26 Blended Family Quotes
Be inspired by these blended family quotes. Combining families is not always easy but the rewards are sure worth the effort.
It takes time and patience for blended families to gel together. Share these quotes with folks who are blending their families.
Let these quotes be an encouragement to you and to others.
- There will always be steps you can take toward unity in your blended family, and you will make it – one step at a time! Donna Houpe, Becoming One Family
Words of Encouragement - Having a close and caring family is a beautiful dream, but a dream without a plan isn’t worth a nickel. However, a dream with a workable plan may be worth a million bucks.Dr. Rich Melheim, Holding Your Family Together
Dream - If you’re struggling with a stepchild relationship that’s on a downward spiral, don’t give up. God redeems relationships every day.Gayla Grace, Stepparenting with Grace
Trust God - The relational process – be it the initial forming of the marital relationship, nurturing and guiding in the child-rearing years, building new family structures, or dealing with the end of life – involves the fundamental issues of forming unity while embracing each person’s distinctiveness. Jack O Balswick; Judith K. Balswick, The Family
Relationship - Blended families are a beautiful mix of diverse people who each serve an important role in our lives. At times, it can be challenging to appreciate everyone’s unique beauty.Deana Kellar La Rosa, Blended Families
Diversity - The blended family isn’t just an ordinary family times two. It’s a special kind of family with special needs.Maxine Marsolini, Blended Families
Family - Becoming a blended family means mixing, mingling, scrambling and sometimes muddling our way through delicate family issues, complicated relationships, and individual differences, hurts and fears. But through it all we are learning to love like a family.Tom Frydenger, The Blended Family
Love - Establishing living arrangements is an important part of setting up a blended family, and it plays a big role in how well your stepchildren will adapt to their new home life.Elizabeth Bryant, Blended Families
Home - There is no such thing as a “broken family.” Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documentsC. JoyBell C.
Inspirational - Let them know it is okay to love both their parents even though they are now divorced. They must not be made to feel guilty for doing so; it is their right. T.K. Oliver, Blended Families
Parents - When you and your spouse are able to work together to come up with creative ways to encourage your blended family, it will show the children that you are a team, and it will strengthen the relationship between the two of you, as well.Elizabeth Bryant, Blended Families
Creativity - Family transitions can be very scary and upsetting for children, so be patient with them.Kathie M. Thomson, Managing the Blended Family
Patience - When you are building a blended family, it is like traveling in stormy seas. There will be inevitable resentment and resistance to the changes but taking baby steps are what a couple need if they want to create a lasting union.Lilli Morgan, Blended Families
Change - Praying together as a family unites the blended family.Anita Dunn, Surviving in a Blended Family
Prayer - One of the most important things that parents need do while planning a blended family, is to sit down and discuss their parenting methods very openly and honestly with each other.Mary Johnson, Step Parenting 101
Honesty - You are facing one of the most important challenges of your life. Yet being a member of a blended family can be an exciting adventure for all concerned.Kathie M. Thomson, Managing the Blended Family
Adventure - You know you’re in a blended family when your time is no longer your own, and you’re dancing around calendar dates to make everyone happy.Debbie Alsdorf, Beyond the Brady Bunch
Dance - By the grace of God, every blended family can become an opportunity to see His redeeming and restoring love at work.Debbie Alsdorf, Beyond the Brady Bunch
God’s Grace - A patchwork family needs extra effort and care, and even then there is no guarantee of happily ever after. Ariel Gore, Blended
Effort - Children in blended families also tend to be more open to compromising and better able to negotiate in a meaningful and collaborative way.Matthew Massimo, Stepparenting
Children - Do not easily give up or lose your patience when they do not show any enthusiasm or when they show a negative attitude toward all your efforts to get to know them better.Matthew Massimo, Stepparenting
Giving Up - One of the most powerful things you can do to make your blended family victorious is to learn how to release unrealistic expectations.Kellye Laughery, Blended Well
Learning - The first key to balancing your busy life and creating a peaceful environment for your blended family to thrive in lies in defining your family values – first as a couple, then as a family.Kellye Laughery, Blended Well
Balance - … my advice to the newly blended family would be to spend some time alone with not only your biological kids but also the stepkids. Take time to make each child feel special.Anita Dunn, Surviving in a Blended Family
Time - The dynamics of a traditional family don’t even come close to the complications that stepfamilies face.Gayla Grace, Stepparenting with Grace
Challenge - … we still encounter many examples of dual living on a daily basis – elderly relatives living with their children, grown-up kids still living with their parents, siblings living together in roommate-type arrangements … multi-generational family units move in together, usually for the purposes of cutting down on the cost of living and providing social support to each other. Justine Drejer, Dual Living

Family Quotes
When blending a family the focus is usually on the children and how they are adjusting but there is just as much stress on the parents as well. Everyone needs an adjustment period. Be an encourager during this transition.
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