Top Ten Retirement Quotes
Share these top ten retirement quotes with others to encourage and congratulate them on this exciting time in their life. There are Retirement Quotes that are great but these ones are ones that are good to use in cards, letters of farewell or in speeches.
1. “It’s with joy and sadness that we say farewell tonight. No one more loved or respected has earned this right.”Charley D.
2. “Retirement is like a long vacation in Las Vegas. The goal is to enjoy it the fullest, but not so fully that you run out of money.” Jonathan Clements
3. “Don’t simply retire from something; have something to retire to.” Harry Emerson Fosdick
4. “There is a whole new kind of life ahead, full of experiences just waiting to happen. Some call it “retirement.” I call it bliss.” Betty Sullivan
5. “The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.” Abe Lemons
6. “A gold watch is the most appropriate gift for retirement, as its recipients have given up so many of their golden hours in a lifetime of service.”Harry Mahtar
7. “Retirement means doing whatever I want to do. It means choice.” Dianne Nahirny
8. “I’m retired – goodbye tension, hello pension!”Author Unknown
9. “Sooner or later I’m going to die, but I’m not going to retire.” Margaret Mead
10. “There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.”Bill Watterson
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