53 Honor Quotes
Be inspired by our collection of honor quotes. Honor is an important virtue in anyone’s life, it has been a prime fundamental in many civilizations throughout history and continues to be so to this day. honor is one of the best virtues a human being can have at their side. A person with honor is more likely to have a higher standard of morals and is usually a credit to society. To live a life with honor is to have a strong heart and trusting personality, you won’t deliberately cause people financial or social harm and you won’t be motivated to do things that cause people distress.
Honor is a trait that will take you far in life, and the great thing about it is, that it can be earned in the 21st century without joining the army or being born into nobility! Honor only takes a few lifestyle changes to achieve and can be displayed in every aspect of your life. Trust and being honest in everything you do are some of the small things that can be adapted to make you a more honorable person.
To honor a person is to show respect.
I hope you enjoy are honor quotes sourced from some of the greatest minds in history.
Page Contents:
Published by: Ben Gillison
- Acts of honor come from honor written upon the heart.
Joseph A. Nosak, Lessons from Antigua - Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand, and at your discretion people are made great and given strength.
Daniel Kolenda, Freedom from Debt
Wealth - My victory and honor come from God alone.
Karol Ladd, Pursuing God in the Quiet Places
Short Quotes About God - Honor has a ring of heroism and nobility.
Unni Wikan, In Honor of Fadime
Hero - There is honor in all work.
Old Saying
Inspirational Sayings - Honor can’t be forced, taken, or withheld for emotional ransom.
Paul Ward, The Power of Honor
Emotion - Honor can also be acquired. This is done by excelling others.
Thomas O. Buford, Know Thyself
Helping Others - Honor isn’t merely important to relationships, it’s absolutely critical.
Gary Smalley, Secrets To Lasting Love
Relationships - Honor comes from service. It comes from accomplishment.
Grant McCracken, The New Honor Code
Accomplishment - Honor is absolute.
Unni Wikan, In Honor of Fadime
Short - Honor comes from suffering the pain of being wrong, And faith from trusting god, however hard, however long!
Ken White
Pain - Honor ought to be given to virtue and not riches.
Wisdom Quotes - Honor is the reward of virtue; but it is gotten with labor, and held with danger.
Lord Burleigh
Hard Work - Be not ashamed of thy virtues; honor is a good brooch to wear in a man’s hat at all times.
Ben Jonson
Be Yourself - Unblemished honor is the flower of virtue – the vivifying soul! He who slights it, will leave the other dull and lifeless dross.
J. Thompson
soul - Yonder is the hill of honor, reaching to the heavens; but to ascend it one must first pass through the valley of humility.
Humble Quotes - Honor comes from humility and respect.
KaShana K. J. Gallentine, You Can Overcome the Jealousites in Your Life
Respect - The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world is to be in reality what we would appear to be; all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice and experience of them.
True Blue Indigo, Numbered Days —Socrates
Experience - We all have to live with our consciences, and honorable behavior can make living easier.
Armed Forces Talk – Issue 448
Meaningful - He would live with honor and humility. He would work hard and treat others fairly. He would live right.
Stan Buckley, I Was Thinking
Motivational Quotes For Work - Be like fire, when it gets up, it works. Be like night, when it gets up, its rests. Honor principles, shun facts. Honor facts, shun opinions. Honor opinions, shun rumors. In principles resides the highest wisdom.
Cupideros, Cosco’s Wisdom Scroll
Opinion - If you live with honor, your choices are based on what you value most. You know that you can do more with others than you can alone. You know that it is only through empowering others that you can achieve what is possible.
Blaine Lee, The Power Principle
Value - To live with honor means you adopt a higher standard. You rise above the status quo and reflect a system of values bigger than you are as an individual.
Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick, Randy Alcorn,The Resolution for Men, LeatherTouch
Life - We live with honor when we are true to what we believe is right.
Annette W. Geffert, Diane Brown, A Toolbox for Our Daughters
Believe - To live honestly is to live with honor.
Randy Bishop, A Civil War Devotional
Honesty - Live with honor. Live with respect, live with truth.
Benjamin Othmar, Deepak Burfiwala, No Matter Who You Are, You Too Can be Rich
Truth - We live with honor by investing our time well. By investing in others. By taking advantage of opportunities we have and discovering the wonder of all it takes for our lives to continue— our breathing, our pulse, our senses.
Zach Hunter, Chivalry
Opportunity - You can begin to learn to live with honor by learning to live your life in spirit and truth.
Jerry Davis, Good Vs. Evil
Learning - We must live with honor; just like flowing water will never go stale, people must live with honor.
John Teofilo Padilla Jr., Joe and the Peace Eternal
River Quotes - The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.
Greatness - If they live, they live with honor.
- The best way I have found to describe honor is that if you are truly living with honor, you will have no regrets about what you have done with your life.
KIM OGREN, A Journey Along a Runic Path
Regret - Honor is the moral conscience of the great.
Sir W. Davenant
Greatness - Honor is not love of innocence, but praise; the fear of censure, not the scorn of sin.
A. Hill
Proverbs - Honor is immortal.
Short Positive Quotes - Honor is a divine good.
Good - Nothing is good but what is honorable
Philosophy - Better be without food than without honor.
Food - No man despises honor but he who despairs of it.
Words of Encouragement - The journey of high honor lies not in smooth ways.
Sir P. Sidney
Journey - Honor is honor; but gold and silver are not honor.
Moral Quotes - No one ever lost his honor except he who had it not.
Publius Syrus - Honor blinds me, and I wish to give it satisfaction.
Corneille - It is but small honor to fight against your inferiors.
Al-Muhallab - Honor is a sacred place which the soul alone inhabits.
Calderon - Let honor be to us as strong an obligation as necessity is to others.
Pliny - What is becoming is honorable, and what is becoming.
Tully - Honor, glory and renown are to many persons more sweet than life.
Cicero - Our own heart, and not other men’s opinions form our true honor.
S. T. Coleridge - A man having honor and wanting wisdom, is like a fair tree without fruit.
A. Calmet - A good and honorable character is a safe provision for every event and every turn of fortune.
Menander - The best way to live with honor, and die with praise, is to be honest in our desires, and temperate in our tongues.
J. B.Berners - Discretion and hardy valor are the twins of honor, and nursed together, make a conqueror; divided, but a talker.
J. Fletcher
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