Failure Quotes Page 2
To overcome failure, you need to concentrate and focus your energy on your goal. Catherine Pulsifer, Persistence not Failure
Failure is never the end unless you admit defeat. Defeat is a state of mind and is not a state of victory. This means that failure has to be seen as a golden opportunity to investigate what went wrong but, more importantly, what went right. Byron Pulsifer, Discouraged, Downtrodden, and Anguish
Inspirational Quotes
More than five hundred of the most successful men this country has ever known, told the author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them. Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach. Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
Hidden with failure are gems of wisdom that can be utilized to push your agenda forward no matter what it is. Byron Pulsifer, Smart Objectives
If failure should visit you, never quit. The greatest lessons can be learned through failure. Why is this? It is because failure shows you what went wrong and what went right. Within each failure are the seeds of success Catherine Pulsifer, Good Luck On Your Test
Never Quit Quotes
Develop a philosophical stance toward rejection and failure. After all, most innovations fail, most proposals fail, the majority of efforts to change people fail and most attempts to change organizations fail. Anything really worth doing takes repeated effort, and everything could always be done better. Lisa Marie Stringer, 5 Rules to Persevering In Your Life
Fear of failure is something that will rob you of confidence and that may just rob you of years of your life if you let it. Nathan Smart, Self Confidence
Failure is a lesson to prepare us to achieve the outcomes we want. It’s a stepping stone. Jay Rifenbary, No Excuse!
For people who never give up, failure is simply the fuel for greater determination and success in the future. Joyce Meyer, Never Give Up!: Relentless Determination to Overcome Life’s Challenges
Failure is ceasing to try!
“Tis accepting defeat and to all you may meet giving voice to a sigh Edgar A Guest
Motivational Poems
If we can focus on making clear what parts of our day are within our control and what parts are not, we will not only be happier, we will have a distinct advantage over other people who fail to realize they are fighting an unwinnable battle. Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hanselman, The Daily Stoic
The other thing exceptional people seem to have is a special talent for converting life’s setbacks into future successes. Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Quotes about Overcoming
And have you ever noticed that a man who becomes successful tends to continue to be successful, and on the other hand have you noticed how a man who is a failure, tends to continue to fail. It’s because of goals. Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret
The best way to ensure that you fail at anything is to actually believe that you can’t do it. Quirky Grandma, Love the Person You See in the Mirror!
No matter what your goal is, you can’t let the fear of failure, the fear of embarrassment, or the fear of success be the reason that you don’t try. Alex Fitel, Excuses: How to Stop Making Them and Start Living
You can always be more, get more and learn more. Don’t let your failure pull you down rather use it to climb higher. Hernert O Nobleman, The Filigree of Success
“If the company is at all innovative, then the errors will be far more frequent. Thomas Edison famously failed more than a thousand times, but saw each error as a learning experience.” Fons Trompenaars; Piet Hein Coebergh, 10 Management Models
Thomas Edison
Take a hard look at your failures and any incident where you didn’t achieve your personal goals. This will help you to figure out a realistic measure of your ability as well as a chance to focus on skills, strengths or other qualities you need to work on. Scott Hinsborough, How To Increase Self Confidence
If you failed in life, believe me: it’s not your fault. This is your chance do something about the road you take. Ravindranath Jayaratne, The Power of your Future
Quotes about Change
“The fear of failure often carries over to feelings of rejection, and those who don’t know God, often have this spirit of rejection operating in their lives.” Lilliet Garrison, Getting Unstuck
Quotes about God
The fear of failure is a common motivation killer. People don’t try something new because they fear they will fail at it. Cary Bergeron, 12 Simple Secrets To Staying Motivated
If we keep our eyes on the grand picture, we can learn from the failures of others and teach through our own. Lori Hil, 5 Gifts to Give Yourself
I had to make a choice; I could either blame everyone and everything for my failures and troubles or accept reality and then earnestly do something to improve my situation. S. Kumar, Teamwork: Your Key To Exponential Growth
Get rid of the repetitive, obsessive thought patterns about failure and start living a life that is filled with passion and purpose! John Rakestraw, Creative Energy
“If you spend your time dreading the outcome, you’ll turn any opportunity there may have been into a failure.” Bob Herring, Live Your Life
“One of the greatest obstacles to getting what you want is to remember past failures as if they foretell the future.” Byron Pulsifer
“There are two kinds of failures: The man who will do nothing he is told, and the man who will do nothing else.” Perle Thompson
“Today’s opportunities erase yesterday’s failures.” Gene Brown
Each failure to sell will increase your chances for success at your next attempt. Og Mandino
Famous Quotes
Perfectionists often have the corollary problem of fear of failure. Because they may not be able to do a project perfectly, or make an A, or are so focused on outcomes instead of the process, they never start. Tara Ross, Work Smarter, Play Longer
“What are the true reasons for your procrastinating? Your most prominent adversary at this stage is fear of failure.” Anthony Herrera, Habits: The Secret To Breaking Bad Habits
“We have to recognize where we failed if we want to avoid that particular issue again.” Willow Cross, Getting Over It
Short Quotes
“Your self can be your most supportive ally or your worst enemy. You can push yourself towards success or pull yourself down to the doom of failure.” Jeff Carter, Be The Best You
Moving Forward
“Failure is necessary to your success. Failure means you are taking action and moving forward. In this process you will learn valuable lessons about what it takes to be successful.” Danny Yann, The Quest For Success
Success Quotes
“Focus on easily achievable and simple goals and celebrate your successes every step of the way. Stop labelling outcomes in terms of failure or success.” Stephanie Chan, Power Up Your Perspective
“There is no such thing as failure, only feedback.” Martin Formato, Discover Yourself
Words of Encouragement
“Tim Ferris spoke to 25 publishers in order to get his famous book to the shelves. None of them would take it. By learning that failure and rejection is integral part of publishing, Tim Ferris muddled through and eventually sold millions of copies of ‘The 4-hour Work Week’.” Amar Hasic, Entrepreneur Royale
“. . . what thoughts, attitudes, actions lead you to failures or prevent fulfilling what you want: to get rich, to quit smoking, etc.” Helena Angel, How To Be Happy
“If you’re facing what you feel is the ultimate failure, there’s always room to recover. Stop digging. Do whatever it is you have to do to regroup, but come back with a plan.” Joe Procopio, It’s All Nonsense
“You shouldn’t be pushing yourself too hard, but if you are experiencing the fear of failure, being under pressure caused by that particular fear, you should definitely push yourself to snap out of it.” Mark Thomas, Procrastination Cure
“You may procrastinate because you are afraid of failure. You may worry about telling everyone that you want to achieve a particular goal in the next five years, but then end up falling flat on your face.” Sam Davis, Stop Procrastination
“Take the negative belief and reframe it into a positive belief. ‘I’m only a failure if I don’t try.'” Jessica Minty, Willpower
Positive Thinking
“Who’s to say what’s failure and what’s success?” John Penberthy, To Bee or Not to Bee
Inspirational Books
“Unconfident people often shy away from new challenges, they take any opportunity to step back into their comfort zone and avoid failure.” Jason Travis, Self Confidence
“… many a times, people are unable to perform even the most basic of their duties due to the crippling anxiety of being a failure. This fear and anxiety grows over a period of time and is a result of multiple social and personal pressures.” Ryan Michaelson, Self Esteem
“Constructive, enjoyable actions replace unpleasant feelings associated with memories of misfortune, failure, loss, or pain.” Roy Eugene Davis, How to Use Your Creative Imagination
Forget yesterday and last month and last year, with their gloomy diary of failures and disappointments. All that is in the past. Og Mandino, Og Mandino’s University of Success
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