Be inspired by our thought of the day for your month of January 2023! Read our current Thought of The Day. You may also enjoy our Quote of The Day.
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Thought for the Day: January 31, 2023
Go with the flow and let life carry you on its waves. Don’t fight the current, or resist change, but instead embrace it with open arms! Allow yourself to be guided by the flow of life and enjoy the journey!
Ben Gillison
Go With The Flow Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 30, 2023
When we learn to take responsibility for our behavior, we find it easier to take responsibility for our happiness.
Hampton, Terry, Ninety-Nine Ways to Be Happier Every Day
Responsibility Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 29, 2023
God’s love knows no limitations, knows no frustration able to turn it away, and knows no surrender
Gary Barnard Dotson, Abiding in Christ
God’s Love Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 28, 2023
Learning to pick yourself up after you’ve tried and failed distinguishes the truly successful from the merely lucky.
Linda Chavez, Barbarians at the Gate
Pick Your Self Up Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 27, 2023
Stay steady in your efforts, and stay strong, even when you are broken. Stay true to yourself and to others. Stay happy by always keeping a positive attitude, and stay inspired and motivated even when all hope seems gone.
Adam Mient, How to be a Better You
Staying Strong Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 26, 2023
When a man lacks inner harmony, desirous part of his soul induces him to claim more than his fair share; reason fails to control his thinking and behavior.
Rajendra M. Chakrabarti, Happiness and Well-Being: Wealth
Harmony Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 25, 2023
The words I speak are the words I believe; the words I believe are the words I live, so choose them wisely.
Mellisa Lambert, Open Your Mouth and Speak
Affirmation Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 24, 2023
For the first time you can shake thoff and look up�really look up�and see the beauty of the world around you.
Tori Bortman, The Bicycling Big Book of Cycling for Beginners
Look Up Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 23, 2023
True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness.
Love and Life Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 22, 2023
Persistence is the true measure of individual human character. Your persistence is, in fact, the real measure of your belief in yourself and your ability to succeed.
Brian Tracy, Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want
Persistence Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 21, 2023
Be careful what you tolerate, you are teaching people how to treat you.
Sophia A. Nelson, The Woman Code: 20 Powerful Keys to Unlock Your Life
Thought for the Day: January 20, 2023
Grow your healthy experiences and those experiences will reduce the stress when facing adversity and enhance your daily quality of life. There is love in labor, and joyous labor in love when your thoughts, actions, and struggles are aligned with living your values, fulfilling your major aim or purpose, and being your authentic self.
Khalif Ibere, Success through Strategically Facing Challenges
Adversity Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 19, 2023
It takes a little practice and conscious effort, but a smile is the single most tell-tale sign of appreciation and positive thinking.
Modern Drummer
Smile Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 18, 2023
Your intuition, or your �gut feeling,� is sometimes called �the little professor� because it remembers every experience you have had and everything you have ever read. Learn to trust the �little professor� because he will give you the right answers.
Jeremiah Comey, The Art of Film Acting
Gut Feeling Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 17, 2023
Motherhood is a roughed-out roadway with the tours and detours each and every family takes in order to survive. The roadway is littered with missing school shoes and forgotten school assignments; …with broken swing sets, fenderless bikes, and a thousand matchbox cars; damp hair and sticky fingers; with tears and hugs and kisses; and many broken hearts. That is why every mother needs to feel free to navigate that roadway on her own terms.
Eileen McCafferty
Motherhood Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 16, 2023
To be nobody but-myself�in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else�means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.
E. E. Cummings
Fight Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 15, 2023
Living with authenticity is living wholistically. Because living authentically is an expression of Self-Love.
Sanjay K Srivastava, SELF-ish
Authenticity Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 14, 2023
As we celebrate this day, let us remember that there is balance in all things, day and night, light and dark, life and death, good fortune and misfortune.
Amethyst Treleven
Balance Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 13, 2023
True prosperity is the ability to use God’s power to meet the needs of mankind in any realm of life.
Elda S. Morran, Faith for the Fearful?
Prosperity Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 12, 2023
Each day give thanks to the LORD that he awakes you and praise him daily and that no matter what life may bring look forward to better days, and have joy and peace in your life.
Beatrice Ivory, Preparing for the Christian Journey
Looking Forward Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 11, 2023
It’s not going to be easy and you are going to have some let-downs, but stay strong and keep trying. Stand up for what you believe in and don’t let someone else take advantage of you. Learn to love, and when you do love, love with all your heart.
Lanakila Michael Achong, Haole Boy
Staying Strong Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 10, 2023
Willpower is the ability to direct our behaviour according to what others expect of us or what we expect of ourselves.
Bella Tindale, The Magic of Willpower
Grateful Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 9, 2023
Resilience is the ability not to see failure as something to dwell on but as an opportunity to move forward, accepting that failure is a part of life.
Jane Clarke, John Nicholson, Resilience: Bounce back from whatever life throws at you
Resilience Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 8, 2023
More than any other season, winter requires a kind of metronome that ticks away its darkest beats, giving us a melody to follow into spring.
Katherine May, Wintering: The power of rest and retreat in difficult times
Winter Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 7, 2023
Clarity is more than a concept � it is a way of life.
Keorapetse Kgositsile
Clarity Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 6, 2023
Don’t let procrastination become a dark cloud over your life by allowing it to let you miss out on opportunities and adventures that are waiting for you!
Sherri Sue Fishe, TimerOrganizer
Procrastination Quotes
Thought of the Day: January 5, 2022
Positive thinking is the oxygen you are inhaling right now � whether naturally or artificially � so that you can do whatever else is necessary to live strong.
Mark Benedict, The Method of Selling
Positive Thinking Quotes
Thought of the Day: January 4, 2023
When you work on yourself, you’re working on your mind. You’re building on your strengths. You’re challenging your weaknesses.
Rob Moore, ow Up, Step Out, & Shine
Work On Yourself Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 3, 2023
Art is a way of getting in touch and appreciating your own uniqueness and is the first step in understanding and accepting the uniqueness of others.
1976, Art Teacher
Art Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 2, 2023
Self-respect is a trait that enables us to protect and enhance our dignity in the only way in which it can rationally be done: by producing actual evidence of our worth and preventing the creation of evidence against it.
Lester H. Hunt, Character and Culture
Self-Respect Quotes
Thought for the Day: January 1, 2023
May your new year be filled with good cheer and good luck be had throughout the year.
Sandra Magsamen, Living Artfully
New Year Wishes Quotes
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