20 insight Quotes, Inspirational Words of Wisdom

20 Insight Quotes

Be inspired by our collection of Insight Quotes.

Whether we’re looking into ourselves, or looking for deeper meaning in a situation; having clear insight is a valuable skill. This skill begins with having the right mindset. Do you have the right perspective? or are you ‘majoring in minor things’. Are you being balanced in your opinion of someone or something? or are you dragging along old emotional baggage? Do you have clear sight into our own life and the lives of others? I hope you do. And I hope that these Insight Quotes help you see what’s most important to you, what’s good for you and what can help you grow as a person today. Enjoy!

    Insight is the capacity to “see into” a person or situation. George Christopher Scruggs, Path of Life

  1. Insight is the capacity to “see into” a person or situation.
    George Christopher Scruggs, Path of Life
    Meaningful Quotes
  2. For those with insight, life is an upward path. Common English Bible, CEB Common English Bible

  3. For those with insight, life is an upward path
    Common English Bible, CEB Common English Bible
    Life Quotes
  4. When it comes to influence, insight on life's journey is what we need. Gary Comer, Soul Whisperer

  5. When it comes to influence, insight on life’s journey is what we need.
    Gary Comer, Soul Whisperer
    Journey Quotes
  6. If we were to have insight into life, and its many intricacies, we would have a treasure more valuable than anything we could imagine. Roy Chambers, Living With Natural Law

  7. If we were to have insight into life, and its many intricacies, we would have a treasure more valuable than anything we could imagine.
    Roy Chambers, Living With Natural Law
  8. Human understanding is not suited for reaching any kind of insight about the spiritual world. Johannes Kühl, ‎Bodo v Plato, ‎Heinz Zimmermann, The School of Spiritual Science

  9. Human understanding is not suited for reaching any kind of insight about the spiritual world.
    Johannes Kühl, ‎Bodo v Plato, ‎Heinz Zimmermann, The School of Spiritual Science
  10. Over the years, I have come to realize that God’s Word offers the wisdom and insight I need at every turn.
    Charles F. Stanley, Charles Stanley Life Principles
    God’s Word The Bible
  11. This contact with your spiritual self gives greater insight on the issues of life and helps one to gain insight into personal development.
    J Thomas Smith, The Secret to a New Life
    Personal Development
  12. Experiences as related by one who dares to sometimes question the hollow shibboleths that pass as spiritual insight.
    C. M. Houck, After Eden
  13. With the recognition of this truth, with insight into the nature of this truth, come light and life, and, if necessary, comfort, aid, and help, in all circumstances; and thus life first receives significance and aim.
    Friedrich Fröbel, The Education of Man
  14. In Aristotle’s construct, physical sight is natural, but ethical insight is learned.
    James O’Toole, Creating the Good Life
  15. This miracle of insight, as it must seem to those who have not understood its natural and accidental origin, extends only so far as does the analogy between the object and the instrument of perception.
    George Santayana, The Life of Reason
  16. Achieving insight is not always sufficient for a person to feel better, but it is the initial goal from which to continue exploring options for change that may bring more personal fulfillment.
    Mark D. Miller, ‎Charles F. Reynolds III , Depression and Anxiety in Later Life
  17. Undoubtedly an insight into the absolute unity of human existence with the divine is the highest knowledge to which man can aspire .
    Wilhelm Baur, Religious life in Germany during the wars of independence
  18. But insight and wisdom can come from close observation and careful reflection on the human person.
    Anna-Teresa Tymieni
  19. The primary goal of the insight stages of meditation is to develop a stable perspective of awareness (samadhi) by which to continuously observe the workingsof the mind at every level.
    Steven L. Ablon, ‎Daniel P. Brown, ‎Edward J. Khantzian, Human Feelings
  20. For that we must practice the meditation of insight, or vipashyana, beginning with what are known as the four foundations of insight.
    Author Unknown
  21. To achieve a convincingly painterly work of art requires insight, feelings, empathy, and a working knowledge of materials to use.
    Pieter Zaadstra, The Artist and the Fly Fisher
  22. He has feelings excited not by the mere sight and outward appearance of objects, but by his insight of their nature and his knowledge of their relations.
    William Dexter Wilson, Lectures on the Psychology of Thought and Action
  23. The man of God must have insight into things spiritual. He must be able to see the mountains filled with the horses and chariots of fire; he must be able to interpret that which is written by the finger of God upon the walls of conscience; he must be able to translate the signs of the times into terms of their spiritual meaning: he must be able to draw aside, now and then, the curtain of things material and let mortals glimpse the spiritual glories which crown the mercy seat of God.
    Powhatten James
    Inspirational Thoughts
  24. As we meditate, the Lord gives us increased insight. As we act on our increased insight, we enjoy spiritual prosperity and success.
    Max Anders, What You Need to Know About Spiritual Growth in 12 Lessons

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