Sisterhood Quotes
Let these sisterhood quotes remind you of the importance of those people who are like a sister to you. We are all sisters and brothers, wouldn’t the world be a better place if we treated each other as that!
- “To shine forever as an example to all women, that is the mythic and collective legacy of all sisterhoods. How do we begin to reclaim our sisters? We get to know each other in all our depths.” Brenda Peterson, Sister Stories
Example - A virtuous sister who is a faithful friend is a sister-friend. Within every friendship, there is a bond of some type which varies from person to person. We may have many acquaintances in life, but as the saying goes, “True friendships, like diamonds, are precious and rare.” Francie Taylor, Sister Friends
Sister - Women instinctually know how to nourish each other, and just being with each other is restorative. Tanja Taaljard
Recovery - There is space within sisterhood for likeness and difference, for the subtle differences that challenge and delight; there is space for disappointment -and surprise. Christine Downing
Disappointment - Sisters share a bond unlike any other – thornier, but also tender, full of possibility. Joy McCullough, Blood Water Paint
Family Bonding - Lets us not be divided by the color of our skin, but be united by the color of our blood. T.A. Uner
Diversity - Sometimes when we met people we feel a connection, a sense of sisterhood. And usually that sense is correct. Catherine Pulsifer
Positive - Empower, lift and fortify each other. For the positive vitality spread to one will be felt by every one of us. For we are associated, every last one. Deborah Day
Inspiring Others - I believe in the power of sisterhood, so be that sister that another woman needs or when you need a lift, find a sister…. Cheryl Barton, One Sister Away
Graduation - Of all the blessings sisterhood can bestow, I think the greatest is to be known, really known. Colleen Sell, A Cup of Comfort for Sisters
Be Yourself - I am a living testament that deep, amazing platonic friendships can and do exist between men and women, and my life is the better for all of my surrogate sisters. Hill Harper, Letters to a Young Sister
Wisdom - I aspire to be the best sister I can be – wherever we end up – this is my heartfelt pledge of sisterhood. Melanie J. Pellowski, My Dearest Sister
Dedication - Since all females are daughters of a loving Father in Heaven, we are truly sisters, which explains our instinctive feelings of sisterhood. Marilynne Todd Linford, Sisters Forever
Daughter - We’ve all been through the storms of life. What a comfort to know the One who quiets the winds and calms the raging seas – and sometimes uses our sisters-in-Christ to do it. Virginia Smith
God’s Love - ” . . . blessings aren’t just meant to be enjoyed – they’re meant to be used and shared with those who have less. The Christian faith teaches us that on this day a child was born so that we might have eternal life. And at the heart of many of the world’s great religions is the idea that we’re all better off when we treat our brothers and sisters with the same love and compassion that we want for ourselves.” President Barak Obama
Christian Quotes about Life - Storm Sister … a friend who sticks close when storms hit her friend’s life. Such a friend might also go by the title of sister, longtime friend, rediscovered friend, or acquaintance who offers or accepts friendship in a crisis. Rorvik, Storm Sisters
Never Quit - “Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood.” Louisa May Alcott
Helping Others - God did plan for me to have sisters of the heart. Heart Sisters who didn’t grow up with me but will stand up with me no matter what. Heart Sisters who know my most horrible qualities and love me anyway. Heart Sisters who aren’t related to me by blood but instead by the sisterly bond entwined between our hearts. Heart Sisters are just as strong as – and in some cases even stronger than – blood sisters. Natalie Chambers Snapp, Heart Sisters
Motivational Poems - I love the notion of “storm sisters” – soul friends who help us get through life’s most raw and painful transitions. Jennifer Grant
Pain - “‘Life is true devotion to one another, loving each one as sisters and brothers. Be first to honor others by putting them first,’ Paul says (Romans 12: 10), and this is a challenge in humility, too, this living to honor others.” Rachel Toalson, We Embrace Wisdom
Encouraging Bible Verses - “Best friends are important. They’re the closest thing to a sister you’ll ever have.” Jenny Han
Birthday Wishes for a Best Friend - “She is the mother I never had, she is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don’t know a better person.” Oprah Winfrey
Appreciation Poems - “Sisterhood – that is, primary and bonding love from women – is, like motherhood, a capacity, not a destiny. It must be chosen, exercised by acts of will.” Olga Broumas
Choices - “Badges mean nothing in themselves, but they mark a certain achievement and they are a link between the rich and the poor. For when one girl sees a badge on a sister Scout’s arm, if that girl has won the same badge, it at once awakens an interest and sympathy between them.” Juliette Gordon Low
Achievement - “There is space within sisterhood for likeness and differences, for the subtle differences that challenge and delight; there is space for disappointment – and surprise.” Christine Downing
Disappointment - “Things do get hard and it seems like there is no where to turn to, no one that you can trust to talk to, no one seems to understand you. But I am here to let you know my sister that God understands…” Shareta Berry, 31 Days Of Inspiration
Trust God - “Sisterhood is powerful.” Robin Morgan
Life Changing - “But what Mom never told me is that along the way, you find sisters, and they find you. Girls are cool that way.” Adriana Trigiani
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