vol
Quote of the Day: Sunday, May 8, 2022
Change always comes later than we think it should.
Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek Picard
Change Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Change begins with what you choose to stop and what you choose to start.
Edith Namm & Rita Kaufman, Change to a Positive Mindset and Extend Your Lifeline
By choosing not to accept change and to avoid the uncertainty or risk of change, we deny ourselves the potential reward.
Paul Donovan, Profit and Prejudice
Quote of the Day:Saturday, May 7, 2022
It’s better to be curious than fear the unknown.
Sandeep Ravidutt Sharma, Amazing April
Curiosity Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Being curious is an essential part of human consciousness, a joyful feature of a life well lived.
Wendy L. Ostroff, Cultivating Curiosity in K-12 Classrooms
Curiosity is like a muscle. If you don’t use it, or exercise it, it atrophies. Start using it, and it becomes stronger.
Steven Bleistein, Rapid Organizational Change
Quote of the Day: Friday, May 6, 2022
The more you ask yourself “what do I really want?” the more you learn through experience what clarity feels like in your body and mind.
Ginny Gane, The Champion Mindset
Clarity Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Finding true clarity is difiicult, so most of us give up the effort. But occasionally, clarity comes without effort, and is not what is expected at all.
Mike JD. Trial, Things Were Never the Same Afterward
The breath of true clarity comes in the written word of God.
Teresa Luna-Hidalgo, Biblical Blueprints Your Questions God’s Answers
Quote of the Day: Thursday, May 5, 2022
Life isn’t about finding yourself is about creating yourself.
Hannah Solomon, Grains of Discipline
Finding Yourself Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Finding yourself is about being able to look in the mirror and being honest with the person you see. You have to be able to stop being afraid.
Addison Goad, Myself With You
Finding yourself is going outside yourself and finding affirmation in others.
William Z. Shetter, My Conversation with Sophia
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, May 4, 2022
God’s love is not just for the good, the pious, the religious. God’s love is for the rest of us. God’s love is for you. It says that God is “rich in mercy.” His posture toward you is not one of condemnation, but of compassion.
Vince Antonucci, God’s Love for the Rest of Us
God’s Love Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Do not be afraid; He stands so near. Give Him your doubts; you need not fear. God’s love is everlasting.
Brenda Nichols, Poems of Inspiration
Trying to comprehend the measure of God’s love is like trying to reach up and touch the sky. It’s beyond our capabilities.
Women of Faith, Receiving God’s Love
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Many are generous with money, especially if they have much, but fail miserably with a generous heart in looking to strengthen others through kindness. This is real generosity.
Bill Johnson, Your Journey to Significance
Generosity Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
Proverbs 11:24
Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance.
Edrianne Ezell, Daily Prayer
Quote of the Day: Monday, May 2, 2022
Being an introvert doesn’t mean you have no voice. It just means you have the ability to communicate in different ways.
Janice Jones, In Her Blood
Introvert Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
An introvert has a sharp conscience. He spends a great deal of time examining his motives and actions.
Ernest Eberhard (Jr.), Is it Love?
So it is clear that a rich inner world can play a large role in an intorvert’s life and if nurtured well, may lead her to a path of creativity.
Prasenjeet Kumar, Quiet Phoenix 2
Quote of the Day: Sunday, May 1, 2022
A great many men are failures because they doubt their own capacity.
Theron Q. Dumont, Mina Parker, Power of Concentration, Part Three
Doubt Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Never doubt your ability to do anything. Instead, just declare your desire; focus on what you want instead of what you do not want.
Randall Chesnutt, Open Your Mind and Let Doubt Out
Doubt will provide man with less than he is able to acquire with his potential.
Vaul Impera, Immortalaeism
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