25 Priorities Quotes
Here is our collection of Priorities Quotes to help you see the importance of managing your time effectively!These quotes about priorities are sourced from a number of wise authors over time and are aimed to inspire you to prioritize jobs in order to get more done every day.
Some days may feel overwhelming. Maybe you’re juggling a family/work life, dealing with the mounds of housework alongside looking after a baby, or have a very busy work life where you have to manage a variety of tasks?There is just not enough time in the day is there ?! These priority quotes may help you to reflect how you are feeling and give you the drive you need to learn to prioritize and live a successful life!
Inspirational Quotes such as these priority quotes are aimed to help you to think outside the box, we hope you enjoy reading our quotes and hope you share them with friends, relatives, or colleagues to help them to embrace each day with drive and determination.One last food for thought; You must never forget where your priorities lie, always remember what’s important to you and prioritize those people that prioritize you!
- Get organized. Set priorities. Invest your time to get results.
Manzoor R. Massey, Mind Realignment for Excellence
Time Quotes - You just need to take a conscious decision to, each day, become aware anew of your true priorities. Your life does not choose you, but you choose your life.
Isabelle Fallois, The Power of Your Angels
Decision Quotes - Be Aware of Your Priorities and Live by Them Not rigidly, but mindfully.
Janet G. Woititz, The Complete ACOA Sourcebook
Mindfulness Quotes - For some people, only a crisis can cause them to rethink their priorities.
John C. Maxwell, Developing the Leader Within You 2.0
Action Quotes - Priorities define life and help successful men to make the best out of their lives.
Bruce Schultz, The Passion Filled Life: Make Living Your Passion
Successful Quotes - Priorities are things you have to get done either to help you achieve your goals, pay the bills, or keep your family safe and comfortable.
Steve Tobak, Real Leaders Don’t Follow: Being Extraordinary in the Age of the Entrepreneur
Achievement Quotes - Priorities are set based on an understanding of the world and where you want to be in that world.
Understanding Quotes - It is vital that in order to Navigate Life, we need to take ownership of our health as the highest priority.
Tony Fahkry, The Power to Navigate Life: Your Journey to Freedom
Life Quotes - In a storm, remembering and focusing on our priorities is a matter of survival.
Holly Wagner, Find Your Brave: Courage to Stand Strong When the Waves Crash In
Storm - Did you know…an average person who develops the habit of setting clear priorities each day and getting the most important task done first will run circles around a genius?
Christy Tryhus, Live Life Beyond the Laundry
Habit - It seems that the older I get, the more my priorities change, and some tasks end up on hold longer.
Michelle Tullier, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Overcoming Procrastination, 2E
Age - Passion is hidden motivator that dictates and drives every decision and determines life priorities.
Chima Kingston Ekeke, Leadership Wisdom
Passion - A great leader must focus the time and energy on the highest priorities and must maintain the single-minded, unwavering resolve to see each issue to completion.
C. William Creighton, Who’s Packing Your Retirement Parachute?
Leadership - In this topsy-turvy world… we confuse efficiency with effectiveness, expediency with priority, imitation with innovation, cosmetics with character, or pretense with competence.
Stephen R. Covey, The Wisdom and Teachings of Stephen R. Covey
Character - Choose peace over an upset. Choose to be grateful. Choose to forgive. Choose to make happiness a priority.
Allen Klein, You Can’t Ruin My Day
Happiness - By prioritising you do away with the stress, that comes from being disorganized and overwhelmed.
Joginder Singh, For A Better Tomorrow
Stress - Learn to prioritise and create ‘you time’. The more you invest in yourself the more energy you will have for your life.
Annie Lionnet, Brilliant Life Coach 2e
Love Yourself - Prioritise your values to determine which is the most important.
Wayne Harris, Examination Paediatrics
Value - In managing priorities you can be reactive, adaptive or proactive.
Keith Abraham, It Starts with Passion: Do What You Love and Love What You Do
Time Management - Our grief may help us realise how much we want to prioritise our relationships with the other people we love, now that we know how dear and precious life and love can be.
Wren-Lewis, Sam, The Happiness Problem: Expecting Better in an Uncertain World
Grief - We fall into emotional reasoning when we prioritise our feelings and assume they reflect reality.
Jennifer Wild, Be Extraordinary
Emotion - As we become increasingly mindful we’re increasingly likely to prioritise peace, live a more balanced and regular lifestyle and to therefore enjoy more of it — right now, right here.
Stephen McKenzie, Craig Hassed , Mindfulness for Life
Peace - Indeed, how we rank or prioritize our values is deeply important, since this gives direction to our lives. To this end, we want to choose our values wisely.
Jennifer Wilson Mulnix, M.J. Mulnix, Happy Lives, Good Lives: A Philosophical Examination
Wise - Reflect on the direction of your life and your priorities.
Impact International
Reflection - Your priorities aren’t what you say they are. They’re what your life shows they are.
David Akers, Winning in Spite Of

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