Inspirational Prayers Page 3
A Simple Prayer
Author: Byron Pulsifer, © 2012
Dear Lord:
I ask you to always help me see the good in other people, and not to lay prejudice in front of my eyes Lord.
Help me to avoid seeing only the flaws of those around me including myself, so that I may also see my own potential especially in relation to how I can serve you better. Show me how I may continue to be a better servant, to appreciate all that you create no matter where.
Give me the strength today to have peace within your light, to conquer all that seems stressful in my life, and to give my family continued love and support.
I have a need to trust you completely. I do not want to be a person who simply says ‘I trust God’ but I want to believe in you, to place all my hopes in you, and a trust that brings me a peace like no other ever experienced on this earth.
I need to find my strength in you, Lord, for it is this strength that will protect me from sin and from those who try to lead me astray with worldly possessions.
Thank you for listening Lord and for being there to share your righteousness and glory for all.
“If anyone would tell you the shortest, surest way to happiness and all perfection, he must tell you to make it a rule to yourself to thank and praise God for everything that happens to you.”
William Law
Thanksgiving Quotes
Little Prayer For Worthiness
Author: Byron Pulsifer, © 2012
Dear Lord:
I ask for your help for all days
So that I may be always able
To better serve your intentions.
I ask for guidance for my energy
May it be directed towards your word.
Without fault, or failure
That your word be broadcast for all.
Make me worthy, Oh Lord
For I am but one servant
On this earth for a short time
Please help me make the climb.
Though we go through tests in time
Make mine a test for all to see
Make me worthy of your love and attention
For I am not here for dissension.
Grant me the strength and will
To make myself worthy
In you Oh Lord I trust,
Here a humble servant is a must.
“If we really knew who God is and all that He has given us in Christ,
our prayer lives would be far different from what they are.”
R. C. Sproul
Prayer Quotes
Short Oh Lord Prayers
Give me strength to carry on
To persevere as I work
To be able to provide
The necessities for my family.
To allow me to work and love
For my family and thee Oh Lord
I ask your guidance and help. Amen.
Oh Lord,
This day is a day of special thanks,
A day that we give you thanks for blessings
Of Food upon out table,
For our loving family
That graces our table.
We thank thee Lord
For thy bountiful gifts and our home
Let us give praise and worship ToThee Oh Lord. Amen.
Oh Lord,
I know I am busy with life events,
So, please God,
Do not forget that I am always your servant. Amen.
Oh Lord,
Thank you for giving me
A special day of birth
A day that you brought me to serve
And a day to celebrate my being
A day where you have made me
What I am today.
A day to give thanks to You,
For showing me the way.
May I always remain within
Your blessed house forever Amen.
“Before you sleep, ruminate on things that you can give thanks for,
and end your day on a positive note in order to sleep happy and wake up happy.”
Ryan Help
Inspirational Quotes
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