Smart Goals

What does a smart goal mean? Does a smart goal mean that you are more intelligent than another person? Does it imply that some goals are much . . .

Motivational Mountains

From a distance, it may appear that there is only one mountain. Sometimes, the distance to the first mountain is enough of a stretch before looking beyond. Life is much the same way in that we all can see at least one mountain that’s visible. So, what …

Hope Quotes Page 5

More hope quotes page 5 to inspire you. God makes a promise. Faith believes His promise. Hope anticipates its fulfillment. Patience quietly waits. J Countryman

Keep Smiling

One of the best ways to overcome issues in your life is to keep smiling. When we lose our smile, everything looks bleak. But just as someone smiling at you can lift your spirits, or make you feel welcome, your smile given to someone who is experiencing…