40 Walk Away Quotes: For when the Time Has Come to Finally Leave
When is it time to walk away? And when do we stick around and stay (or even fight it out)?Everyone has to make decisions like these from time to time. It might be a disappointing or frustrating job, relationship, or business partnership. Our ‘will to continue’, to see things through – is absolutely vital for developing good character and staying power.
When we take FULL responsibility for our life’s outcomes and don’t put the blame on others, sometimes we might have to think about finally letting things go and moving on.
So when DO we walk away? When DO we quit, give up or back out? When people ask me this – I always recommend taking out a pen and paper and listing ‘everything for staying’ and ‘everything for leaving’. Then think about ‘future you’. Will you be happier? More fulfilled? In better balance? Only you can answer these questions. One things for sure – you should never quit just because it’s tough. As the famous quote goes – ‘don’t wish things were easier, wish YOU were better’.
So, it comes down to thinking about your long term future… if you’re going to get into a bar fight or a verbal fight – walk away and cool down (nothing good can come of that). But if you’re walking away from a marriage, or a job, or something else important… stop and think and weigh things up. And think of your future self – will that person thank you for walking away? If so – then you might then know what to do.
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Published by: Ben Gillison
- Don’t walk away from negative people – run!
Mark Twain
Mark Twain - Stick to your morals, you know that man is not worthy of holding you, or even claiming you, the hardest thing to do is what walk away from him and say the truth.
Lizenda LiceaDiaz, The Darkness
Morals Quotes - God will always bring the right people into your life, but you have to let the wrong people walk away. Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen
Joel Olsteen - One thing I can say is if your gut feeling is telling you to walk away, it is probably the best decision you could make.
J. Riggins
Gut Feeling Quotes - Walk away from friendships that make you feel small and insecure, and seek out people who inspire you and support you.
Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama - At this very point, it is time to walk away.
Bruce D. Hugg, Tell Her She Is Old and Fat, and Walk Away!
Short - Be Confident, Be Prepared, and Be Willing to Walk Away
Lee E. Miller, Jessica Miller, A Woman’s Guide to Successful Negotiating:
Confidence - If someone gets mad and tries to hurt you, the best thing to do is just walk away.
The Walker Social Skills Curriculum
Hurt - I may sometimes walk away confused; but I also walk away alive.
Doug Brooks, Middle Age Renaissance
Get Back Up - Sometimes the hardest thing to do is walk away. Whether it’s from a relationship, a job, a habit, or a thing….walking away isn’t easy but necessary.
Ruthe McDonald, What Love Teaches Me
Hardship - It’s time to walk away when saying the words “I love you” become a task.
Jacqueline Scales, Craig C. Thomas, Let’s Just Agree to Disagree
Sad Love - You know it’s time to walk away when the fun and laughter are gone and only pain and sadness exist.
Jacqueline Scales, Craig C. Thomas, Let’s Just Agree to Disagree
Pain - There is a time to stay the course and a time to walk away. There is a tipping point when the effort becomes useless, exhausting beyond measure.
Jen Hatmaker, For the Love
Time - You also have the courage to walk away from anything or anyone who does not align with your vision for your life. You are more powerful than you can ever imagine. I know you are
SharRon Jamison, I Have Learned a Few Things
Courage - It’s time to walk away from this life and start fresh.
A.M. Willard, A Taste of Love Series
New Beginnings - I realise that sometimes it takes more courage to walk away.
Theresa Tan, Letter to My Daughter
Strength and Courage - It takes courage to walk away from the crowd, away from friends and sometimes even family. It takes courage to do the will of God because many times you will find that to choose God means to walk along.
Dr. M.P. Washington, Strength
God’s Will - I want to give it all I can for as long as I can and then walk away. I’d prefer to decide when that time comes, not have the decision made for me.
Rich Froning, First
Decisions - We may not need to lose ten to twenty pounds, but most of us need to lose some heavy negative mental baggage. Letting go may sound like a passive thing to do, but it isn’t.
Kitty Chappell, Soaring Above the Ashes on the Wings of Forgiveness
Letting Go - Walking away is never easy, whether is from a person, a job, or a dream, walking away can feel like you are losing a part of yourself. Find acceptance in knowing that you gained experience and memories. You can’t make a dead horse drink!
Courtney James, How to Change the World in One Year
Finding Yourself - Walking away is never easy when binding rivers of familiarity flow through the vessels of solitary images. It is the fear of being alone that stands in the doorway of reality revealed.
Zemill, Love Unleashed
Rivers - I know leaving a relationship especially with someone you truly love must be the hardest thing to do, but turning back only will hurt you more.
Portia Conway, Letting Him Go A Woman’s Guide to Walking Away
Be True to Yourself - There are some things I have never told you, but I hope you understand that walking away from you is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Staying away is torture, but Darlin’, you deserve more.
Evelyn Montgomery, Devotion
Understanding Quotes - Release yourself from anxiety, depression, and fear. Once you get away from anxiety, you tend to feel better and look better.
Prophetess Dr. Monica B. Kearse, Divine Release
Depression - Release yourself from fear, release yourself from bondage, release yourself from heartache and take back your power.
Leah Baldwin, Choose Your Greatest Reality
Heartbroken - You will achieve great success in knowing when enough is enough, when doing what you need to do, but not more.
Tara Diversi, Adam Fraser, The Good Enough Diet
Achievement - You have to let go of what is hurting you, even if it feels almost impossible.
Teshome Wasie, Removing Mental Barriers to Success
Words of Encouragement - One of the most courageous decisions you can ever make is to let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.
J. Edwards
Soul Quotes - It breaks my heart it hurts me so, but I must leave I have to walk away and let go.
Barbara T. Aimable, More Poems and Love Songs
Sad Quotes - Sometimes it is right just to walk away and let go for another soul’s journey.
Elizabeth Villani, Love
Journey - Sometimes the hardest thing is knowing when to walk away from a fight.
Ed Stetzer, Christians in the Age of Outrage
Fight - When we walk away from our suffering, we also tend to walk away from things that matter to us. So walking away has costs that can deeply diminish your life.
Matthew McKAY, John P. Forsyth, Georg H. Eifert, Your Life on Purpose
Overcoming Obstacles - Every burden that you carry was created in the past. Now would be a good time to leave them there…
Past - Sometimes it takes more courage to walk away than it does to fight.
Louis Sachar, The Boy who Lost His Face
Being Strong - The failures of the past, the regrets of the past, the disappointments of the past, the fears of the past are in the past; we’re to leave them in the past.
Failure - God does not walk away from us; we (through sin) walk away from him.
Indiana Tuggle, Stop Asking Why Are You Single
God Quotes About Life - The past is the past. Learn from your mistakes. Follow those stepping-stones toward what lies ahead of you.
Deann Hummel, A Walk Beside Me
Mistakes - As hard as it might be, when someone else chooses to stay stuck, it’s usually best to walk away.
Sally M. Veillette, Coming to Your Senses
Negative People - If you can’t compromise, you need to walk away from the situation. You have to learn when it is better to walk away.
David Lyles Lehman, My Road to Recovery
Learning - To surrender does not mean to give up. To surrender does not mean to roll over and play dead. To surrender means to understand. It means to submit to a feeling or a will much greater than our own. It means learning to walk away from what we know doesn’t quite work.
Dennis Maglinte, Awareness of the Heart
Giving Up
![Don't walk away from negative people - run! Mark Twain](https://wow4u.com/wp-content/uploads/dwafn.jpg)
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