Accountability Quotes Page 3
Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison
- “Accountability breeds response-ability.” Stephen R. Covey
Famous - Accountability to others and for what you do begins with respect for who you are and your behavior. Byron Pulsifer
Character - Take ownership and seek inspiration to create your own narrative. Mahatma Ghandi, The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi be yourself
Deep Quotes - Be accountable for your feelings and actions because YOU chose to have them! Pamela Baron Waldbauer
Emotion Quotes - Nurses are the glue that hold the unit together. We have to communicate, document, teach and support, which can lead to a quick burn out. Jessica Sinclair, Network Like You Mean It!
Nurse Quotes - “Team basics include size, purpose, goals, skills, approach, and accountability. Paying rigorous attention to these is what creates the conditions necessary for team performance.” Douglas Smith; Jon Katzenbach, The Wisdom of Teams
Teamwork - “Building a culture in which people take accountability to deliver on its promises is hard work and can be difficult to accomplish. Only when every person is held accountable to themselves, their peers, and their shared possibility can the impossible become possible.” Ginger Graham
Possibilities - “Accomplished leaders build and sustain brand loyalty by delivering on their promises.” Ashley Sheetz
Leadership - “One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about habit development is that you need accountability to stick to a major goal. It’s not enough to make a personal commitment.” S. J. Scott, The Accountability Manifesto
Commitment - “The first step to creating a wealthy life is starting from wherever you are today. That self-honesty takes the highest level of personal accountability.” Loral Langemeier
Wealth - It is time to reaffirm the value of truth and the extension of that truth is personal accountability. Theordore W. Higgingsworth
Truth - “Just as Oprah Winfrey could be counted on by her audience and Nelson Mandela was accountable to the people of South Africa, you must be counted on by your customers, your manager, manager, your teammates at work, and your family at home.” Mark Samuel, Making Yourself Indispensable
Customer Service - “Most organizations are not as effective as they could be at getting things done. And lack of accountability is a big reason why; often it’s the reason why.” Greg Bustin, Accountability: The Key to Driving a High-Performance Culture
Work - “With a company full of accountable people, extraordinary things, even the entirely unexpected, tend to happen.” Roger Connors; Thomas Smith; Craig Hickman, The Oz Principle
Words of Encouragement - A good way to do this is set some goals for yourself and then to find a friend or other person who can hold you accountable or compete with you on it. Then you can both work towards that goal and see who can reach it first or at the very least they can hold you accountable if you are not taking the appropriate actions. Ace McCloud, Sales: Communication Skills
Goals - “You don’t choose the day you enter the world and you don’t chose the day you leave. It’s what you do in between that makes all the difference.” Anita Septimus
Choices - “In life we can have results or reasons. If you are not getting the results you want, your reasons are the lies that you keep telling yourself.” Harald Anderson, Be Realistic: Create a Miracle!
Life - “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” Ronald Reagan
Action - “Employers today are looking to their leaders to think more strategically. No longer is it acceptable to focus on the day to day issues. The team is accountable for the day to day decisions.” Catherine Pulsifer
Leadership vs Management - “Moral conduct includes every thing in which men are active and for which they are accountable. They are active in their desires, their affections, their designs, their intentions, and in every thing they say and do of choice; and for all these things they are accountable to God.” Nathaniel Emmons
God - “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” Benjamin Franklin
Excuses - Accountability is a current that feeds into the slipstream of success. Your performance, your decisions, and your results are all within your control; when you operate from that premise, magic happens.Mike Evans, Achieve with Accountability
Success - “The person you have to account to is you. You should never try to mold yourself to meet anyone else’s desires, or views.” Catherine Pulsifer, Who Do You Account To
Inspirational Quotes - The notion of accountability has emerged as a human tool to motivate people – do what you’re supposed to do or you’ll be held to account.Art Horn, Throw Your Stuff Off the Plane
Motivational - Our own actions (Karma) are the causes of whatever we experience.Yamini Kharat, Silence Sensation Serenity
Karma - Be accountable for your actions and attitudes. Find the truth and be honest!JasperOne
Truth - Holding yourself accountable is the key to being successful and making sure that your goals are reached.Dr. Dione Milan K. Washington, Living the Life You Love
Achieving Goals - You need to take charge of your actions and be accountable for your life.Ivan Herald, Living Outside the Box
Life - A decision to emphasize one form of accountability over another can have significant consequences. At times it can even spell the difference between life and death.Steven J. Balla, Bureaucracy and Democracy
Decision - Organizations depend on accountability so they can accomplish their results. If it weren’t for coordinated task lists and feedback systems that allow management to hold people accountable, things just would not go swimmingly at all.Art Horn, Throw Your Stuff Off the Plane
Accomplishment - Accountability crumbles silos, boosts teamwork and collaboration, strengthens camaraderie, creativity, resiliency, agility, trust, and communication.Mike Evans, Achieve with Accountability
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