47 Creativity Quotes
Browse our collection of creativity quotes to inspire and encourage you. It’s sad that as we get older, we tend to spend less time creating and more time doing the more mundane of life’s activities. Creativity is one of our human ‘superpowers’ – one of the reason’s why we’ve been so successful. Every item in your line of vision right now (that is man made) was brought forth from the imagination of the designer. Think about that for a minute, your clothes, shoes, your phone, even the mail box were once designed by someone at some time. From Art to architecture, or just making a meal in the kitchen, we all use our creative side to create. So take some time to enjoy these Creativity Quotes and for your creative side to flourish. Enjoy this collection of quotes; we found them just for you!
Last Edited 03/02/2021
- The word create is a verb. It’s an action. Creativity is best thought of in the same way – it’s something you can use while involved in an activity, like painting, writing, debating or dancing.” Scott Berkun, The Dance of the Possible
Action Quotes - Being in a positive state of mind is more important than you might think as the mind cannot be creative in a negative state. New ideas, thoughts and inspiration will only take place when the mind is positive. Joe Hinchliffe, Average Joe’s Success Rituals
Inspirational Quotes - That which you can imagine, you can create. Clare Josa, The Little Book of Daily Sunshine
Quote of The Day - Exercising the imagination, experimenting with talents, being creative; these things, to me, are truly the windows to your soul. Bob Ross
Famous Quotes About Life - Every animal has a story to tell. Every flower blossoms with reminders to be creative, and every tree whispers with its rustling leaves the secrets of life. Ted Andrews, Animal Speak
Animal Quotes - Creativity that emerges from the dark, quiet places of winter is often the most profound. Jody Thomas, God’s Creative Gift�Unleashing the Artist in You
Winter Quotes - In order to prosper, creativity needs opportunity. Anna Craft, Creativity in Education
Prosperity Quotes - It is a well-known truth that crafting can bring you peace of mind and can unleash your innate creativity. Susan Hollister, Crafting: The Top 300 Best Crafts
Peace - Creativity is the catalyst for brilliant accomplishments, but it is also the greatest obstacle. Scott Belsky, Making Ideas Happen
Obstacle - The definition of creativity is to make something that is new. The opposite of that is conformity. Therefore, the courage to be creative means the courage to not conform. Doreen Virtue, The Courage to Be Creative
Courage - I am always awed by the variety of creative ideas mothers have for their homeschool rooms. Katherine Leigh, 3 Weeks to an Organized Homeschool
Mother Quotes - Engaging in creative endeavors strengthens the immune system, and may be connected to overall better health and longevity.Susan I. Buchalter, 250 Art Therapy Techniques
Art Quotes - The nature of humans’ creative collaboration is multilayered and varies widely. But our distinctively human capacity for shared intentionality coupled with our imagination is how we became who we are today. Agust�n Fuentes, The Creative Spark
Imagination Quotes - The reality of the new creation is this: When a person is born again, the Spirit of Jesus comes and takes up residence inside. From that moment forward, new life flows out of that person like a river of living water.James W. Goll, Living a Supernatural life
Gods Will - It costs you nothing to imagine; in fact you are imagining every moment in time, but not consciously. But, may I tell you: if you use your creative power by imagining a desire is already fulfilled, when you get it, the circumstances will seem so natural that it will be easy to deny your imagination had anything to do with it, and you could easily believe that it would have happened anyway. Neville Goddard, Imagination: The Redemptive Power in Man
Words of Encouragement - We express our skill, our techniques, or creative vision every time we press the shutter button and tell the camera what to record.Tim Boyer, Learn the Art of Bird Photography
Photography Quotes - A brilliant writer is someone who is devoted to expressing their creativity through the written word. Devotion is the key. I like to say a writer is someone who writes, not someone who is published. Practice, repetition, and consistency are essential. Albert Flynn DeSilver, Writing as a Path to Awakening
Practice - And, yes, while knowledge is important we still need to use that creative side of our minds. Catherine Pulsifer, Imagination or Knowledge
Knowledge - There are also countless writers, movie directors, and inventors whose ideas that have made them famous got their creative ideas from dreams.” Michelle Hunt, Creativity: Innovation
Famous Quotes - Let your creativity flow – think beyond the logical! Brand it Purple: Stand Out in a Crowd, Zykia L. McCoy, Ashley Knoote-Parke
Short Inspirational - Yet, when creativity manifests itself in full bloom, it enhances one’s life as if by magic. Tolly Burkan, Let It Be Easy: Simple Actions to Create an Extraordinary Life
Work - Creativity is the cure to extinction. The excellence of your life is in creativity. OKEZIE OMENAKA, The Youth Of Excellence
Enthusiasm - You may be artistically creative, able to write, draw, play music, or simply entertain those around you with a creative sense of humor. Rohen Phoenix, Confidence
Humor - The problem of life is to change worry into thinking and anxiety into creative action. Harold B. Walker
Anxiety Quotes - Being creative, or learning how to be creative has a positive impact on a person’s outlook and worldview. Richard Carroll, Creativity
Learning - Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. Franklin Roosevelt
Effort - When we are fully present, we have access to our greatest power, creativity and ability to communicate and perform exceptionally at whatever we are doing. Christopher Babson, Bold! Success System
Communnication Quotes - Creativity is important in building self-confidence as well as good mental health. Richard Carroll, Creativity: The Ultimate Creativity Guide
Confidence Quotes - Creativity is a fragrance of real health. When a person is really healthy and whole, creativity comes naturally to him, the urge to create arises. Osho Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within
Health - Wherever you find a prosperous business, you will come upon some individual who has creative vision. Napoleon Hill, How to Own Your Own Mind Vision
Vision - It is, only by believing in our creative ability, that we give ourselves the opportunity and chance to be creative. Jaspinder Grover, Secrets to Unleash Your Creative Thinking
Believe Quotes - Creativity is a highfalutin word for the work I have to do between now and Tuesday. Ray Kroc
Tuesday Quotes - And one of the things that I’ve always loves about children is their vivid, unrestrained, and far-reaching imaginations – the depth and breadth of their creativity. Kevin Clash, My Life as a Furry Red Monster
Children - One day someone is going to come to you and ask how you did it. Because you were creative, because you persevered, because you persisted through the resistance, you will be able to hold your chin up and help someone else overcome. David DeNotaris
Helping Others - Music definitely has got to do something with creativity. It can stimulate your mind in unexpected ways, lift your mood, make you ecstatic and take you into a different world. Jaspinder Grover, Secrets to Unleash Your Creative Thinking
Music - To blame others for keeping us from happiness, fulfillment and contentment is to waste creative thinking time that we could be using to solve the real obstacles to our success. Dr. Robert Watts Jr., People Are Never the Problem
Blame - In studying creative individuals’ processes, I find that creativity is one-half the ability to listen and be receptive, and one-half the courage to put the creative idea into action. Doreen Virtue, The Courage to Be Creative
Courage - A heightened appreciation for all things living is one of the qualities that separate the creative mind from the bored, tired or anxious mind. Richard Carroll, Creativity
Appreciation - Your thoughts are creative. Your thoughts form and shape your world and everything that happens to you.
Brian Tracy, Goals!
Thinking - Magic happens when people are in the zone, when they can focus their creative energies on making a difference in the world. Mattias Skarin, Real-World Kanban
Focus Quotes - The finest gift a man can give to his age and time is the gift of a constructive and creative life. Wilferd Peterson
Time - Your body houses the inspiration, the creative juices that give you the drive to change your direction and/ or move forward. Rebecca Jane, Mindfulness My Way
Quotes about Change - The “how” thinker gets problems solved effectively because he wastes no time with futile “ifs” but goes right to work on the creative “how.” Norman Vincent Peale
Problem - The only limiting factor with bodyweight exercises is your creativity. Mark Lauren, You Are Your Own Gym
Workout - Boredom is telling you that this is a moment for your imagination, for your creativity, for your identity. Manoush Zomorodi,Spark
Bored - The rational man is the hero of mankind for he alone moves it forward and upwards. All ideas, idealism, values, beliefs, creativity, production, every worthy function of man is a function of his reason. Darin Penzera, Heroic Egoism
Hero - I feel that God inspires each and every one of us if we have the desire to listen to the still, small voice that lives within. It is this voice that gets our creative juices flowing and is the inspiration for all the good ideas that come to us in our daily lives. Dolores Ayotte, I’m Not Perfect and It’s Okay

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