24 Snow Quotes
If you are looking to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate to read and share some snow quotes, then look no further. We have collected a number of quotes from various authors that will bring back that feeling of comfort that you have been longing for.There’s something about snow isn’t there? Is it that you love the beautiful white powder that covers the trees and streets that make the morning twinkle and the evening bright, or is it those snow days where you get to take time with your family and feel like a big kid again.Snow brings that magical feeling into people’s lives and I don’t think it matters what age you are, it will always be appreciated in the same way. There is so much fun to be had in the snow from sledding, to snowball fights to building a snowman, it brings an abundance of joy into our lives!
- Love is like snow. It comes when it has to come, but everyone wants it.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Rising In Love With The Master
Love Quotes - Snow makes me feel excited, and if it were up to me, I would have fresh snow falling every day in the winter.
John Sweeney, The Art of the Laugh
Feeling Quotes - They say snowflakes are one of a kind, like fingerprints.
Jamie Carie, The Snowflake
Short Quotes - Snow beautifies everything it covers just like kindness does.
Gloria D. Gonsalves, The Wisdom Huntress
Beauty Quotes - It’s that time of year — the time when it’s snowing outside, and people like to curl up with a good book in front of their fireplaces for the winter.
Keith Mulbery, Essentials
Books Quotes - This scene, the brightness of the snow on the trees outside and the glow of warmth on the faces inside was one I shall never forget.
Belva Boroditsky Thomas, The Longest Adventure
Memory Quotes - It is particularly beautiful When it’s snowing outside or When there is a lot of snow and the Sun pouring in on these flowers.
Peter Clegg, Derry Watkins, New Vistas for Living and Growing
Sunshine Quotes - BEAUTIFUL Snow! Beautiful snow! Falling so lightly, Daily and nightly, Alike round the dwellings of lofty and low.
Parodies of the Works of English & American Authors, Volume 5
Beautiful - Oh! the snow, the beautiful snow, Filling the sky and the earth below; Over the house-tops, over the street, Over the heads of the people you meet; Dancing, Flirting, Skimming along.
Martin Gardner, Famous Poems from Bygone Days
Poems - Snow was falling lightly in large, weightless flakes.
Edith S. Weigand, Blind Irony
Meaningful - The morning light on the snow still covering most of the meadow was bright to his sleepfilled eyes.
Ray Mootrey, Metal Horses
Good Morning - Each snowflake a little world different from all the others.
Phoebe Stone, The Boy on Cinnamon Street
Appreciation - Nothing is cheap and coarse, neither dewdrops nor snowflakes.
Malcolm Clemens Young, The Spiritual Journal of Henry David Thoreau
Random - I enjoy it when it snows. I feel peaceful and safe.
Dennis Korte, Tina Korte, The Marriage-Go-Round
Peace - Do summer friends melt away like summer snows, but winter friends last forever, as an old saying goes
Bernd Brunner, Winterlust
Friendship - I love snow because every snowflake is unique and so am I!
Tracey Moore, Allison Bergman, Acting the Song
Love Yourself - Snow is a curative. Snow is forgiving.
Maria Flook, Invisible Eden
Forgiveness - Best Friends Forever Just like snow forts and ice—cream cones, our days of childhood melt away all too quickly.
Charlevoix High School, Mixed Nutsbest friends
Best Friend - Snow makes me feel as snug as a vole.
Unknown author, Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference
Comforting - Skiing through fresh powder snow and making your way down mile upon mile of mountain terrain is probably one of the greatest ways that you can find to experience freedom.
Marcia McFee, Karen Foster, Spiritual Adventures in the Snow
Freedom - The snowflakes are falling with the blessings of God quietly. The green, yellow, brown earth is soaking to terminate its thirst.
Joseph Sener, The Promise of God as Above in Heavens so Below on Earth
God’s Blessing - The snowflakes fall softly and quietly to the ground where they disappear without a fuss, without a sound, without impact and blend into the background – still there, yet invisible.
Sif Sigmarsdottir, The Sharp Edge of a Snowflake
Silence - A white blanket on the houses and gardens gives nature a magical feeling.
Jenny Lexhed, Love Is Not Enough
Nature - They had found that quiet serenity that comes in the dark night when it’s snowing outside, when the world is hushed as the snow piles up, covering everything in a clean, silent blanket of austere beauty
KG Dennis, Tales of Main Street, Vancouver
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