Little Lamb
Author: Byron Pulsifer, © 2012
A great trip to the countryside revealed beautiful farmland along with virgin forest and babbling streams. It was a pleasant day just warm enough that when we stopped, it was a pleasure to walk along a dirt country road observing all the squirrels going about their daily business and with a multitude of birds singing.
A Surprise
We got back into the car a short while later and headed further down the old road that was slowly turning into no more than a pathway seldom used. We passed a farm but it was the only one we had seen for some time. It wasn’t long before the road came to a complete end stopping just before a river ravine. We decided to get out again and walk along the river that was winding its way in front of us. Down the slope we went watching out step between the large rocks dotting the riverbank. As we walked, we could see a bend in the river just ahead. We continued on a few steps around the bend when we were startled to see a little lamb standing there looking all around.
The lamb wasn’t crying out at all – it was just standing there. We approached cautiously but the lamb didn’t move. As we came closer, we also looked to see if there were any other lambs around at all or any signs that there was a farm nearby. We couldn’t see any farm but we knew that there was one up the road that we had passed a short time before we reached the end of the road.
What Do We Do?
Do we just leave the little lamb to fend for itself and hopefully find its way home assuming that the farm up the road was its home? Well, that didn’t seem like a very good option to just leave it to fend for itself, so we decided that I would return to the car and get a rope that we always carry around for various chores like securing a load to our bumper and trunk.
I returned shortly and gently placed the rope around the neck of the lamb and started to lead it back up the river and then up the road. It was a long walk but the little lamb followed along without complaint. Soon, I arrived at the farm and walked up the lane with the little lamb in tow. To my surprise, an older man immediately came out of the house and approached me with a smile on his face. He told me that he had been looking for this little lamb but couldn’t find it. He thanked me for returning the lamb to him and I departed also with a smile on my face.
Lost Lambs
Throughout life, we can all come across the little lost lambs of life and the question is always what do we do? Do we just ignore lost people; people who only need a little guidance back to their proper place?
Part of the teaching of God is to rescue those who have fallen by the wayside just like the little lamb. So, to me, the answer is obvious. We have a duty, an obligation if you will, to move along the path to find where we should be without leaving anyone we discover to try and find his or her way back.
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“God is a reality, and His power can never fail. As our faith reaches out, God will meet us and the same rain will fall. It is the same blood that cleanses, the same power, the same Holy Ghost, and the same Jesus made real through the power of the Holy Ghost.”Michael Yeager
“From huts to high-rises, one moment is all it takes to change someone’s life for eternity. We remain committed to helping make possible such life-changing moments for people worldwide.”Paul Eshleman
“Mother Teresa used to advise, ‘Don’t try to do great things for God. Do small things with great love.”John Ortberg
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