Who Do You Account To
Reflect on these words of wisdom from Charles M. Schwab: “A man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away.”
The person you have to account to is you. You should never try to mold yourself to meet anyone else’s desires, or views.
You Will Fail
Attempting to please everyone in your life will only cause internal conflict, a sure formula for failure. As well, you may easily find yourself working on their dreams and not your own.
Your Opinion Matters
As you work to achieve your goals, some people will criticize you. Their criticism, however, may be no more than jealousy. You may well find that even members of your own family will question your intentions or try and dissuade you from continuing on. This also applies to friends that may be more envious than supportive. It is difficult to accept their criticism and the long and short of it is this: do not let anyone stop you, influence you, or degrade your vision a new life, career, or education.
Don’t let someone else’s opinions stop you.
Focus Yourself
Rather than focusing your energy on trying to become what other people want, decide on who you want to become. Only you can live your life – you do not live someone else’s life, so why should someone attempt to make you do so?
And, you do not advance your desires if you constantly focus on what you see other people have including those big fancy houses, or those high paying jobs. And, what you see on TV or in the movies about celebrity mansions doesn’t translate into action for you to advance your own strategy. The real problem is to focus your energy where it counts. That specific energy should not be wasted on daydreaming or wishing that your wants will somehow appear out of the blue.
No Excuses
It is also far too easy to find excuses to do something else with your available time especially when you run into a rough patch, or, using your available time to do household chores that can wait or are not critical. If you have a partner or spouse, you desperately need them to buy into your need to use the majority of your time to keep your momentum going towards the accomplishment of your own dream. And, this is not the time to give away your energy and time to extraneous demands made on you by friends and relatives. It is really easy to give in to others who do not help advance your goals. It is not that you are being stingy or selfish; you are being focused on the real necessity of going forward because not to makes it much too easy to quit altogether.
In the process of achieving what you want, there are sacrifices you will have to make. I know this will not sit well with your desire to enjoy those relaxing times you have had in the past, or those trips, or those evenings in front of the TV watching a fantastic movie but sacrifice now will pay huge dividends in the future. After all, you are working for the future satisfaction of accomplishing a very important goal but you must be aware that a lot of people quit far too early into their action plan because they see other things to do that are enjoyable right now.
Focus your energy on achieving your own wants and desires.
To Summarize
Consider the wisdom from Anita Septimus: “You don’t choose the day you enter the world and you don’t chose the day you leave. It’s what you do in between that makes all the difference.”
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“Too often in life, we focus on the things we cannot do. Sometimes we cannot do things because of financial limitations, health limitations, family limitations, educational limitations, and so on. Sometimes, we end up limiting ourselves from achieving success in reaching our goals.” Catherine Pulsifer
“Goals can change from time to time but then remember to focus on your priorities.” Roger Collmar
“The fact that you had previously failed doesn’t mean that your end has come, for you still have life within. Only those that are motionless in their graves have reached their end, not you, not me.” Tony Narams
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