Quote of the Day October 2022

Quote of the Day October 2022

Read the current Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day: Monday, October 31, 2022

Why criticise someone when you can SHOW how it can be done. Sandeep Ravidutt Sharma, encouraging Words For One and All: Positive
Why criticise someone when you can SHOW how it can be done.
Sandeep Ravidutt Sharma, Encouraging Words For One and All: Positive
Encouraging Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Encouragement often sets off a chain reaction. Those who encourage us inspire us, in turn, to reach out to still other people with words and deeds of encouragment.
Darlene Sala, Encouraging Words for Women

Celebrate the gift of life by living it to the fullest.
Sandeep Ravidutt Sharma, Celebrate Life with a Smile: Positive

Quote of the Day: Sunday, October 30, 2022

Love is the greatest teaching of all the teachings. It teaches us that all things are possible when we have love in our hearts.
Love is the greatest teaching of all the teachings. It teaches us that all things are possible when we have love in our hearts.
Samuel Douglas, Love is the Essence of Time
Love Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Love is the life of man, for man is of the same quality as his love.
Emanuel Swedenborg

Love brings peace, harmony, and joy to the people. Love is the absence of hatred, and hatred is the absence of love.
Sang Chiong, The Secrets and Wonders of Life

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 29, 2022

You always know the mark of a coward, A coward hides behind freedom. A brave person stands in front of freedom and defends it for others. Henry Rollins
You always know the mark of a coward, A coward hides behind freedom. A brave person stands in front of freedom and defends it for others.
Henry Rollins
Coward Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Only a coward is closed, and a strong person is as strong as a rock and as vulnerable as a rose.
Osho , Everyday Osho: 365 Meditations for the Here and Now

Only a coward is afraid of failure. Even when alive he is like a dead man if he is afraid of death.
Jyotika Ellwood , Follow the Leader: A Journey to Self Realization

Quote of the Day: Friday, October 28, 2022

Of all the tragedies and lost lives, We know that better days are coming. Of all the sadness and madness, I can say better days are coming.
Of all the tragedies and lost lives, We know that better days are coming. Of all the sadness and madness, I can say better days are coming.
Kelamenter M. Smith, Inspirations from the Heart
Better Days Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
If we can take some time to do something nice for ourselves, the result is that Better Days are on the way, and Better Days are here to stay.
Craig Lewis, Better Days

You can look forward with the hope and assurance that better days will once again return, however bleak the current situation may be at the moment.
Onaba Kedi Arblaster, When All Hope in You Is Gone

Quote of the Day: Thursday, October 27, 2022

All of life is choice, and there are no wrong choices. A decision to abdicate a choice is still a choice—it is a choice to do nothing. TA Sullivan, choices
All of life is choice, and there are no wrong choices. A decision to abdicate a choice is still a choice—it is a choice to do nothing.
TA Sullivan
Choices Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Wise people are those who learn from their mistakes and make better choices going forward.
Jack Bobo, Why Smart People Make Bad Food Choices

Learning from the choices we make, is after all, pretty much what life is about.
John B. Leonard, Dawn of Unity: Guide to a New Prosperity

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The eyes speak mutely, but they speak truly. Lonnie Lynch, Romance Cooking: Unlocking the Secrets of Seducing Mars Or Venus
The eyes speak mutely, but they speak truly.
Lonnie Lynch, Romance Cooking: Unlocking the Secrets of Seducing Mars Or Venus
Eyes Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Communicate with your eyes daily to open them to see only truth and beauty — not only within you, but also in your surroundings, your brothers and sisters, and the kingdoms of nature.
Rae Chandran, 33 Keys to Ascension

It is through your eyes that you learn most about this world; so it is easy to understand that they are two of your most precious possessions.
Wilbur Lee Beauchamp, ‎Mary Melrose, ‎Glenn Orlando Blough , Discovering Our World: A Course in Science for the Middle Grades

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The strength of unity is the measure of the power of a life, just as dissociation and dispersion are the measure of death.
The strength of unity is the measure of the power of a life, just as dissociation and dispersion are the measure of death.
Luigi Giussani, The Journey to Truth is an Experience
Unity Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Unity is the great exponent that multiplies all we have ever been or strived to be.
Joey LeTourneau, The Power of Uncommon Unity

Unity is the quality of being one in spirit purpose and harmony.
The New Belize – Volumes 14-15

Quote of the Day: Monday, October 24, 2022

Blessed are those who see the dance and not just the dancers, the drama and not just the actors, the relationship and not just the relata, for they shall reside in the dynamic flow of life. Peter Hawkins, Leadership Team Coaching in Practice
Blessed are those who see the dance and not just the dancers, the drama and not just the actors, the relationship and not just the relata, for they shall reside in the dynamic flow of life.
Peter Hawkins, Leadership Team Coaching in Practice
Blessed Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You know your worth. You know your purpose. You know your path. You are loved and you are blessed.
Nikki Bryan, Create Your Own Magic

Blessed are those whose soul is the radiance of the heart.
John Kadela Ph.D., Transfigurations

Quote of the Day: Sunday, October 23, 2022

Selflessness is the way we find true fulfillment and joy.
Selflessness is the way we find true fulfillment and joy.
Lee Bueno, Fast Your Way to Health
Selfless Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Selfless acts of leadership gain loyalty much more than throwing your weight around.
Morgan Christopher Hudson, Enneagram Self-Discovery

Where selfish acts hinder emotional and spiritual growth, selfless acts build on emotional and spiritual growth. Being selfless means you’re not acting on your ego, or that you have a desire to prove yourself to others.
Ilana Estelle, Spirituality, Healing and Me

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 22, 2022

Don't let negativity destroy who you are or where you want to end up. Clarity, belief and confidence will get you what you want to achieve. Anne Maree Spengler, He Loves You Yeah Yeah Yeah
Don’t let negativity destroy who you are or where you want to end up. Clarity, belief and confidence will get you what you want to achieve.
Anne Maree Spengler, He Loves You Yeah Yeah Yeah
Negativity Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Negativity is like working with your hands tied behind your back.
The Middle Way

Your time is NOW you made it this far, don’t let negativity or negative energy break down and ruin everything you worked so hard for and dreamed about all your life.
Bobby Clark, The Negativity Cleanse: 30 Days of Positivity

Quote of the Day: Friday, October 21, 2022

Faith is believing that the universe is on our side, and that the universe knows what it's doing. Nicole Matoushek, What I Forgot the Day I Was Born
Faith is believing that the universe is on our side, and that the universe knows what it’s doing.
Nicole Matoushek, What I Forgot the Day I Was Born
Universe Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

When we ask with love, the universe knows what we need and it will be delivered ten times better than we had expected. The law of free will is very important in that we are given the power to choose what we want to do with our lives.
Kiran Groodoyal, Heal Yourself – Part I

The universe has no limits. It is everexpanding and infinite. By aligning with your authentic self, you allow yourself to expand and grow as you evolve intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
Elaine McGuinness, Unleash Your Authentic Self!: Your Inner Truth Sets You Free5

Quote of the Day: Thursday, October 20, 2022

Finding your purpose can make you feel better, perform better, and recognize your own success.
Finding your purpose can make you feel better, perform better, and recognize your own success.
Carrie Nelson, M.S., Ph.D, Don’t Quit Your Day Job, Learn to Love It
Purpose Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Finding your purpose can be the catalyst to your much-needed growth.
Julie Schooler, Find Your Purpose in 15 Minutes

Finding your purpose can be hard work, but it is well worth the effort. Your purpose not only gives you peace and a sense of destiny but also the energy and focus that will enable you to make a difference in your world.
John Stanko, Unlocking the Power of Your Purpose

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, October 19, 2022

If you're facing heartbreak and sorrow, And wonder if you'll smile again, Just remember the sun shines tomorrow, And time heals the deepest pain.
If you’re facing heartbreak and sorrow, And wonder if you’ll smile again, Just remember the sun shines tomorrow, And time heals the deepest pain.
Arthur DeMoss, ‎Nancy DeMoss, The Family Album
Perspective Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Time has a way of healing most feelings. To look back in time it is medicinal to remember the good times as well as the bad ones. You can learn from positive experiences as well as negative ones. Why let the past get you down?
Charles S. Haddad, Being Happy a Day at a Time

No matter how pain may rend his soul, if he only knows how to wait in patience, the balm of time will gradually heal his wounds and soothe his soul. All things pass away!
Luise Mühlbach, The Historical Romances of Louisa Mühlbach

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, October 18, 2022

When you let go of negative emotions, you'll feel lighter and more stress-free. You'll enjoy greater freedom and feel more at peace with the world.  Karl Moore, The 18 Rules of Happiness Pocket Guide
When you let go of negative emotions, you’ll feel lighter and more stress-free. You’ll enjoy greater freedom and feel more at peace with the world.
Karl Moore, The 18 Rules of Happiness Pocket Guide
Perspective Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

When you let go of negative thinking and lay hold of reality, then you become aware of your connection with life. You will begin to experience yourself as a success and to expect success.
Roy F. Messier, The Power of Control Thought

Sometimes we just need to let go of our need to control. And that’s when it’s time to rely on our life Source – the Universal energy that brought us into creation.
M. A. Raytis, Feng Shui Your Mind: Four Easy Steps to Rapidly Transform

Quote of the Day: Monday, October 17, 2022

There is only one person who is capable of setting limits to your growth. It is YOU. You are the only person who can transform your life. You alone can influence your happiness and your success.
There is only one person who is capable of setting limits to your growth. It is YOU. You are the only person who can transform your life. You alone can influence your happiness and your success.
Sirshree, The Source
Motivational Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

Thoughts become Attitudes
Attitudes shape Actions
Actions become Habits
Habits form Character
Character effects Destiny
It all starts with a thought
Choose to make it a happy one!
Andrea Stephens, Happy Thoughts for Bad Hair Days

Quote of the Day: Sunday, October 16, 2022

Words without action is like clouds without rain, an empty promise without fulfillment. Johnson Chiu, Forty Days of Prayer: Seeking God's Face
Words without action is like clouds without rain, an empty promise without fulfillment.
Johnson Chiu, Forty Days of Prayer: Seeking God’s Face
Action Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Putting out your positive intention into the universe is very important, but the real secret to taking yourself to the next level of manifestation is action, and the persistent attempts you make to achieve your goals.
Bode olowookere, Make the Shift to Success

Actions without dreams are wasted energies but dreams coupled with actions become realities.
Glenn Arekion, Turning Your Dreams into Realities

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 15, 2022

Even small triumphs are reminders that better days are ahead. Rather than give up, look up and see the sun shining. Your best days are coming. Del Duduit, ‎Michelle Medlock Adams, Heart of a Hoosier
Even small triumphs are reminders that better days are ahead. Rather than give up, look up and see the sun shining. Your best days are coming.
Del Duduit, ‎Michelle Medlock Adams, Heart of a Hoosier
Ambition Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

If you find yourself alone, confused, lost, or doubtful, look up and breathe in through your heart and be still, be present.
Shanna Rebis, Poetic Love Frenzy

All of us need to take time to “look up” occasionally and see the wonders of our world and appreciate our surroundings.
Rex Hickox, me

Quote of the Day: Friday, October 14, 2022

It is always the darkest before and during the storm, but after the storm it is usually rainbows. Push through your storm. Better days are ahead. Prince Sylvester, The Spiritual Motivation Handbook: 100 Motivations for On-The-Go
It is always the darkest before and during the storm, but after the storm it is usually rainbows. Push through your storm. Better days are ahead.
Prince Sylvester, The Spiritual Motivation Handbook: 100 Motivations for On-The-Go
Storm Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Continue to sow good seeds, before, during, and after the storms of life.
Barbara Frankson, Transformation from Religion to Relationship

Allow the storm to sweep away those things that prevent clear knowing and clear seeing. Breathe deeply and absorb the full energy of the storm.
In the Shadow of the Shaman

Quote of the Day: Thursday, October 13, 2022

My past will not define my future, and my future is the reflection of my present actions.
My past will not define my future, and my future is the reflection of my present actions.
Sachin Sunny, Hundred Days To Greatness
Future Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The past may be determined by our previous actions, but the next moment—the future—is always uncharted territory.
Carolyn Rose Gimian, The Future Is Open

I know for a fact that sitting around thinking about doing something someday in the future doesn’t make it happen. What does make it happen is diving straight into action.
Whitney Holcombe, 1 Year, 100 Pounds

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, October 12, 2022

 Peace and happiness come when they have to. Most often, they come unannounced, and in the most unexpected ways...
Peace and happiness come when they have to. Most often, they come unannounced, and in the most unexpected ways…
Priya Somaiya, The Intent to Listen
Happiness Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
True joy and happiness come when we take our gaze off our own problems and redirect our attention and energies to others
Carl B. Rife, Bumper Sticker Religion

So when you search for happiness, look deep inside. Seek the genuine contentment that comes with being at peace with yourself and in harmony with the world. It is not an easy feat! But it is worthwhile. You hold the key.
Sky Banyes, The Little Book of Silver Linings

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The first step to healing emotional pain is to stop and be present with the situation. This means that you have to see it as it is rather than denying it or rearranging it.
The first step to healing emotional pain is to stop and be present with the situation. This means that you have to see it as it is rather than denying it or rearranging it.
Patricia Monaghan, Meditation
Healing Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Healing emotional pain is one of the deepest journeys one can make in life—to make peace with yourself and the world.
Matthew McKay, Healing Emotional Pain Workbook

Healing emotional pain is achieved by being present with yourself and addressing the pain that you’re holding onto right now.
Monique Joiner Siedlak, Healing Your Inner Child

Quote of the Day: Monday, October 10, 2022

The warrior knows that the fighter who never failed is the fighter who never fought.
The warrior knows that the fighter who never failed is the fighter who never fought.
Tony Higo, Warrior Wisdom
Warrior Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The true Warrior will fight for justice, never taking life without cause.
Dakota Windancer, A Greater Life Awaits

It can be said that nobody is born a warrior. We choose to be one only when we refuse to stay seated. We choose to be one when we recognize injustice and refuse to back down.
Michael Jaco, The Intuitive Warrior

Quote of the Day: Sunday, October 9, 2022

When you feel lost, acknowledge it. Be with that experience and the subsequent emotion it brings.
When you feel lost, acknowledge it. Be with that experience and the subsequent emotion it brings.
Sherrie Campbell, Your Pocket Therapist
Lost Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
When you get cold, Know that someone will bring you a blanket. When you feel lost, Know that someone will always guide you. When you feel left out, Know that someone is out there with you.
M.R. Champagn, The Pink Ribbon

When you feel lost in the monotony of daily life, look to Jesus.
Aubrey Sampson, Known

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 8, 2022

A smile is all that an individual needs. It is the door to happiness. That is what creates friendship and promotes love and even unity. We are too attached to this world that we forget to smile.
A smile is all that an individual needs. It is the door to happiness. That is what creates friendship and promotes love and even unity. We are too attached to this world that we forget to smile.
Dr. M. Bahaidar, Hidden Self
Beautiful Quotes on Smile

Positive Quotes for the Day:
A smile acts as a bridge that brings two strangers together, and sets them off on a memorable, and an enduring journey of life-long friendship.
N. Srinivasa Raghavan, Miracle

Keep smiling bright and wide. Hold your head up with pride. Sometimes a smile is all we need.
Randy Jordan, Inspiring Poems and Pictures from the Heart

Quote of the Day: Friday, October 7, 2022

Grief hits you like a bullet, shot deep into your heart. It leaves you feeling breathless and your heart torn all apart.
Grief hits you like a bullet, shot deep into your heart. It leaves you feeling breathless and your heart torn all apart.
Linda Stilson, Life’s Journey Through The Bumps
Grief Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
When grief sets in so deeply, and it seems like nobody cares, it is crucial for a husband and wife to cry together, talk together, to share their feelings together.
Clara Hinton, Silent Grief

Once the supreme obstacle of grief hits you, the realization occurs that the only option available is to go over the obstacle.
Stanley Moore, Can God Trust You with Trouble?

Quote of the Day: Thursday, October 6, 2022

Failure is a lesson to learn in order to succeed.
Failure is a lesson to learn in order to succeed.
Dr. Kwasi Kodua Addai-Mensah, Leadership
Failure Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
People, who treat failure as a stepping stone to greater success, can never feel let down.
Shashikant Sadaiv, How a Good Person Become a successful Winner

Failure is an opportunity to learn to become aware of more options.
Kevin Everett Fitz Maurice, 3D

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Life is like a turtle—you don't go anywhere unless you stick your neck out. August Eugene Mansker, Life Is Like A Turtle
Life is like a turtle—you don’t go anywhere unless you stick your neck out.
August Eugene Mansker, Life Is Like A Turtle
Great Quotes About Life

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Life has no time stamp, and having faith has no limits. Only you control your life. You decide what you care about and where you want and need to go.
Michael John, Negative = Positive: “Only If You Want”

Life is a beautiful journey between our first and last breath. To some,it can be misery and to others,it can be mystery. It actually depends on how you perceive it.
Deepanshi Khatri, A book among many

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A small shift in your perspective opens you up to new opportunities and helps you attract new blessings filled with great experiences. Idil Ahmed · 2020, Inner Glimpse
A small shift in your perspective opens you up to new opportunities and helps you attract new blessings filled with great experiences.
Idil Ahmed 2020, Inner Glimpse
Perspective Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Another way to stop overthinking things is to put them into perspective.
Timothy Presley, Assertive Communication

Your new perspective may allow you to see a creative solution, or even an opportunity. Allow your new perspective to open you up to actions that help you go with the flow, instead of fight the current.
Gena Lengel, Life with an Exclamation Point!

Quote of the Day: Monday, October 3, 2022

If you focus on problems, you will attract more problems, so always count your blessings, cultivate positive thoughts, focus on the good and be optimistic. Arif Gilany, The Ministry Of Miracles
If you focus on problems, you will attract more problems, so always count your blessings, cultivate positive thoughts, focus on the good and be optimistic.
Arif Gilany, The Ministry Of Miracles
Count Your Blessings Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

The small wins and little things in life matter. Look closely and you will see that there is much to celebrate on a daily basis.
Chris Isaie, ‎Beth Clarke, Use Your 24 Like Never Before

Always count your blessings: count them one by one!
J. P. Vaswani, Why Do Good People Suffer?

Quote of the Day: Sunday, October 2, 2022

Don't live in regret; live with wisdom from your memories, not sorrow. Cheree Alsop, Stolen: Stolen Book
Don’t live in regret; live with wisdom from your memories, not sorrow.
Cheree Alsop, Stolen: Stolen Book
Regret Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

When things don’t go your way, don’t live in regret. Just ask yourself what you have learned from your experience.
Dr. Kazumba Charles, Discovering the Power of God in You

Put your energy into that which you love, and don’t live in regret.
Phil Norris, Letters to a Future Son

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 1, 2022

 If money is the root of all evil, loyalty is the root of all good. James Hastings, The Expository Times
If money is the root of all evil, loyalty is the root of all good.
James Hastings, The Expository Times
Fear Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Loyalty is about being committed to the other person’s well-being, even when it does not coincide exactly with my own.
John A. Harrod, Weaving the Tapestry of Moral Judgement

Loyalty is the cause; commitment is the effect.
Juana-Espinosa, Human Resource Management in the Digital Economy

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