40 Gods Plan Quotes
May these Gods plan quotes remind you that God does have a plan, and that His timing is the right time. God’s plan is better than anything we could ever think of.
Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison
- Sometimes God makes better choices for us than we could have ever made for ourselves. Jennifer Hudson
Inspirational Quotes - God’s got me here for something. I can feel it. I was born for everything that I’m doing now. Muhammad Ali
Famous Quotes - We have learned that every child is precious and that every life is sacred. We have discovered that God doesn’t make mistakes, so every situation that isn’t “normal” is something He allowed. Brandon Buell, Brittany Buell, Don’t Blink
Positive Quotes - Gods got a plan and it’s all good. Saying
Inspirational Sayings - God is getting ready to move again and do something special, something new. Russell M. Stendal, God’s Plan for Spiritual Battle
God - As we get into the mind and plan of God, our faith will grow, and its power will be manifest in ourselves and those for whom we are believing. Andrew Murray, How to Raise Children for Christ
Faith - God has wonderful plans for you – if you let Him lead and comfort.Colin McCartney, The Beautiful Disappointment
Beautiful - Yes, God made man to fit within His perfect plan. He wants to fellowship with us, just like we want to share time with our spouses. Linda Thomas, He Put a Song in my Heart
Relationship - As we journey through this life – through the easy times and the painful times -God is fashioning us into people who are like his Son, Jesus. That means God is in the process of changing what we desire far more than he is in the process of giving us what we desire. Charles Stanley, Finding God’s Blessings in Brokenness
Journey - God longs for your happiness and He has plans for your life. Janet Fuller, The Bible: The Key Bible Chapters
Happiness - God isn’t finished with us yet. When we forget this fact, we get stuck. Kenneth Copeland, Blessing Of The Lord
Obstacles - Know when things get tough that all things work out for the best of them who know and love Him. Know that God is in charge. Michael Caputo, When Suffering, Persecutions and Tribulations Come Your Way
Best - Whether we are healed or not, God uses everything for some purpose, a greater purpose than we often can see. Wendell E. Mettey, On Which Side of the Road Do the Flowers Grow?
Purpose - I trust that as you read you will realize that you are God’s masterpiece created to do things that you can’t even yet imagine. Mark J. Musser, Finding the True You
Imagination - “Such individuals come to the realization that no matter how greater their own hopes and plans for their lives, God’s hopes and plans are greater.” Amberly Ruck, It is I, Wisdom
Hope - God’s purpose is to conform us to the image of His Son (Rom. 8: 29). Erwin W. Lutzer, Getting to No
Quote of The Day - Every Christian by his or her very relationship to Christ seeks to know the will of God for each major decision in life. Kirk Youngblood, Free to Be Wise: A Guide to Biblical Decision Making
Decision - When we watch people fully engaged in their purpose, it’s confirmation that God has given each of us a destiny. T. D. Jakes, Destiny: Step into Your Purpose
Destiny - Most scholars agree that there are more than three hundred Old Testament prophecies that predicted the coming of the Messiah. When you read them and then compare those to events recorded in the New Testament that are obvious fulfillments of the prophecies, it’s truly amazing to see God’s plan revealed. Nan Corbitt Allen, Yuletide Blessings
Amazing - What hurts most is that you know your love for God is strong, yet you can’t seem to understand what He is trying to work out in your life. David Wilkerson, Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately
Life - That’s God’s design for the way we give and express His generosity. Giving is meant to be joyful and fulfilling. Chip Ingram, Genius of Generosity
Giving - God made your life to matter. You are not an accident, you have a significant purpose. Jonathan Daugherty, Purity 301: Serve
Live Life - In the Bible’s account, God himself officiates at the first wedding (Genesis 2:22–25). And when the man sees the woman, he breaks into poetry and exclaims, “At last!”Timothy Keller, The Meaning of Marriage
Wedding - Discovering, like Abraham, that the Lord has gone ahead of you, preparing riches and revelation that will not only transform you but also those you lead.Peter Scazzero, The Emotionally Healthy Leader.
Transformation - God does not make errors in anything he says. He does not obscure the truth, by accident or by design. He does not fail to do anything he has said he will do. Timothy Keller; Sam Allberry, 90 Days in John 14-17, Romans & James
Truth - One phrase that got me through many difficult times in my life was: God’s delays are not God’s denials. AJ Winters, The Motivation Switch
Hardship - We must remember God’s plan for us is not our plan. God’s plan for us is far larger and better than any plan we can imagine. Faye Horton, Decisions of Life
Words of Encouragement - God desires to use you no matter where you are, what you are doing, or who you used to be. Heather Lindsey, The Purpose Room
Daily Inspiration - Being angry, anxious, defeated, and depressed are not God’s plans for you. Robert E. Baines Jr., Negative People
Depression - God has a plan that is far above and beyond anything we could ever think or imagine. Brittany Ann, Putting God First
Inspirational Quotes for Students - God created and loves the family, and he has a plan for the family that is far greater than our plan. Ruth Schwenk, For Better or for Kids
Family Love Quotes - Do you ever think about where and how you can be part of God’s plan, not just a spectator or consumer? Jonah Jeremiah, The Five Fold
Thinking - When we look backward, we see that God was in control even when it looked like our lives were out of control. Steve Farrar, God Built
Life and Struggles - Even if we don’t always know what is going on in our lives or things are changing, God knows and He has a plan to make things great for us. Patricia Meyers; Amy Middleton, 28 Extraordinary Object Lessons for Home School and Sunday School
Change - God planned for us to have families. He loves family, and He wants us to be members of His family. Patricia Meyers, 70 Extraordinary Object Lessons for Home School and Sunday School
Family - “And I am just one of many who repurposed their lives after they heard about the plan God had for them and as they experienced how God moved in another person’s life and purpose.” Matt Brown, Awakening
Experience - You’ll never find your place in God’s plan until you have the correct perspective of yourselfBruce Bickel, Stan Jantz, 1 and 2 Corinthians
Philosophy - Desire for God’s plan increases only as we let loose our desire for some other plan.Larry Christenson, The Renewed Mind
Desire - And when we truly believe God and act in faith, we will see victory in our lives.Sandra Thompson Davis, The Simplicity of God’s Plan
Believe in God - Death is something untimely and will always leave the heart, soul, and mind wounded because a piece of our own lives feels scraped away when we lose someone. Though the pain is unfortunate, God always knows best. Jerrica Davis, No One Knows Your Cry: The 20 Reasons Why

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