26 Equality Quotes, Inspirational Words of Wisdom

26 Equality Quotes

Be inspired by our collection of carefully selected Equality Quotes. Equality is the basis of freedom and is essential for any country’s happiness, but unfortunately there is still some work to be done in the world.

What is Equality?

Equality is the idea that all men and women are created equally, equality is fair and just and should be the underlining principle of life in the 21st century. We should be living and breathing the six fundaments of civil rights and make sure that we report anyone that abuses this basic right that all humans should be equal.

We are all born with a heart and it’s about time we started using it. We are all human and we stand equal together on this planet.

We hope that you find what you are looking for in these quotes and remember to share any that you feel would be beneficial for others in your life.

    The king and the stable hand are equal at a game of chess because they are governed by the same rules. Canute Kelly, 1000 + 1 Fortunes, Short Stories and Proverbs for Success

  1. The king and the stable hand are equal at a game of chess because they are governed by the same rules.
    Canute Kelly, 1000 + 1 Fortunes, Short Stories and Proverbs for Success
    Inspirational Thoughts
  2. All men are born and remain equal under the law.
    George P. Fletcher, Our Secret Constitution: How Lincoln Redefined American Democracy
    Wise Quotes
  3. The tie that binds us all is our shared belief in the value of ordinary equality.
    The Women’s Project of New Jersey, Inc, Past and Promise: Lives of New Jersey Women
  4. People in more equal societies are more likely to be involved in local groups, voluntary organizations and civic associations.
    Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett, The Inner Level: How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity and …
    Make A Difference
  5. Live your values so there will be no regrets when each day is done and a lifetime of days are behind you. Reach for greater equality for all. Dalai lama

  6. Live your values so there will be no regrets when each day is done and a lifetime of days are behind you. Reach for greater equality for all.
    Dalai lama
    Inspirational Quotes
  7. To move forward well, we need a variety of voices—especially minority voices.
    Ken Wytsma, The Myth of Equality: Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilegemoving forward
    Moving Forward Quotes
  8. And let us remember, that there is no equality but what has its seat in the mind and feelings.
    Mike Sanders, Women and Radicalism in the Nineteenth Century: Frances Wrightfeelings
  9. If, therefore, injustice is inequality, justice is equality – a view which commends itself to all without proof.
    Antony Flew, Equality in Liberty and Justice
  10. We will never stop fighting for equality. We will challenge the greedy merchant and the bought hacks wherever we find them.
    Sir Lynden Pindling, The Vision of Sir Lynden Pindlingchallenge
  11. We are all equal because we are all the property of God. John Locke

  12. We are all equal because we are all the property of God.
    John Locke
  13. Equal and unique live beings are all that is fully true and real in the universe.
    Thaddeus Golas, Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment
    Short Inspirational Quotes
  14. We must act as equals in a community and not seek power over anyone else.
    Christopher Toote, The 9 Universal Laws of Success
    Quotes to Live By
  15. We must take forward the fight against discrimination, the fight for equality and the celebration of difference and diversity in our daily lives.
    Margo Gorman, Council of Europe, All Different, All Equal: A Sum of Experience
  16. Men are born equal, but they are born different as well.
  17. Equality, first of all means absence of special privilege. I. N. Srivastava, A Hand Book of Political Science Theory

  18. Equality, first of all means absence of special privilege.
    I. N. Srivastava, A Hand Book of Political Science Theory
  19. Human equality: the principle that holds that we humans, despite all our differences, are to be regarded as one another’s equals.
    Jeremy Waldron, One Another’s Equals: The Basis of Human Equality
  20. People are treated as equals when they are made equal in welfare — except when differences in welfare will produce very much more welfare overall.
    Ronald Dworkin, A Matter of Principle
  21. Even if one circle is greater than another, one circle is not more circle than another, for the essence of a circle consists in the equality of all lines drawn from its center to its circumference.
    G.W. Leibniz, Philosophical Papers and Letters: A Selection
  22. Equality will never happen until women receive their fair share of the power and the economic benefits in our society.
    Birute Regine, Iron Butterflies: Women Transforming Themselves and the World
    Change the World
  23. When we see each other as equals, we can understand each others' sufferings. Ernest Van den Haag, ‎John Phillips Conrad, The Death Penalty: A Debate - Page 267

  24. When we see each other as equals, we can understand each others’ sufferings.
    Ernest Van den Haag, ‎John Phillips Conrad, The Death Penalty: A Debate – Page 267
  25. It is in our own interest to create a world of love, justice, and equality, for without a sense of universal responsibility based on morality, our existence and survival are at a perilous precipice.
    Dalai Lama XIV, My Tibetresponsibility
  26. Whenever it is morally important to strive for equality, it is always because doing so will promote some other value rather than because equality itself is morally desirable.
    Harry G. Frankfurt, On Inequality
  27. Equality trumps liberty, because of the purpose of the enterprise concerned.
    David Fott, John Dewey, America’s Philosopher of Democracy
  28. All men are created equally and independently; that, regardless of differences in the individuals and in their ethnic natures, they are equal in respect to their having been created by God Who, at the moment of creation, gave them rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
    Vincent G. Potter, Doctrine and Experience
    Words Of Encouragement For Men
  29. We hope we can act in the struggle in such a way that they will see the error of their approach and will come to respect us. Then we can all live together in peace and equality.
    Martin Luther King, The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume II
  30. Rather, it is one that asserts that the values associated with promoting both equality and diversity are deeply irreconcilable and conflicting, both philosophically and politically, but paradoxically are also mutually reinforcing.
    Steve Smith, Equality and Diversity

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