Wishes Quotes 59 to 91
More wishes quotes for you to reflect upon. Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness. Richard Bach
Inspirational Words of Wisdom
More wishes quotes for you to reflect upon. Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness. Richard Bach
More quotes on effort page 3. For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward. Jim Rohn
Find more effort quotes page 2. You may think that other people are just plain lucky. The truth is, you do not see the effort they put in. Like everything else in this life, you must put in effort. Catherine Pulsifer
Read these never quit quotes to inspire you to keep going. Don’t give up, what’ve you do; eyes front, head high to the finish. See it through! Edgar A. Guest
More failure quotes page 3. Failure is one step closer to success because you now know what not to do. Nathan Ergang
Find more failure quotes page 2. To overcome failure, you need to concentrate and focus your energy on your goal. Catherine Pulsifer
This proverb is one which contains a gem of wisdom in it.
More home quotes page 2. He makes his home where the living is best. Latin Proverb
In the book, Live Your Dreams: Say YES to Life, you will find an inspiring and amazing story of Les Brown’s life plus tips and suggestions on success in life.
More Les Brown quotes. Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. Les Brown