30 Motivational Quotes for Students
We hope these motivational quotes for students inspire and encourage you to be all that you can be. The message in these words for students is to believe in your abilities, to always keep learning and to take action to accomplish what currently may be only a dream.
Students are exposed to new ideas and learnings all the time. They are also influenced by others and while listening to others is a valuable experience at the end of the day the students have to choose, they have to make the decision, and they have to have the motivation!
- Bullies want to abuse you. Instead of allowing that, you can use them as your personal motivators. Nick Vujicic, Stand Strong
Motivational Quotes - . . . humiliation that comes from such a failure can be a huge motivator to get better. Jonathan Harnum
Failure - Failure does not occur until I quit trying. Creed McGregor, Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness
Daily Motivation - The important thing is that when you come to understand something you act on it, no matter how small that act is. Eventually it will take you where you need to go. Sister Helen Prejean
Best Motivational Quotes - Words can hold such power,
Especially if we allow them to. Julie Hebert, The Power of Words
Motivational Poems - We need a clear purpose and vision that help us to make stepwise progress to a thoughtfully chosen goal – one that isn’t simply represented by a dollar figure. Bernadette Jiwa, Story Driven
Purpose - Be grateful for everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. Our entire life is a precious gift. It’s all part of our path. Dawn Gluskin
Gratitude - There’s no reason to fear (temporary) failure. What others may call a failure is only a temporary set back if you really believe in your dreams. Kory Livingstone
Dreams - We often face hardships we can’t endure on our own and need patience to abide. Like passing through a long tunnel, we have no choice but to be patient until we reach the end. Joshua Choonmin Kang, Spirituality of Gratitude
Hardship - Making a point of acknowledging another and letting them know they’ve made a difference in your life will not only uplift them, but also reinforce the goodness available to you. Brenda Shoshanna, Everyday Gratitude
Make A Difference - We all have special talents. We should all appreciate each other for our special talents and the services we provide each other with. Amy, All Good Things Take Time
Appreciation - It’s been called different names and all these names rightly describe the age in which we live in, I call this era the age of possibility. Okorote Emmanuel, Don’t Take Care; Take The Chance!
Possibilities - With patience there is less of a chance of giving up prematurely and it provides a sense of ease and fluidity to your change experience. Rebecca Jane, Mindfulness My Way
Patience - Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another. Eustace Budgell
Friendship - If you want to feel more motivated, more alive, and more fulfilled, find someone who needs your help and inspire and motivate them. Shawn Doyle, Two Months to Motivation
Inspiring Others - Decide what it is you really want. And it has to be what you want. It’s not what your parents want, or your teacher wants or what your partner or your kids want, but what you want. It has to be something that inspires and motivates you, something that makes you tick. Jack Warren, How to Find Your Dream Job
Decision - Constantly learn new things, develop your skills and learn new ones, more knowledge equals more motivation. Frank Mullani, Discover the Magic of Motivation Now
Knowledge - Reading inspirational and motivational material is going to assist you to focus on what’s essential to you in your life. It can be an excellent way to begin and end the day Michael Welton, Be Your Best
Inspirational - There is no prescription for finding moments of gratitude in every day; there is simply the choice. Gillian Deacon
Choice - The best way to deal with this negativity is to be extra optimistic and never losing sight of your goal. Penelope Holmes, How Successful People Think Differently
Optimistic - Ultimately, I realized that while happiness is a choice, it is not just an individual choice; it is an interconnected one. Shawn Achor, Big Potential
Happiness - At its core, resilience is about being capable and strong enough to persevere in adverse or stressful conditions-and to take away positive meaning from that experience. Zelana Montminy, 21 Days to Resilience
Resilience - We don’t live in the feeling of our circumstances. We live in the feeling of our thinking, and our thinking is always in flux. Garret Kramer, The Path of No Resistance
Thinking - A bully is one person. There are lots of great people out there in the world for you to meet. Don’t let one bad egg, or a few bad eggs, spoil the bunch. Jeff Davis, The Power of Authentic Leadership
Words of Encouragement - You are a unique individual and have a purpose in life. Robert Rain, Dealing With Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues
Life - Why should you be optimistic?… The biggest reason is that attitude is the most impactful differentiator in business and personal progress. If you are able to maintain an optimistic, positive attitude, you can win the game you are playing. Michael Dunar, Optimism
Attitude - Remain humble and grateful for all your accomplishments, and know that a force greater than your ego is always at work in your life. Wayne Dyer, The Invisible Force
Accomplishment - The better students we are in life, the better teachers we can eventually become, as we gain knowledge through life’s experiences. Ken Poirot, Mentor Me
Experience - Students never be discouraged if you don’t reach your goals overnight. They take time and determination. Have patience and persevere!Catherine Pulsifer
Perseverance - If you want to be happier at work, choose to be happy first and then look for a new job or start your own business. Vicki Morris, Create Work You Love in 8 Weeks
Motivational Quotes for Work
Inspirational Quotes for Students
Motivational Quotes About Life
We hope you have been encouraged by these motivational quotes for students. Share these quotes with the students who could use a bit of encouragement. Send a text message or an email to students to start their day on a positive note! While reading motivational quotes can give us a boost, we need to take action and move towards that which we may be currently only thinking about. Students can always use encouraging and motivating words!
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